🔊 @RadioPublicaIntuitiva • Radio Publica Intuitiva • Main Station • Intuitive Public Radio • RPI •••
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"Creador, abre nuestros corazones a la paz y la sanación entre todas las personas.
Creador, abre nuestros corazones para proveer y proteger a todos los niños de la tierra.
Creador, abre nuestros corazones al respeto por la tierra y todos los dones de la tierra.
Creador, abre nuestros corazones para acabar con la exclusión, la violencia y el miedo entre todos.
Gracias por los regalos de este día y de todos los días."
— Rezo Mi'Kmaq
' La red que cofacilito organiza el transporte local pagado en vehículos para personas con sensibilidad a las fragancias sintéticas y otros contaminantes ambientales comunes.

Hay muchas personas en todas las localidades que no pueden contratar transporte porque tienen condiciones de salud que se ven agravadas por los productos perfumados ("refrescantes" para vehículos, productos de uso personal, champús, desodorantes, cremas, colonias, suavizantes), productos de limpieza, lavandería. detergentes, pinturas, petroquímicos, humo de cigarrillos, pesticidas, disolventes y mohos, por ejemplo.

Si se busca un mercado de servicios de transporte desatendido, que muchas veces pasa desapercibido y tiene una demanda particular, cada vez hay más personas que tienen que evitar estas sustancias para estar fuertes y saludables, pero no suele haber un transporte informado servicios disponibles para su contratación. Se expresa mucha gratitud por nuestro trabajo para abordar este desafío.

Cualquier tipo de vehículo puede prestar este tipo de servicio, si el conductor sabe cómo mantenerlo lo más libre posible de contaminantes que causen problemas a los pasajeros sensibles y puede comunicar abiertamente sobre el tema.

Estaremos encantados de enseñar a cualquiera que quiera ganar dinero proporcionando este tipo de transporte.

Si tiene conocimientos sobre sensibilidades ambientales o desea obtener más información, comuníquese conmigo en un mensaje privado o comentando aquí. Estoy haciendo una lista de conductores de la zona que quieren implicarse en proyectos a medida que llegue la financiación. '

—publicado el 14 de marzo de 2024 en un grupo de servicio de jitney privado • créditos artísticos: t.me/IntuitiveGallery/322 • siguiente: www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network/subscribe

Here is a review of some of the ways we often create together in the Intuitive Network:

1. We dialogue in community spaces until we identify a particular project we'd like to work on together. Then we take it to a dedicated space, often a private chat on Telegram messenger. (This chat, t.me/CommunityIPR, is a great space for ongoing dialogue to start to find community members who want to collaborate in particular ways.)

2. We produce collaborative media to raise important conversational points where others can join us and help us invite more others into our conversations. We connect these media projects to outreach so that we have the increasing strength of speaking and expressing ourselves collectively. We use this approach especially to help ourselves and one another, amidst challenging situations, find and create access to resourcing that can most effectively meet our real needs.

3. We practice awareness of our own bodies' signals to proceed wisely, for safety, as we're getting to know one another. As we help one another increasingly connect with physical and vocational recovery resources, we also practice building group-coordinated income generating platforms. Then, we gradually increase our resourcing for building our own individual income generating platforms, supported by group activities and interconnected webs of related projects.

We can talk about any subject or type of project, as long as we practice care and respect toward one another and are very patient with the challenges all are navigating on a day-to-day basis.

We always remember that everyone is dealing with a very unique and unknown kind of situation, and that there is a great mystery of who we are to one another even when we feel excited and activated by finding one another on similar frequencies.

We tend to the well-being of our individual bodies first always, listening very closely to what our bodies need; we anchor there, then discover how we can bridge with one another; we improve our attuned presencing; and strengthen our collaborative fluency.

I do my best to be available for questions and to provide assistance where I can; and other co-facilitators and community members (who may have a personal account here on Telegram that is visible, or may show up anonymously as a chat heading as in this message here) like to help out wherever they can.

When network spaces are very quiet, we can plan new threads and future engagements for those spaces.

There are many, many public channels and public chats in the Intuitive Network on Telegram, and many private chats too that are either created or tended as part of our efforts here together.

Our space at t.me/IntuitiveCommunity and the attached discussion chat intermittently publishes streams of invitations to a wide variety of different Intuitive Network spaces that all are welcome to explore, learn about, collaborate with, and support.

Always follow, re-share, and comment frequently at https://www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network/subscribe on Substack to increase the public media conversations around this work. This helps us increase the resourcing we can flow into the network and then to specific group projects.

Respond here or reach out to me directly at t.me/maxmorris if I can be helpful to you in any way.

Love and blessings,

Megan Max Mo
This is live and ongoing. Take a look — and come play this great game. :-) https://Intuitive.social/collab 🐾🌺🌿🌟🥰
Friend of the network Rob Wipond, author of "Your Consent Is Not Required," graciously joined us on Intuitive Public TV to discuss subject intersections of crucial importance across all our communities. We're so grateful for his in-depth research and the time he's spent with us.

A freelance investigative journalist of more than two decades, Rob Wipond writes about mental health, psychiatry, civil rights, policing, surveillance and privacy, and social change. His articles have been nominated for 17 magazine and journalism awards.

Rob’s work brings to light the broader societal implications of mental health laws, forced treatment, and involuntary detention. His website is located here: https://RobWipond.com

Your Consent Is Not Required was published by BenBella Books in January 2023. The cover art was designed by Kara Klontz.

