The SHTF Farmer - Curtis Stone
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Welcome to SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) Farmer. This is a place where I share ideas, news worthy items, content, and things that I am thinking.
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Another great scene from Brazil. Welcome to the paper world. I've been showing this clip at the beginning of the law workshops lately because it's so perfect to visualize the matrix as we experience it.
Over the last few months, a lot of people have told me that they are dealing with STOP WORK ORDERS in BC on their homestead properties. There is a solution to this, but it involves not having any debt or leverage on your property.

One of the big secrets I've uncovered over the last few years is that, you do not need to exit the Matrix in order to get remedy. Equitable and legal remedy is available to you no matter what capacity your in. The red pill for the red pill crowd is that this whole thing of trying to separate the PERSON from the man / woman is a total waste of time. I believe it's a red herring.

All the remedies I have used, have nothing to do with playing the name game or using trusts. It's not that Trusts and Common Law don't have merrit, it's just that they are not needed in order to get your freedom.

We step out of the Matrix to learn what it is and how to navigate it, get a third person perspective on it if you will, then we go right back in, armed with the shield of Truth and the Sword of Equity.
The workshops I teach are all about practical remedy. If you're self-employed, have a business and own property, I can help you achieve near complete freedom. Of course there are some things that are unavoidable such as sales tax and property tax, but there are simple ways to avoid almost everything else, completely legally within the Matrix.

The whole system revolves around your consent and the golden goose of your signature. Without it, the Matrix has nothing on you. As I have said before, the only Equitable rights you have, are the ones you claim.

I have five more law workshops in Canada this year planned. They have been going so well, that I have added a couple more.

Comox, BC August 10 & 11
Edmonton, AB October 5 & 6
Vancouver, BC October 19 & 20
Kelowna, BC November 16 & 17
Toronto area December 14 & 15.

Reach out to me at to learn more.
The biggest red pill I've had over the last couple years is the understanding that your capacity as a human regarding the LEGAL PERSON is irrelevant, your declaration of the capacity of the money is all that matters. The Matrix is the money system through and through.

Your remedy is not dependent on the existence of the PERSON, but in the way you use it. Having said that, if you don't know it exists, it's hard to get the proper perspective on what it is and how you can use it.

Imagine the scene in the movie The Matrix, Morpheus has to pull Neo out of the Matrix, teach him in the Kung Fu simulator, then he goes back in armed with the truth. In law, I call it the Shield of Truth and Sword of Equity.

The truth is that you cannot separate the LEGAL PERSON (at least in Canada), therefor I have found that it's a pointless pursuit. Once you learn the framework of the Matrix, you can use the truths to get your remedy through the Equitable Maxims and commerce.

The real gravy with Equity is that you do not need to change your status in order to access it. Equitable remedy is baked in at the foundational level and available to all commercial interactions in it.

It is all about the money at its root. But, all commercial interactions require your consent. You most likely just didn't realize it because the language in the letter you received was in legalese and not English. So, you misunderstood or misinterpreted it.

But a legal maxim (not equitable maxim) you may know is, "ignorance is not an excuse in a court of law". The fact that you didn't know doesn't always get you a remedy. You still need to correct the record...

Thoughts for the day. Have a great one folks!
Hey friends, I have mentioned all the law workshops that I will be doing in Canada up until the new year, but I'm curious if anyone would be interested in attending one in MEXICO? I've got a few options to host one in the Puerto Vallarta / Sayulita area this coming Februrary. I will be down at Anarchapulco again Feb 17-21 and will probably host a workshop after the event up in the PV area. If you would be interested in attending such a thing in MEXICO, please reach out and let me know.
If you could undo or remove one form of tax or regulation you pay or deal with in your life, which one would you get rid of?
Anonymous Poll
Income Tax
Occupational Licenseing
Property Permitting
I’ve been on a path to understand the Matrix for over 20 years, but it’s been 10 years since I started getting answers and then finding remedy. My journey really began to accelerate with a conditional acceptance to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency back in 2017 and so many others since then.

What has really solidified for me in the last 3 years, is that all our remedy is available right within the confines of the Matrix itself, straight up within commerce. No need to play the Name Game and try to address the Birth Certificate at all, at least not in Canada. More on that another time.

However, it’s the understanding of the Equitable and Legal Maxims, which come from trust law, that can guide us towards all our remedies within commerce (the legal system). Imagine the film The Matrix, where Morpheus pulls Neo out, shows him the truth, then trains him in the Kung Fu simulator, then they go back in. The training was Equity, but they had to go back into The Matrix (commerce) to get remedy.

