🇷🇺 Russian Mission to the EU 🇪🇺
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Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the European Union




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🇷🇺On 8 February 2023, a reception on the occasion of the Russian Diplomacy Day was held at the Permanent Mission of Russia to the European Union. The event was attended by heads and officials from diplomatic missions of some 40 countries representing the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, South and Southeast Asia, as well as members of business and journalistic communities.

🔹Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Russian Mission to the EU Kirill Logvinov welcomed the guests. In his adress he stressed that today the international relations system is undergoing profound upheavals and the process of forming a multipolar world has started. He voiced his conviction that all those gathered were united by the will to engage in mutually respectful dialogue and to seek mutually acceptable solutions to common challenges. ➡️https://bit.ly/3jUS0mO

🔹The reception participants viewed an exhibition on the history and traditions of Russian diplomacy on display in the Mission.

#DiplomatsDay #DiplomaticWorkersDay
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s greetings on #DiplomatsDay

💬 Today, we are celebrating Diplomatic Worker’s Day. I would like to congratulate all my colleagues, no matter where you work – on Smolenskaya Square, in the Foreign Ministry’s regional offices or in our numerous foreign missions – on our shared holiday.

February 10 is an important day for all Foreign Ministry staff. It symbolises the continuity of the diplomatic service and demonstrates to the country and the world our professional unity and the noble ideals of our country’s diplomacy.

☝️ This year we are celebrating our holiday against the backdrop of the hybrid war that the United States and its allies have unleashed on our country.

There is no doubt that Russia will withstand this time of trials and will become even stronger after overcoming them. The large-scale Russophobic campaign for which the collective West has been cultivating the Nazi regime in Kiev for many years has directly affected our diplomats as well. Many of our colleagues are now working in extreme conditions, often risking life and limb.

The Foreign Ministry team has always faithfully and fully done its duty to the Motherland and our people. And this time will be no different.

❗️ We will continue to do everything necessary to protect our national interests and create a favourable environment for Russia’s stable development and for raising the living standards of its people. The honour and dignity of our Motherland and all our citizens have never been and will never be subject to any compromise.

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🗓On 8 February 2024, the Permanent Mission of Russia to the EU hosted a reception for the diplomatic corps accredited in Brussels. The event brought together heads and senior diplomats from the representations of some 50 countries, as well as diplomatic missions of regional organisations.

🇷🇺To mark the Diplomacy Day, the national anthem of the Russian Federation was played.

💬In his welcoming address, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Russian Mission to the EU Kirill Logvinov emphasised in particular that Russian diplomacy, guided by the updated Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation, will continue to counter the West's attempts to ensure its own security at the expense of others and to make them hostage to its geopolitical games. The official stressed that Russia will promote equal relations with constructively minded partners and help build an infrastructure of interstate relations that is invulnerable to the pressure of those who, as in the days of colonialism, want to live at the expense of others.

📽On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the Maidan coup d'état, participants of the reception watched the RT film "Operation Ukraine. Terror on Demand".

📚The Russian Mission also distributed the monograph “History of Ukraine” by a team of Russian historians and publicists, and the book “Ukraine’s Crimes Against Humanity” by Maxim Grigoriev.

🎼To commemorate the 80 years since the complete lifting of the Nazi Germany siege of Leningrad, attendees listened to a recording of Dmitry Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 7 “Leningrad”, performed by the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra under the baton of Vladimir Gergiev.

📷Continuing our work to counter attempts to falsify the history of the Second World War, we presented our guests with an exhibition dedicated to the forthcoming 80th anniversary of the start of the liberation of Europe from Nazism by Red Army soldiers (26 March 1944). The display includes photographic documents testifying to the immortal heroism of the Soviet military.

⚡️Address by Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Russian Mission to the EU Kirill Logvinov at the reception held on the occasion of the Russian Diplomacy Day


💬It would not be a gross overstatement to say that the diplomats gathered here today, representing some 50 countries and a number of regional organisations in Brussels, do not just observe but rather directly take part in the tectonic shifts in international relations.

🌍All of us here are united by the ambition to build a fairer world order. We are willing to create a multipolar world where each country gives priority to its own sovereign interests and is independent in making decisions and determining the vector of its development.

Alas, the events of recent years have demonstrated that not everyone is ready for this transformation, and some are trying to counteract it by any means available, even illegitimate. Unbiased scrutiny of global developments is giving way to double standards. Sometimes it even comes to supporting terrorist actions.

❗️The West no longer hears and listens to the voice of the Russian diplomacy.

🗓Exactly two years ago an event took place which, as the time passed, we may now call a milestone in Russia-EU relations – on that day the EU officially informed us that it rejected our proposals on European security. Everyone knows too well what it happened next.

Some Western diplomats, including high-ranking officials, are calling for a "strategic defeat on the battlefield" or "preparing for war". I think you will agree that such statements are utterly inappropriate for a person in our profession.

‼️We, diplomats, should keep our temper and avoid going to extremes, respect the opinions of others and be forward-looking, seek compromise solutions, and focus on mutually beneficial and equitable cooperation.

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🗓On 8 February, the Russian Permanent Mission to the EU hosted a reception on the occasion of the Russian Diplomacy Day.

Representatives of some 50 countries, as well as regional organisations came to congratulate Russian diplomats.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
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⚡️ Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s video greetings on Diplomatic Worker’s Day (Moscow, February 10, 2024)

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Key points

🔵 In keeping with our long-standing good tradition, we celebrate our professional holiday in February, which unites all those who defend Russia’s foreign policy track.

🔵 No matter where you work – in the central building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Smolenskaya Square, the territorial missions in the regions of the Russian Federation, or the Russian foreign missions – you uphold the true values of Russian diplomacy: loyalty to your Fatherland, patriotism, selflessness and a clear vision of Russia’s national interests.

🔵 Faced with the hybrid aggression launched by the collective West, Russia’s foreign policy service is making its contribution to the diplomatic support of the special military operation and the effort to achieve its goals.

❗️ Today, Russia stands at the vanguard of fast-moving change. By and large, we play a central role in defining this development vector and its content. This means that all of us without exception must keep up to speed at all times and adopt a forward-looking mindset in order to anticipate anything our ill-wishers may do, while being proactive and creative in adapting our enduring foreign policy principles to the changing environment. These principles include our commitment to independence, being results-driven, inclusiveness and a multi-faceted approach.

🔵 Russia is set to hold a presidential election soon. In fact, it is just a month away. This is a challenging moment in the history of our country when we must all fulfil our civic duty. I am certain that all our foreign missions will make the necessary arrangements to enable Russians to vote abroad. We are taking all the necessary steps to make this happen.

🔵 I wish you every success and good luck. Happy Diplomatic Worker’s Day.

#DiplomatsDay #DWR2024
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