Forwarded from Noticias Rafapal
Corría como un rumor desde hace días, pero RT lo confirma: el ejército ruso ha infiltrado a 12.000 soldados chechenos en las ciudades ucranianas para controlar a los mercenarios contratados por el gobierno.
Russian state news RT has announced that #Russia is deploying 12,000 Chechens to #Ukraine. We had been hearing about Russia having plans to do that earlier today but it has now been posted out by Russian state news.#UkraineWar
Read More About This Here:
Forwarded from Patriots Light Warriors (Y.🌟)
🔥🔥🔥🇷🇺 #Russia comenzó los preparativos activos para la desconexión de Internet global

A más tardar el 11 de marzo, todos los servidores y dominios deben transferirse a la zona #Russian . Además, se recopilan datos detallados sobre la infraestructura de red de los sitios.

Únete 🌟@patriotsligthwarriors 🌟
Media is too big
❗️A chi chiede perché la #Russia ha iniziato l'operazione speciale militare.

A partire dal 2014 il regime di #Kiev uccide i bambini nel #Donbass
Forwarded from Noticias Rafapal
Los reyes de las monarquías de Oriente Medio no le cogen el teléfono a Biden para hablar de Ucrania. The Storm Rider repite que el Príncipe Bin Salman es vasallo de Trump. Putin no está aislado, como nos quieren hacer creer los medios de comunicación.///
Like i said , many many many times..>>> Mohammed Bin Salman <<< Is one of Trumps greatest ALLIES///))
I also Reported last week Bin Salman Is going to make MAJOR moves on the chess ♟️♟️ board////
Forwarded from Patriots Light Warriors (Y.🌟)
🤔MOSCÚ-Rusia: el viceprimer ministro Novak dijo que considera conveniente introducir en Rusia una regulación legislativa de la minería de criptomonedas y la recaudación de impuestos de la industria #cryptocurrency #regulation #Russia

Únete 🌟@patriotsligthwarriors 🌟
Forwarded from Azazel News (Aries)
In the early hours of Monday morning, the Retroville Mall in northwestern #Kyiv was struck by a Russian missile (likely an Iskander), causing heavy damage to the complex and reportedly killing eight people. #Russia’s Ministry of Defense came out to say that the mall had been abandoned and was being used to store weapons. They also released Orlan-10 drone footage of the strike, as well as previous footage of a Ukrainian BM-21 Grad MLRS being tracked from a firing position to the mall, where it appears to back itself under the “Sports Life” gym that is attached to the complex. Undated photos that began to appear on Twitter showed what looked to be several other military trucks stored under the gym. Its unclear if they are other BM-21s as the Ural-375 chassis is commonly used.

¡DÍA HISTÓRICO! Vladimir Putin está organizando una ceremonia de firma para la anexión de cuatro áreas de Ucrania:
MIRA EN VIVO: 👈haz clic en el enlace (con narración en inglés y subtítulos)

🇮🇳 India
🇦🇱 Albania
🇧🇷 Brasil
🇨🇳 China

👉APOYAN A #Russia en la ONU.

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