SG πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ Suspected Vaccine Injuries Channel
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Reaching out to vaccine-injured Singaporeans for the #truth

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28 year old Chinese female who has a history of IBS, food intolerances and gastritis, took 1st dose Pfizer (batch no FC9001) on 19 Jun and 2nd dose Pfizer (batch no FE8087) on 27 Jul at Bedoc CC. She experienced acute abdominal pain and nausea since 1st jab till now. She went A&E 3 times before being hospitalised for acute pancreatitis on 20 Sep for 1 week. She was diagnosed with Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction Type 3 which led to pancreatitis. Her doctor mentioned that it is due to vaccine and that many other patients’ gastro worsened after vaccination but MOH would not agree. She has since lost 7kg. Her request for exemption from mRNA booster (with memo written by her doctor) was rejected and was told to wait for Novavax.

We hope MOH will review her case and that she can be exempted from all future jabs.

PS: Pause the video to read if you find it too fast.
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66 year old male with history of gout, hypertension & high cholesterol, took 1st dose Pfizer 27 Mar 2021, 2nd dose 24 Apr, 3rd dose 30 Oct.

After his 2nd dose, he had a lump at the left back of neck for several months. 4 weeks after his 3rd jab, his left eye started to water and whenever he drinks, water drools off the left side of his lips. When his wife noticed his left eye drooping, he went to hospital and was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy. He was treated at NTFGH and is currently recovering.

We hope he will recover fully soon.

Ps: You may pause to read the screenshots.
Forwarded from Jab_Injuries_Singapore
Thoughts from an injured Singaporean, born and bred, who is strugglin to get bk on his feet:


I went to an induction ceremony which was said to be safe & effective. I had my reservations bt it was the only way to keep my job n see my sick parent in the πŸ₯. Unfortunately, I was part of the statistic that got hurt.

I share my story to warn on the trade-offs and also to seek support w other injured.

My life has never been and might nv be the same again thanks to taking that ONE chance at what was meant to be safe and effective.
I can go on and on about all that I took for granted to now that have slipped away .. but this is more than about myself alone. There are many people who suffer like me and need a voice - today I speak for them as well.
All I ask from you as a reader today is to have an open mind and healthy heart for people like myself. Remember us when you rationalise for your choice or hear of someone who is yet to be inducted.
They just might be suffering like me too.
By B Skye
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Nick, 33 years old Chinese male, who has no medical conditions, took 2nd dose Pfizer (batch no FE8087) on 1 Aug at Senja-casher CC (Thomson MediCal). A week later, he experienced severe chest pain and heart palpitations. Although he is getting better, he still has heart palpitations sometimes, even after 3 months. Due to his palpitations, he will get into a panic attack and hyperventilate, leading to his hands and legs getting cold with tingling sensations. He doesn’t dare to drive and can’t resume much of his daily life for fear of getting panic attack again.

We hope he recover from his conditions soon and get back to his former lifestyle.

PS: You may pause the video to read the screenshots
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Candy, a 32 year old Chinese female with a history of neck pain (C5/C6 bulging disc) & CIN1 high risk (removed & results negative), took 1st dose Pfizer (batch no 1C005A) on 1 Jul and 2nd dose Pfizer (batch no FF2154) on 1 Aug 2021. On 15 Aug, she experienced neck swell, dizziness, hot flushes, heart palpitation, high BP (180/115) and yeast infection. She was given Flagystatin Insert and Pregabalin injection at NUH A&E.

Her orthopaedic at NUH referred her to a cardiologist and her ECG stated 'Inferior Ischemia'. She is not diagnosed with any condition and is awaiting her echo heart scan 6 months later.

Later, Candy also contracted Covid but recovered quickly.

We hope she will be able to get a diagnosis for her ongoing injuries and start proper treatment soon.

Additionally, Candy's mother who has multiple health conditions also developed face swelling after taking the booster jab but was dismissed as a dental issue by her doctor.
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67 y.o. Chinese female with hypertension took 1st dose Pfizer (batch no. FF2154) on 5 Aug, 2nd dose Pfizer (batch no. FG1657) on 26 Aug at Healthway Vac Centre - CCK.

16 days after 1st dose, she experienced terrible pain in her whole head. Unaware that this could be due to the vaccine, she went for 2nd dose. Few days later, the pain spread to all parts of her body including other symptoms of numbness, pins & needles sensation, blurred vision, ear pressure and tinnitus, itch and dark skin patches, etc. Her knees became painful and swollen with cracking sounds when walking.

During her hospitalisation, she requested for eye & ear specialists but was sent a psychiatrist instead. None of her doctors are willing to certify her conditions vaccine-related making her unable to apply for VIFAP.

We hope the doctors can provide some diagnosis for her conditions soon and that she can be exempted from further shots.
Forwarded from Charlene πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬
Looking for a family of an injured! Can you contact me if you see this.

The story of this injured is she was admitted after her vaccination in Augest for chest pains. In and out hospital the last few months.

Recently diagnosed Cancer.!
Has been in the hospital for the last one month!
Yesterday she became positive with covid.!

If this injured fits your family member, can you contact me?
We really want to help her.
Forwarded from Jab_Injuries_Singapore
As part of our continued efforts to make known the lives of those of who have suffered jab injuries globally.

