Русский дом в Афинах | Ρωσικό Σπίτι στην Αθήνα
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Представительство Россотрудничества - Русский дом в Афинах (РЦНК). Россотрудничество реализует проекты, нацеленные на укрепление международных связей и развитие сотрудничества в гуманитарной сфере.
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📹 🗣 In the new category #LeagueoftheBest, we will tell the stories of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities from neighboring countries.

The decisive role in the fate of each hero of the project was played by studying in Russia or in the Soviet Union. Graduates tell how their life turned out after getting education at the university, recall their student years and note the value of the knowledge, experience and connections gained during this time.

Today we introduce you to the People's Artist of Azerbaijan, actress of the Academic Russian Drama Theater Ayan Mir-Kasimova. In 1990, Ayan graduated from VGIK. What difficulties the future actress had to face when applying and how studying at one of the best universities of cinematography determined her entire future life, you can find out in our video.

📹 🗣 В новой рубрике #ЛигаЛучших мы расскажем истории выпускников советских и российских вузов из стран Ближнего зарубежья.

Определяющую роль в судьбе каждого героя проекта сыграло обучение в России или в Советском Союзе. Выпускники рассказывают, как сложилась их жизнь после получения образования в университете, вспоминают студенческие годы и отмечают ценность полученных за это время знаний, опыта и связей.

Сегодня знакомим вас с народной артисткой Азербайджана, актрисой Академического русского драматического театра Аян Мир-Касимовой. В 1990 году Аян окончила ВГИК. О том, с какими трудностями пришлось столкнуться будущей актрисе при поступлении и как обучение в одном из лучших вузов кинематографии определило всю ее дальнейшую жизнь, смотрите в нашем видео.

#РусскийДом #RussianHouse #Россотрудничество #Rossotrudnichestvo #ОбразованиевРоссии #EducationinRussia
Агентство продолжает рассказывать истории выпускников советских и российских вузов из стран Ближнего зарубежья в новой рубрике #ЛигаЛучших.

Определяющую роль в судьбе каждого героя проекта сыграло обучение в России или в Советском Союзе. Выпускники рассказывают, как сложилась их жизнь после получения образования в университете, вспоминают студенческие годы и отмечают ценность полученных за это время знаний, опыта и связей.

Сегодня знакомим вас с Азамом Бузуруковым, координатором программ ООН по ВИЧ/СПИД в странах Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии. В 1996 году Азам окончил Медицинскую академию последипломного образования в Санкт-Петербурге. Поехать учиться в Россию было спонтанным решением, однако стало одним из самых удачных в жизни Азама. Как российское образование изменило нашего сегодняшнего героя, смотрите в нашем видео.

The Agency continues to tell the stories of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities from neighboring countries in the new category #LeagueoftheBest.

The decisive role in the fate of each hero of the project was played by studying in Russia or in the Soviet Union. Graduates tell how their life turned out after getting education at the university, recall their student years and note the value of the knowledge, experience and connections gained during this time.

Today we introduce you to Azam Buzurukov, Coordinator of the UN HIV/AIDS Programs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In 1996, Azam graduated from the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. The decision to go to study in Russia was spontaneous, but it became one of the most successful in Azam's life. How Russian education has changed our hero today, watch in our video.

#РусскийДом #RussianHouse #Россотрудничество #Rossotrudnichestvo #ОбразованиевРоссии #EducationinRussia
Агентство продолжает рассказывать истории выпускников советских и российских вузов из стран Ближнего зарубежья в новой рубрике #ЛигаЛучших.

Определяющую роль в судьбе каждого героя проекта сыграло обучение в России или в Советском Союзе. Выпускники рассказывают, как сложилась их жизнь после получения образования в университете, вспоминают студенческие годы и отмечают ценность полученных за это время знаний, опыта и связей.

Президент Южной Осетии Анатолий Бибилов с юного возраста мечтал быть десантником. Так и случилось — в 1992 года Анатолий окончил Рязанское воздушно-десантное командное училище. «Серьезная школа жизни», — так наш герой вспоминает свое обучение, но именно эти годы определили судьбу будущего президента. Что говорит Анатолий Бибилов о российском образовании — смотрите в нашем видео.

The Agency continues to tell the stories of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities from neighboring countries in the new category #LeagueoftheBest.

The decisive role in the fate of each hero of the project was played by studying in Russia or in the Soviet Union. Graduates tell how their life turned out after getting education at the university, recall their student years and note the value of the knowledge, experience and connections gained during this time.

