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📆 Today, Russia celebrates Radio Day, commemorating the invention of the radio by Russian physicist Alexander Popov.

📻 In 1894, he constructed the first radio receiver, utilizing a coherer. On May 7, 1895, Popov demonstrated the world's first radio receiver to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society; however, he never sought a patent for his invention.

📻 In March 1896, Popov successfully transmitted radio waves between buildings in St. Petersburg. By 1898, he achieved ship-to-shore communication over a distance of 6 miles, and a year later, over 30 miles.

📻 In 1945, this date was officially designated as Radio Day in the Soviet Union, and it has been celebrated as such ever since.

🇷🇺 In various cities across Russia, students from electrical engineering faculties hold commemorative ceremonies and lay wreaths at monuments dedicated to Alexander Popov.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Foreign Ministry statement on the Russian Armed Forces’ exercises held to practice for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons

💬 Regarding the upcoming Russian military exercises held to practice for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, we would like to point out that these drills should be viewed in the context of the recent militant statements made by Western officials and the highly destabilising actions taken by several NATO countries to increase military pressure on the Russian Federation <...>.

👉 The matter concerns above all the open declaration of support for and the provision of direct assistance to the terrorist attacks against Russia carried out by the Kiev regime with the use of increasingly more advanced Western weapons provided to it. <...>

Apart from the British and French long-range missiles, which have long been used in Ukraine, we have taken special note of the models of US-made ATACMS missiles, which have been recently sent to Ukraine and are capable of reaching targets inside Russia.

At the same time, attempting to build up multifaceted missile threats to Russia, the US has openly and manifestly launched the deployment of ground-based intermediate- and shorter-range missiles, which were previously prohibited under the INF Treaty, around the world. <...>

❗️We hereby expressly declare that we reserve the right to respond in kind, no matter where US-made intermediate- and shorter-range missiles are deployed, which would amount to the termination of Russia’s unilateral moratorium on the deployment of these weapon systems. <...>

These and several other actions by NATO countries actually show that they are deliberately trying to escalate the Ukrainian crisis all the way to an open military confrontation between NATO countries and Russia within the framework of their hostile policy of inflicting a “strategic defeat” on Russia.

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📹 Get a glimpse of the most amazing moments from Vladimir Putin's inauguration ceremony.

Video: @SputnikInt
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During Russian President Vladimir Putin's inauguration ceremony on May 7, alongside the Aurus Senat armored limousine, nine Aurus electric motorcycles made their debut, ushering in a new level of sophistication to the presidential motorcade.

👉 Here are some facts & figures about the Аurus Мerlon electric motorbike:

🚀 It accelerates to 100 km/h in under 4 seconds and can reach a top speed of 240 km/h;

🚀 Its 21 kWh battery, when fully charged, provides enough energy to travel 200 km.

🚀 The Aurus Merlon is tailored to operate in low temperatures up to -25ºC.

Video: @SputnikInt
Forwarded from 🇷🇺 in Cape Town
🕯 Russia has a tradition.

On the eve of the Victory Day over Nazism which is annually celebrated on May 9, Russian schools and kindergartens host so-called 'Lesson of Courage'.

🎖These lessons are aimed at telling children the truth about immortal feat of their ancestors who sacrificed their lives to stop the Nazi war machine striving for the annihilation of the whole nations on the basis of origin.

Another important task of the 'Lessons of Courage' is preservation of the historical memory for the future generations. It's not a secret that nowadays Western countries are trying to rewrite history and hide any trace of the crucial USSR role in the issue of ending Nazism.

☝️We will not allow that to happen.

Today, on May 8, the Russian Children's Center in Cape Town held the "Lesson of Courage" for its little pupils.

🕊 On 9th May #VictoryDay is celebrated, a public holiday marking the 79th anniversary of the victory over Nazis in 1945.

On this day we pay tribute with the deepest respect and gratitude to everyone who earned peace fighting on the front line and bringing it closer with his selfless work in the rear.

