SG 🇸🇬 Suspected Vaccine Injuries Channel
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Reaching out to vaccine-injured Singaporeans for the #truth

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My Open Letter (above) has been picked up and made its rounds, garnering more comments than all my previous articles. More than 350 persons have signed when I have not publicised it openly. Will we hit thousands before I send in this finalised letter?

This is my best attempt at a scientific calculation. I took time to calculate and compare official data from MOH and HSA. Only official data. So those who call this conspiracy don't know what they are saying.

I understand some parents can't wait to vaccinate their children. I urge us all once again to study the scientific data and draw our conclusions ONLY after we have researched on an actual matter. I do not presume what your choice should be, except to say we have to own this homework, and that there must be no coercion nor misinformation on the part of the authorities to push for vaccines indiscriminately unto our children.

This is tough to write. I can only say I write this in love. It has come to a critical juncture if I don't speak truth as it is, it could be meaningless to try to say anything more after this.

I hope you will join me in signing this letter -
34 year old Chinese male with no medical conditions, took 2nd dose Pfizer on 10 Aug. Before taking any vaccination, he used to play tennis for 2 hrs weekly. After resting for a week, he resumed his tennis but was not able to last 10 minutes. He felt like fainting and laid flat on the floor. He has been experiencing body shaking, for instance, hands shaking while drinking soup. When he gets agitated with someone, his whole body will shake. He has difficulty standing up after squatting down.

He had Covid-19 sometime in November and has recovered. His symptoms did not get better or worse after getting Covid-19. He did not seek treatment as he thought it is not life threatening and could live with it.

We thank him for sharing his experience. We hope that the next time he visits a doctor he will share his symptoms and get advice from the doctor. We hope his symptoms will get better over time.
72 year old female with history of Motor Neurone Disease (ALS), took 1st dose Pfizer on 16 Jun. One month later, her muscles were weakened and she was unable to pass urine/motion. She went to A&E, where they pumped her stomach to remove the faeces. Now she needs a catheter to remove her urine and is hospitalised.

Before her jab, although she has weak leg muscles and was on wheelchair, she could still go to the toilet on her own. After the jab, her condition deteriorated rapidly. Her stomach became bloated and hard from not defecating even with the help of medication. That was when she was sent to A & E and the attending doctor mentioned that she should not have taken the vaccine given her existing conditions.

We hope she will get better and be able to discharge soon.
48 year old male with history of heart failure and Rheumatoid Arthritis, took 1st dose Pfizer on 10 April 2021. 3 days later, he experienced muscle & joint pain, fatigue, abdominal discomfort and irregular heartbeat. His joint pains worsened and his point finger was swollen until he could hardly move it. He couldn’t lift up his arms too due to a severe pain on his shoulders.

His autoimmune doctor gave the green light for him to go for the vaccination. Unfortunately, he has since passed on. We are so sorry for this lady's loss of her beloved husband (case reported by his wife).
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37 year old Javanese female with a history of diabetes, took 1st dose Sinovac on 25 Nov, at Mutual Healthcare Anchorvale. The following day, she experienced severe rashes, ring of compression around her head, blocked ears & chest tightness. Up till now, she is still feeling warmth and tightness in her heart intermittently.

Her husband, who has allergies, also took the same dose together with her. Within 10 minutes, he broke out into cold sweats and dizziness. The doctor took her husband's pulse, said it may just be because of elevated BP and told her husband to rest at home. Upon reaching home, he started having rashes on his chest and arms.

On 28th, both of them went back to the clinic for a check up on the reactions. However, their doctor dismissed their conditions and refused to write any exemption as it was not 'severe' enough.

We hope that both her husband and her conditions will improve over time.

PS: You may pause the video to read the screenshot details.
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Please check your Covid-19 jab batch number against the worldwide data collated in the app attached (zip file) to know if you received a jab from a problematic batch and therefore suffered a severe adverse event from it.

So far, our group's database has captured Pfizer batches starting with ER, EK and EP to be associated with severe adverse reactions.

We would like to know if our finding is simply coincidental or if it does strongly correlate to worldwide data.

Your help is needed and will be greatly appreciated.

For private sharings of suspected vaccine injuries with known batch number (found in your Health Hub app linked from your TraceTogether App), please PM our admin at @sgvaxinjuries
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37 year old Chinese female who is allergic to pain killer, took 1st dose Pfizer on 15 Jul at Jurong Polyclinic. After just 20 minutes, she experienced difficulties with speech, (need to make a big effort to even speak 1 word) severe headache and her blood pressure increased by about 1/3. Her difficulties with speech lasted for less than an hour while her headache lasted for 6 days. After being put on drip and completing blood test in hospital, she slept for 3 full days. On the 4th day while walking for less than 100m, she felt chest discomfort. She was unable to work for more than half a day without having a headache on the 5th & 6th day. She only recovered on the 7th day.

The doctor who attended to her registered Tozinameran as a suspected adverse drug reaction for her. She proceeded to take Sinovac for her 2nd dose. She has since fully recovered from her symptoms.
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37 year old Indonesian female who is allergic to antibiotic medicine, took 1st dose Sinovac (batch no B20210788) on 11 Dec, at Edgedale Medical Clinic at Punggol. Within 30 mins, she felt cold, chest tightness, heart palpitations, her whole body was trembling and then fainted. She was hospitalised for 3 days. She stills feels chest tightness after her discharge from hospital up til today.