President of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov dreamed of being a paratrooper from a young age. And his dream came true – in 1992 Anatoly graduated from the Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne Command School. «Serious school of life» - this is how our hero remembers his studying, but these years determined the fate of the future president. Watch in our video what Anatoly Bibilov says about Russian education.

#РусскийДом #RussianHouse #Россотрудничество #Rossotrudnichestvo #ОбразованиевРоссии #EducationinRussia
The Agency continues to tell the stories of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities from neighboring countries in the new category #LeagueoftheBest.

The decisive role in the fate of each hero of the project was played by studying in Russia or in the Soviet Union. Graduates tell how their life turned out after getting education at the university, recall their student years and note the value of the knowledge, experience and connections gained during this time.

Ion Lipchiu is the permanent representative of the Moldovan Parliament in the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, which today is located in the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg. Once there was a Higher Party School, where he studied. Since childhood, he wanted to become a sports commentator, but fate decreed otherwise.

Watch in the video how Soviet education changed the life of our hero.
The Agency continues to tell the stories of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities from neighboring countries in the new category #LeagueoftheBest.

The decisive role in the fate of each hero of the project was played by studying in Russia or in the Soviet Union. Graduates tell how their life turned out after getting education at the university, recall their student years and note the value of the knowledge, experience and connections gained during this time.

Hursheda Hamrakulova graduated from Moscow State University in 1980, since then her professional and social activities have been connected with the life and culture of the peoples of Central Asia and Russia. Today Hursheda heads the Commission on Culture of the Public Council under the Embassy of Tajikistan. She is engaged in translation work, teaches at the university and directs the Tajik Cultural Center. For more information about the fate of our heroine, watch the video.
#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #EducationinRussia
Агентство продолжает рассказывать истории выпускников советских и российских вузов из стран Ближнего зарубежья в новой рубрике #ЛигаЛучших.

Определяющую роль в судьбе каждого героя проекта сыграло обучение в России или в Советском Союзе. Выпускники рассказывают, как сложилась их жизнь после получения образования в университете, вспоминают студенческие годы и отмечают ценность полученных за это время знаний, опыта и связей.

Юсиф Нагиев получил первую ступень медицинского образования в Азербайджане, но во время интернатуры был направлен в Ленинград на впервые открывшуюся кафедру подводной медицины. Два года он был судовым врачом и работал на нефтяных платформах в Каспии, после чего поступил в аспирантуру в Москве, а затем и в докторантуру. Сейчас Юсиф живет в Баку, он —главный кардиолог Минздрава Азербайджана, руководитель Лаборатории сна в Центральной клинической больнице, преподаватель. Подробнее о судьбе нашего героя — смотрите в видео.

The Agency continues to tell the stories of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities from neighboring countries in the new category #LeagueoftheBest.

The decisive role in the fate of each hero of the project was played by studying in Russia or in the Soviet Union. Graduates tell how their life turned out after getting education at the university, recall their student years and note the value of the knowledge, experience and connections gained during this time.

Yusif Nagiev received the first stage of medical education in Azerbaijan, but during his internship he was sent to Leningrad to the newly opened Department of Undersea medicine. For two years he was a ship's doctor and worked on oil platforms in the Caspian Sea, after which he entered graduate school in Moscow, and then doctoral studies. Now Yusif lives in Baku, he is the chief cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan, the head of the Sleep Laboratory at the Central Clinical Hospital, a professor. For more information about the fate of our hero, watch the video.
Media is too big
The Agency continues to tell the stories of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities from neighboring countries in the new category #LeagueoftheBest.

The decisive role in the fate of each hero of the project was played by studying in Russia or in the Soviet Union. Graduates tell how their life turned out after getting education at the university, recall their student years and note the value of the knowledge, experience and connections gained during this time.

Taalaybek Usubaliev is a well—known Kyrgyz artist, chairman of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan. In 1993, he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, today it is the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Repin - the oldest and largest art educational institution in Russia. Like many painters, Taalaybek believes that the real academic school has been preserved here. How the fate of our hero turned out after studying in Russia — watch the video.
Media is too big
The Agency continues to tell the stories of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities from neighboring countries in the new category #LeagueoftheBest.

The decisive role in the fate of each hero of the project was played by studying in Russia or in the Soviet Union. Graduates tell how their life turned out after getting education at the university, recall their student years and note the value of the knowledge, experience and connections gained during this time.

Inessa Shvatskaya studied economics at leading Russian universities, then studied psychology at Lomonosov Moscow State University and Pirogov Medical University. Today Inessa is a clinical psychologist, TV and radio host. According to her, the Russian education and the Russian language help her achieve the goals. For more information about the fate of our character, watch the video.