#VictoryDay #Victory79
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🕊 9 мая отмечается #ДеньПобеды – праздник по случаю 79-й годовщины победы над фашизмом в 1945 г.

В этот день мы с глубочайшим почтением и благодарностью отдаем дань уважения всем, кто боролся против фашистских захватчиков, сражаясь на фронте и в тылу.

С Днем Победы!

#ДеньПобеды #Победа79
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🏅 Happy #VictoryDay!

Today marks the 79th Anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazism.


#Victory79 #May9
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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🏅 On May 9, 1945, at 12:43 am, the Instrument of Unconditional Surrender of Nazi Germany was signed, putting an end to the Great Patriotic War and #WWII in Europe.

Following a successful assault on Berlin by the Red Army, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. The title of Reich President and command of the armed forces of the Third Reich passed to Admiral Karl Dönitz.

Desperate to surrender to the British-American troops, on May 5, German delegation arrived in the French city of Reims, where the headquarters of the Western Allies command was located.

In the Article 4 of the Reims Instrument of Surrender of Nazi Germany stated that this document did not rule out the signing of another, definitive act at the request of one of the coalition members.

Thus, the document was recognised by the Soviet Union only as a preliminary instrument, and a new signing ceremony was proposed to be held in the capital of Nazi Germany, liberated by the Red Army - Berlin.

🌟 On may 9, at 12:43 am in district of Karlshorst the signing ceremony of the Instrument of Unconditional Surrender of Nazi Germany took place.

On May 9, 1945, at 2:10 am Moscow time, announcer Yury Levitan read out the Instrument of Unconditional Surrender of Nazi Germany and the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR declaring May 9 Victory Day. From that moment on, the Soviet Union and later Russia, as well as the most former Soviet republics have celebrated Victory Day on May 9.

💬 Sergey Lavrov: This year’s Victory Day has a special significance because we are celebrating this great holiday in a situation where Nazism is rearing its head again. The descendants of Napoleon and Hitler have joined the Anglo-Saxons, again seeking to inflict a “strategic defeat” on our country, destroy it and subordinate it to their narrow selfish hegemonic interests. Just like our fathers and grandfathers volunteered to the front, today, once again, we see an extraordinary upsurge in society, as Russians are rallying to another sacred battle.

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🌟В год 79-летия Победы в Великой Отечественной войне преподавательским составом школы при Посольстве России в ЮАР, при активном участии учащихся и их родителей создана электронная книга Памяти героев Великой Отечественной войны.

📖 В книге собраны рассказы о судьбах участников ВОВ, об их жизни в тяжелые дни войны и личном вкладе в приближении долгожданной Победы.

🕯В рамках состоявшейся 8 мая 2024 г. презентации Книги учащиеся школы подготовили тематические выступления, исполнили песни и стихи военных лет.


The Victory Parade in commemoration of 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War is about to begin in #Moscow.

Follow the link to watch it LIVE:

Parade starts at 09:00 AM (SA time)

#Victory79 #VictoryParade2024

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Остаются считанные минуты до начала Парада Победы на Красной площади в честь 79-ой годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.

Парад можно посмотреть в прямом эфире по ссылке:

Начало парада в 09:00 (ЮАР)

#ПарадПобеды2024 #ДеньПобеды
Forwarded from Kremlin. News
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After the end of the military parade on Red Square, Vladimir Putin, together with foreign heads of state who arrived in Moscow to celebrate the 79th anniversary of the Victory, laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Alexander Garden and observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims
🌟🕯On May 9, the 'Immortal Regiment' campaign took place at the Russian Embassy in South Africa, commemorating the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The participants carried portraits of their relatives who fought against Nazism and sacrificed their lives defending our Motherland from this "brown plague."

🙏 We bow our heads in the bright memory of those who defended our Motherland and granted us the opportunity to live.

#ImmortalRegiment #Victory79