Celebrating Life
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13 photos
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Covenant & Conversation: Toldot

This year's series is based on videos Rabbi Sacks zt"l recorded in 5771 (2010–2011). These timeless messages are accompanied by a new Family Edition, written by educator Sara Lamm, to inspire intergenerational learning.

🟣 View, read or listen to Rabbi Sacks on "Why Did Isaac Love Esau?" at https://www.rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation/toldot/isaac-love-esau/

🟡 Explore the Family Edition at https://www.rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation-family-edition/toldot/yitzchak-love-eisav/

Both editions are available in ready-to-print PDFs and in multiple languages.

🔵 As hundreds of thousands converged on Washington DC this week for the March for Israel rally to show support for Israel and condemn antisemitism, we have made available some of the impactful speeches delivered by Rabbi Sacks at rallies for Israel over the years. Find them at https://www.rabbisacks.org/in-support-of-israel/

At the rally, Dr. Mijal Bitton, a Sacks Scholar, delivered a powerful speech calling on people to fight back against antisemitism everywhere. View her speech at https://youtu.be/EAXsxyDqBTM

Shabbat Shalom,

The Rabbi Sacks Legacy

The Rabbi Sacks Legacy perpetuates the timeless and universal wisdom of Rabbi Sacks as a teacher of Torah, a moral voice, and a leader of leaders. To support our work, please visit www.rabbisacks.org/donate
Apologies - incorrect audio file was sent out yesterday. Here's the correct audio for Toldot. Shabbat shalom.
“We thank before we think.” – Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l

As our friends in America mark Thanksgiving, we extend our appreciation to everyone around the world who contributes to The Rabbi Sacks Legacy – whether by reading Rabbi Sacks’ writings, watching his videos, participating in our initiatives, or generously supporting us to ensure his legacy lives on.

In these challenging times for Israel and the Jewish people, we can be thankful that we are united in our determination to heal our fractured world, and we express gratitude to the brave soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, standing firm in the face of adversity.

To support our work in perpetuating the timeless and universal wisdom of Rabbi Sacks as a teacher of Torah, a moral voice, and a leader of leaders, please visit www.rabbisacks.org/donate
Covenant & Conversation: Vayetse

This year's series is based on videos Rabbi Sacks zt"l recorded in 5771 (2010–2011). These timeless messages are accompanied by a new Family Edition, written by educator Sara Lamm, to inspire intergenerational learning.

🟣 View, read or listen to Rabbi Sacks on "The Character of Jacob" at https://www.rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation/vayetse/the-character-of-jacob/

🟡 Explore the Family Edition at https://www.rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation-family-edition/vayetse/the-character-of-yaakov/

Both editions are available in ready-to-print PDFs and in multiple languages.

"The hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews." Browse a selection of Rabbi Sacks’ articles, broadcasts and videos addressing antisemitism, which can serve as valuable tools in combatting the world’s oldest hatred. Find them at https://www.rabbisacks.org/antisemitism/

Shabbat Shalom,

The Rabbi Sacks Legacy
“The greatest gift is to be able to give.” – Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l

Now, more than ever, the absence of Rabbi Sacks’ voice of hope and moral clarity is deeply felt.

This Giving Tuesday, join us in keeping his voice heard and his legacy alive.

Committed to perpetuating Rabbi Sacks’ timeless and universal wisdom, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy now takes on an even greater purpose, providing you with comfort and inspiration.

We hope you have benefited from our ongoing work, and we ask you to help us continue to make it possible. You can donate easily and securely at https://www.rabbisacks.org/donate/
Covenant & Conversation: Yitro

This year's series is based on videos Rabbi Sacks zt"l recorded in 5771 (2010–2011). These timeless messages are accompanied by a new Family Edition, written by educator Sara Lamm, to inspire intergenerational learning.

🟣 View, read or listen to Rabbi Sacks on "Deed and Creed" at https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation/yitro/deed-and-creed/

🟡 Explore the Family Edition at https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation-family-edition/yitro/deed-and-creed/

Both editions are available in ready-to-print PDFs and in multiple languages.

Shabbat Shalom,

The Rabbi Sacks Legacy

To support our work in perpetuating the timeless and universal wisdom of Rabbi Sacks as a teacher of Torah, a moral voice, and a leader of leaders, please visit www.rabbisacks.org/donate
Covenant & Conversation: Bamidbar

This year's series is based on videos Rabbi Sacks zt"l recorded in 5771 (2010–2011). These timeless messages are accompanied by a new Family Edition, written by educator Sara Lamm, to inspire intergenerational learning.

🟣 View, read or listen to Rabbi Sacks on "Liminal Space" at https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation/bamidbar/liminal-space/

🟡 Explore the Family Edition at https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation-family-edition/bamidbar/liminal-space/

Both editions are available in ready-to-print PDFs and in multiple languages.

Shabbat Shalom,

The Rabbi Sacks Legacy

To support our work in perpetuating the timeless and universal wisdom of Rabbi Sacks as a teacher of Torah, a moral voice, and a leader of leaders, please visit www.rabbisacks.org/donate
Covenant & Conversation: Korach

This year's series is based on videos Rabbi Sacks zt"l recorded in 5771 (2010–2011). These timeless messages are accompanied by a new Family Edition, written by educator Sara Lamm, to inspire intergenerational learning.

🟣 View, read or listen to Rabbi Sacks on "Taking It Personally" at https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation/korach/taking-it-personally/

🟡 Explore the Family Edition at https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation-family-edition/korach/taking-it-personally/

Both editions are available in ready-to-print PDFs and in multiple languages.

Shabbat Shalom,

The Rabbi Sacks Legacy

To support our work in perpetuating the timeless and universal wisdom of Rabbi Sacks as a teacher of Torah, a moral voice, and a leader of leaders, please visit www.rabbisacks.org/donate