On every 1st of the month, we will be sharing a story of a covid vaccine injured person. We ask for everyone to reshare these stories to your followers on your Instagram stories

Do stay tuned tomorrow 1st March 2022 when we will be featuring one of our very own injured stories in an Instagram reel.

All we ask is for you to please help us share this wide and far with all your friends and family.

Backup channel :
Forwarded from Jab_Injuries_Singapore
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Today, 1st March 2022, Yvonne is required to be admitted to hospital again to implant a pacemaker in her heart. Yet, once again it seems the doctors are unsure if she should proceed with this.

Yvonne's mobility has recently improved. From only being able to move around for 5 mins, to 30mins a day, and now to being able to walk slightly more, she is only hopeful that she has more energy each day to spend time with her family. Her daughter is afraid of taking the 🀐 after witnessing what it has done for her mother.

Upon asking Yvonne what her long term plans are, she says she has none as she perceives her lifespan to have been reduced already. However, she is looking for others like herself who suffer from heart failure after taking the 🀐. Do contact her if you have a similar injury.

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Chinese lady 65 years old with multiple medical conditions, took the 2nd Pfizer jab on 17th Sept 2021 and experienced sudden weakness in legs. She fell down while walking 2 months later and sustained a burst fracture in her spine.

(More details in video)

However, on 3rd Mar 2022, after 2 months of intense rehab, she went for a bone density scan of her left leg and was in tremendous pain immediately after, losing the ability to walk.

Thankfully, earth grounding proved effective in managing these symptoms on 4th Mar 2022. Attached are videos of how her legs responded during the process, accompanied by a huge reduction in her leg pain. She was able to walk with the walking frame slowly without assistance after that.

We wish her a speedy recovery and thank her and her family for agreeing to share this case with us.
Forwarded from Charlene’s Story

I was injured on 24th Jan 2021 immediately after the PFrizer V@xxine, One year on still not fully recovered.

Due to this injury, I’ve been able to help so many more people. The community of injured might be a minority. We make the best of what we can in life for one another in moral support and remedies.

With the help of the admins of @SGVaxInjury. We have come up with customise treatment plan for my recovery.

My goal is to go back to being a professional chef physically and let others know there is HOPE in recovery.
It was not easy resorting to asking for help publicly like this having not taken up on friends’ offers many times prior.
My target is $4k for upcoming hospitalisation, medical reviews, supplements.
(I don’t play crypto/bitcoin) Any excess will be towards fellow (verified) injured.

If you can help, friends can

PayNow me at my Hp; 964.…. .

POSB : 050-54659-4
PayLah QR code attached in video
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A 53 year old Chinese female who is an active person and has no medical conditions, took 1st dose Pfizer (batch no 1C005A) on 1 Jul 2021 at Bishan CC. After more than a week, she experienced heart palpitations, shortness of breath, headaches, fatigues and poor memory. She visited A&E 3 times so far. She is getting better but not fully recovered. She has reported her case to HSA on 6 Sep 2021.

We hope she will be able to recover fully soon.

PS: You may pause to read the screenshots.
Dear all,

Exactly 1 year ago a few of us came together to create a place for the vaccine injured in Singapore to gather and share their stories.

What initially started off as an act of concern led to the unveiling of a part of our society that remains ever more marginalized, discriminated and oppressed as each day passes.

This part of our society exists among us in secrecy.

However, through you - the members of public who acknowledge the existence of vaccine injuries - do these rejected individuals maintain their ability to have a voice for themselves.

We thank you for being part of our journey this last 12 months.

Thank you for being generous of heart.
Thank you for lending your hand to those who need it most.
Thank you for returning dignity to the oppressed.

We look forward to doing more with everyone on this platform for the common good of our society where needed. Please continue to share our cases.

Wishing everyone a most restful Good Friday πŸ™
31 years old Chinese female with no medical history, took 1st dose Pfizer (batch no ???) on 3 Jul & 2nd dose Pfizer (batch no ???) on 31 Jul 2021 & 3rd dose on 6 Jan 2022. She did not encounter adverse reactions for first 2 doses. But after her booster, she has been having slight fever and diarrhoea. Her period became heavy and with clots lasting up to 15 days. She consulted a gynaecologist after 10 days of bleeding but could not diagnose any problem. She took TCM medication and her bleeding stopped on day 15. She also experience finger bone pains which she never had before.
We hope the doctors can provide some diagnosis for her conditions soon and that she can be exempted from further shots.
Dear all,

We would like to kindly remind everyone that our volunteers are not paid for what they do and have lives to live outside of their volunteering. Without these volunteers, we would not have a safe environment to commune in. Let's help keep this place alive by being kind to each other.

Hence, we urge all who correspond with our volunteers to always remain polite and show due kindness in return for the help you receive.

Kindly refer to our group rules should be unsure of the chat etiquette here:

Thank you!
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On the 10th August, our team sent an email containing the following attachments (SG VAER List and an appeal letter) to our Minister of Health and the PMO, President of Singapore.

We have yet to hear back from them as nearly 4 weeks have passed.

Therefore, we share the contents of our email and the compilation of our team's work from April 2021 to Sept 2022 with the public here as a conclusion of all the effort we have put in together over the many months. The identities of most of the submissions in the list are hidden to maintain privacy and confidentiality.

We thank each and every contribution we received and hope that the authorities will show some form of willingness to bridge the gap in medical care soon.