I have identified three types of remedy through my practice. There might be more out there and keep in mind, I’m just a guy who has figured things out by doing them. I have no credentials, I’ve just thrown a bunch of mud at a wall and observed what stuck. I’m no lawyer, maybe a legal cowboy at best 😉

The three types of remedy I have discovered are:

1. Principle: You can win on something that is fundamental within the letter sent to you, a contradiction in terms or even a loophole within the articles themselves. Often, you’ll find a principle remedy right on the front page of the letter the state agency sent you or within the definitions of the Act.

2. Jurisdiction: In law, the higher jurisdiction wins. Just like a federal agency trumps a state or provincial one. For example, when Trudeau pulled the Emergencies Act during the Covid show, we discovered later by the Supreme Court rulings, that it was subject to the Canadian Charter the whole time, therefor was null and void. That is an example of jurisdictional remedy.

3. Money: The entire system is based on money, that’s why we call it The Matrix, Commerce. The birth certificate is connected to the global banking system and ultimately all ends up at the Vatican, but is administered through The City of London. The way I think about it all in a super macro-perspective is that God created the world, but the Devil administers it. Nothing can get us out of that reality, that’s why I just focus on commerce. You can win on the money a lot of times, but not always. A common remedy with money is a Conditional Acceptance. “I agree to the terms upon acceptance of my fee schedule…”.

Since my realization that we’re all in commerce I have decided to focus my attention on three primary solutions for finding freedom. They are as follows; Income tax, business and property. There are many other things one could focus on, but these three address these weakest links, you can experience a high degree of freedom. Having said that, I’m always learning and looking for new solutions.

If you want to learn more about what I’ve learned, I have been running private and in-person workshops all over Canada this year. I only teach this information in private because I share my paper work and letters and I don’t want them ending up online. Remedy is powerful, life-changing and needs to be treated with respect. I focus on winning over being right. I have no interest in taking down the system or starting a revolution because I know those are always traps. I’m only interested in helping individuals taking or keeping what’s theirs and quietly walking away. That’s my modus operandi.

If you’d like to join me at one of these workshops, feel free to reach out to me at and I can give you more information. I only teach 20 people or less per workshop.

My next workshop is coming up in two weeks in Comox, BC. We still have a few spots left.

I haven’t added the date yet, but there might be one in Mexico in February. More on that as it develops.

The rest of the workshops for Canada are:
- August 10 & 11, Comox, BC.
- Edmonton, October 5 & 6
- Vancouver, October 19 & 20
- Kelowna, November 16 & 17
- Toronto, Dec 14 & 15
Hey folks, still a few spots available for the COmox workshop August 10 & 11. Also, there has been a date change to the Kelowna one. It will now be November 9 & 10. Email me at if you're interested.
The Meme Man in the house!
What's your preferred time of day for you to listen to a livestream? I'm going to stream tomorrow (Monday) and cover a ton of stuff including the weather modification documents I received from Environment Canada.
Anonymous Poll
Morning PDT
Afternoon PDT
Evening PDT
Monday August 5 6 pm PDT. I'll be live for the first time in many months. We'll do some catching up, I'll lay down some predictions for 2024 and we'll dive into my FOIA docs that I have received from Environment Canada regarding Geo-Engineering.

Also, we'll be running X Spaces at the same time, so you'll be able to call in.

I hope to see you there.
Do you own your homestead property with or without a mortgage?

I discovered recently that in BC, the enforceable policies on your land, actually come from the bank, not the municipality.

If you want to be able to do whatever you want on your homestead property, you have to own it without a mortgage or have a lender that doesn't require municipal compliance on your lending agreement.

As I've said in the past, where the money flows, the policy goes.
Do you have a mortgage on your homestead?
Anonymous Poll
Have a mortgage?
No mortgage?
With a potential shut down of telegram looming, follow me on X as a secondary source. @offgridstone
I've got four more law workshops this year. I intentionally don’t say too much about these publicly because the information is not for everyone, nor is it meant to wake people up or change the system. I teach people how to use tools within the system to find freedom. It’s all evidence based and practically applied.

- Edmonton (St. Albert), October 5 & 6
- Vancouver, October 19 & 20
- Kelowna, November 9 & 10
- Toronto (Pickering), Dec 14 & 15

If you want to know more, reach out to me at