Visit www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/237-suicide-help-lines-rob-wipond for our just-released Intuitive Episode 237 • Suicide "Help" Lines? Rob Wipond, Author of "Your Consent Is Not Required" (21 December 2023).

You’ll find the audio edition of our conversation at the top of the page, our custom transcript, and our complete video interview just below it.

Thank you, Rob!

Intuitive Network is seeking pro social media publishing & metrics expertise.

Do you know someone who's taking on projects?

Please reach out to recommend yourself or others, especially those with whom you've had good experiences or have heard good things.

Do reshare. Thank you in advance for leads. 💖🥰🌺🌿


Play this game with us!
Write 4 Sentences:

Sentence 1 • What just happened in the Intuitive Network?

Sentence 2 • What is my feeling about it?

Sentence 3 • What does it make me want to do next?

Sentence 4 • Resulting invitation to the audience.

(Wow, we spontaneously made a great game! My body feels like dancing. I'm going to invite a lot more people to join this game with us! Come play?)

How do you recognize yourself as a viable volunteer collaborator in or with the Intuitive Public Radio Network?

You have skills of any kind that it strengthens you to share with others.

You have resources of any kind, practical, economic, financial, or otherwise, that it strengthens you to share with others.

You feel moved and excited to discover opportunities to nourish and grow resourcing that preserves life and anchors respect for people and creatures who have been disregarded and disenfranchised.

Your heart expands when you encounter opportunities to work on meaningful, life-changing projects with other activated, purpose-driven collaborators.

You value what you learn from people and groups in situations of hardship you yourself may or may not have ever directly experienced.

Whether or not you are immediately in contact with people in hardship, you know that their wisdom and expertise are crucial living resources for all communities, and you want your own projects to somehow support a better world for everyone.

Is this you?


Do you want to hang out with more people like this?

Join our public chat and introduce yourself: t.me/CommunityIPR

We'd love to meet you.

Thank you for tuning in.

Subscribe for more on Substack: https://www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network/subscribe
Cheryl Anne Ruebner comparte:


' Proporciona información sobre contaminantes interiores, radiación y geobiología. de Carles Surià, consultor en biohabitabilidad que busca minimizar las influencias ambientales críticas de los espacios interiores.

Proporcionan Estudios Geobiológicos, Mediciones Electromagnéticas, Estudios de Alérgenos y Toxinas, y Feng Shui '

This fifty-foot sculpture was unveiled in South Dakota in 2014. It's called 'Dignity' and was done by artist Dale Lamphere to honor the culture of the Lakota and Dakota peoples who are indigenous to South Dakota.
Dr. Lyla June Johnston & themagicisinthemiddle shared:

YOU NEED a drink:
- connection
- an afternoon nap
- artful expression
- a nutritious meal
- a high-vibe playlist
- a dose of gratitude
- a walk in the sunshine
- to shake up your routine
- to put your phone on silent
- a vulnerable journalling sesh
- something to look forward to
- to remember your reason why

261 • Blessings Beyond Counting, Intuitive Infrastructure (12 August 2024) by Megan Elizabeth Morris, Radio Pública Intuitiva • www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/plaintext-artpeace-blessings-beyond

Listen: soundcloud.com/meganelizabethmorris/261-o-blessings-beyond

Support this plaintext artpeace with a paid subscription to the Intuitive Public Radio Network: IntuitivePublicRadio.substack.com/subscribe

Facilitate flow: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles (Gratitudes, diolchgarwch, agradecimientos).

Art credits: t.me/IntuitiveGallery/343

Unmatchable resonance: www.intuitivepublicradio.network/t/participate

IntuitivePR • market resonance & attuned relational integrity

At IntuitivePR we promote individuals and communities dedicated to eliminating human trafficking pathways from all social spaces.

We especially center the work of survivor-professionals at intersections of severe disablement, as well as the courageous beings and organizations that most honorably and effectively resource them.

We teach collaborative fluency in attunement with relational integrity, which itself eliminates human trafficking influences from projects and processes.

In our group activities, we practice tending the community body with care and respect, knowing this is inherent to our collective livelihood, income streams, business interests, life vitality, and success.

There is no wiser, stronger, or wealthier market than this.

We co-create miracles because living beings are miraculous.

Come make public media with us -- you are welcome, appreciated, needed, essential, and invited.

' Theon was headmaster at the Museum of Alexandria, the place dedicated to the Muses, daughters of the ancient goddess of memory, Mnemosyne.
Each of the Muses embodied a "sacred art" such as astronomy, lyric poetry, and history.
The nine daughters of Memory presented a model for the curriculum of the Mystery Schools.
Museums today are merely repositories of relics from the past, but the Alexandrian Museum was the setting for a wide range of living traditions, truly a center of higher education.
The campus spread along the horseshoe-shaped port dominated by its Pharos, the famous four-hundred-foot-high lighthouse that ranked among the Seven Wonders of the World.
It included many independent academies dedicated to subjects as diverse as geometry and sacred dance, and training guilds that produced a constant stream of graduates in fields such as sculpture, botany, navigation, herbology, engineering, and medicine.
The assemblies and guilds associated with the Royal Library had their own libraries and teaching faculties. '
— John Lamb Lash (Not In His Image)