Her employer reported her adverse conditions to HSA on 15 Dec but did not apply for VIFAP. The clinic refused to give her an exemption letter and instead insisted that she go to an allergy clinic for review.

We hope she can recover from her chest tightness soon and that she can be exempted from future jabs.
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40 year old Caucasian male took the Sinopharm jab (batch numbers 2021061292 and 2021082660) on 20/10/2021 and 10/11/2021 respectively and developed a swollen node on the back of his neck. It responded to ibuprofen and disappeared after approx. 2 weeks.

He is a semi-competitive endurance athlete and did not experience any decline in his sporting performance.

We thank him for sharing his case with us in such great detail and hope that everything else continues to be fine for him in the future.
10 year old Mark Khoo's Open Letter to our Singapore President and Prime Minister.

Our team has verified who the original author is and we know from his father that he wrote this letter by himself proactively, without any prompting nor guidance from his parents.

Thank you Mark!
2021 年 12 月 27 日


尊敬的 Mdm 总统和总理先生,
为了我自己和大家的利益,我想了解一些有关辉瑞疫苗的事实,政府正在为 12 岁以下儿童提供符合条件的疫苗。

3) 议会关于疫苗的声明是否属实?如果是这样,为什么美国有这么多的疫苗伤害和死亡?

为什么我问这些问题是为了让我能够分辨什么是好的,什么不是。我也想请求政府不要强制要求每个人都接种疫苗。在印度,他们使用伊维菌素并摆脱了病毒。但在这里,我们使用了辉瑞,但仍在与 COVID-19 作斗争,因为我们相信疫苗可以帮助应对大流行。

1) Unvax 不能堂食,
2) Unvax 不能去商场,并且
3) Unvax只能从商店等等处购买大宝。

如果您说“疫苗在预防 COVID-19 传播方面并非 100% 有效,但它们提供了一些保障”,为什么只有未接种疫苗的人采取措施?接种疫苗的人不也应该有措施吗?


Mark Khoo,一个 10 岁的学生

From one of our injured - Yvonne

I’m actually tired already
What a long fight
But am motivated by the rest who have fought a year and still trying.

I’d like some help
If u know of anyone who has heart failure after vaccine / or articles that may be of help in my battle with moh .. Eg. “Everyone is advised to take vaccine “

Kindly FB me.
Thanks in advance.🍷
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81 year old lady took the first Pfizer jab on 20th Apr 2021 and developed shingles 2 days after. She has background medical conditions of hypertension and diabetes.

Her shingles lasted for 16 days and took 3 weeks to recover fully. She was thankfully well after.

We thank the family for sharing so openly.

Since April 2021, our team has received many reports on shingles occurring soon after the mRNA jabs and these observations are also made worldwide.

Experts worldwide have pointed to recent research explaining immune system alterations that make the jabbed more susceptible to infections after inoculation. As research data grows, we urge the public to make the most informed choice they can before deciding to go for their jabs and boosters.
Latest Updates on all our collated cases.
2nd January 2022

Verified = we have made direct contact with the concerned family member or victim him/herself and have collected all necessary crucial info

Unverified = case has been brought to our attention from a second/third person perspective and not all info that we usually seek for has been gathered.

Disclaimer about Information Accuracy:
Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, we make no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content on this report. We assume no liability or responsibility for any error or omissions in the information contained in this report.
🔅📢 We would like to share some good news with everyone.

👋Jab Injuries Global reached out to us asking for us to share our content together with their worldwide comrades in 🌍

💪We find common ground in sharing awareness on suspected vaccine injuries and providing a simple and neutral approach of giving a voice for the inconvenient truths that have been displaced, ignored, gaslighted and socially marginalised.

🙏In the last 8 months, we have seen overwhelming support for our channels where we started at with spin-offs into focus channels spanning Women's Health, Kopi, Concerned Parents, Natural Remedies & Humour (see subsequent post for affiliate groups).

🕯️Our group will to continue to strive to improve recognition of the invisible and marginalised that arise from social differentiation.

🌐We begin this comradeship via Insta link
➡️➡️ ⬅️⬅️

Do hit the follow 🔔, like ♥️ and share ▶️ this page with your friends so that we can get these stories out from Telegram to Instagram.
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30 year old Chinese female who is healthy, took 1st dose Pfizer (batch no FF2154) on 10 Aug at Minmed Vac Centre @Hougang CC. The following day, she felt chest pain, heart palpitations and a high heart rate. She was diagnosed with inappropriate sinus tachycardia and POTS syndrome. She was given Ivabradine to lower her heart rate. Her heart rate during sitting is around 100 and 2 mins of walking will raise to 150! As such, she needs a wheelchair when going out.

Her attending doctor did not write a proper report highlighting the abnormalities. She is hesitant to apply for VIFAP without good support from her doctor.

We hope she can recover from her multiple adverse reactions (a long list) and that she can be exempted from future jabs.

PS: Feel free to pause the video to read the screenshots.
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20 year old Chinese male with no medical conditions, took 1st dose Pfizer (batch FF3319) & 2nd dose Pfizer (batch FG1657) on 16 Aug & 27 Sep respectively, at Canberra CC.

Within a few hours of his 1st dose, he experienced severe cold symptoms, severe arm pain at injection site. The sinus symptoms persisted so he delayed his 2nd dose. After 2nd dose, he was down with 40 degree fever, severe sinus symptoms returned but without arm pain. His masks would get wet from mucus when he went to school. His sinus symptoms persisted till now. He has lost 3kg since his jabs.

We thank his mother for reporting his experience. We hope his symptoms will get better over time.