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All Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and for corruption!
I will continue to inform the international community about the strategies of the Russians and I will not stop until all the miserable people who took bribes from Moldovans / Romanians will not be imprisoned!
I also learned my lesson and before leaving the country I will inform the law enforcement agencies in the state where I will settle: the police, the prosecutor’s office, the intelligence services that I have never worked for any institution in Moldova or Romania!
I am not a member of any organization, that no one has the right to record, film, speak on my behalf or my signature and any person (and when I say any person I mean everyone without exception) who says otherwise or who will follow me, must be arrested immediately for espionage in favor of Russia!
- If someone tells you that we are relatives, that we are friends or that we know each other and that he has the right to register me, to speak on my behalf, to sign, that I said so, that this is the plan, Please remember that person is a Russian spy, it doesn’t matter if he is a relative or a friend or if he will show you pictures together or if he will tell you that it is about another person and not about him and also his nationality does not matter, You should know that he is a Russian spy! because no one has my consent to register, film or sign on my behalf!
-If someone insists that I work for intelligence but does not have the right to disclose information so that he is not arrested, please arrest him immediately for espionage in favor of Russia. put me face to face with him and one of us will have to be arrested, and I assure you that the individual will be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and not for disclosing information because there are cheap tricks of Russian spies not to be arrested. They usually do so so that they are not investigated for espionage in favor of Russia or for corruption and every time it ends they say: that was our plan! I am ready to pass the polygraph test!
-If they try to convince you that Andrei was not referring to us but to other people – please arrest them for espionage in favor of Russia because I mean everyone, without exception! I repeat once again, I mean everyone without exception! If they try to tell you that we have arrested a suspicious person or we are here to arrest people who are following Andrei, please arrest them immediately! Please arrest everyone! Because they usually sacrifice an idiot who works for the Russians, and for that they will be promoted and the Russians want that, to put their people in leadership positions in order to obtain as much information as possible, in order to be able to carry out actions that are in favor of Russia!
Because once the officials have taken a bribe, they are blackmailable and compromised and will do everything possible to escape from prison! Putin needs people who are compromised and blackmailable!
The Poles and Canadians who collaborated (took bribes from the Russians through Moldovans / Romanians) are blackmailable and compromised and will be so for the rest of their lives !!!
All Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and for corruption!
All Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and for corruption!
on June 29 my LinkedIn account was blocked, and I uploaded My passport and so far it has not been unlocked!
LinkedIn: It looks like you’ve submitted your ID for review already. We are still investigating your case and will get back to you shortly.
it reminds me of the same story from 2017 when two Facebook pages were blocked, one of 95,000 fan Page likes and another of 15,000 fan Page likes, I still uploaded my passport and still didn't has been unlocked! Why? Because they are the same people who blocked my Facebook pages in 2017 and my LinkedIn account in 2022.
All #Poles (all without exception)who have collaborated with #Romanians / #Moldovans(all without exception – politicians, Romanian/Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.)in my file will be arrested for #Espionage/#corruption in favor of Russia
#corruption #politics #truth #freedom #news #corruptgovernment #government #governmentcorruption #justice #racism #icantbreathe #justice #repost #humanrights #sayhisname #freedom
on June 29 my LinkedIn account was blocked, and I uploaded My passport and so far it has not been unlocked!
LinkedIn: It looks like you’ve submitted your ID for review already. We are still investigating your case and will get back to you shortly.
it reminds me of the same story from 2017 when two Facebook pages were blocked, one of 95,000 fan Page likes and another of 15,000 fan Page likes, I still uploaded my passport and still didn't has been unlocked! Why? Because they are the same people who blocked my Facebook pages in 2017 and my LinkedIn account in 2022.
The Facebook page with 95,000 likes still exists on Facebook, it has no administrator or editor, I have tried dozens of times to recover my page but without success !!! Why? Read this article! Facebook profile has been blocked until July 17, after July 17 I will post this article again!
All #Poles (all without exception)who have collaborated with #Romanians / #Moldovans(all without exception – politicians, Romanian/Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.)in my file will be arrested for #Espionage/#corruption in favor of Russia
#corruption #politics #truth #freedom #news #corruptgovernment #government #governmentcorruption #justice #racism #icantbreathe #justice #repost #humanrights #sayhisname #freedom
⚡️Очистить только Донбасс не имеем права, наша следующая цель Одесса, — Депутат Госдумы, генерал-полковник Владимир Шаманов

Первый этап российской спецоперации завершён — поставленные цели достигнуты. Теперь настало время двигаться дальше, поскольку есть чёткая задача — денацифицировать и демилитаризировать Украину.

В противном случае будущим поколениям российских военных придётся решать этот вопрос.

Plop Andrei: #Moldova will be the next country attacked by the #Russians!
the lettering on my t-shirts worked! everyone already knows about #Polish and #Canadian corruption and the FSB branch in #Moldova and Romania! that's why they are desperately trying to save themselves! over 500 MEPs and over 500 ambassadors have already been informed!
the #Poles, #Romanians and #Moldovans (who were bribed by the FSB, GRU, SVR) want to lock me up in prison as soon as possible before the Russians arrive in Moldova via Odessa! why? because they are afraid that I will leave Moldova again forever! their goal is to lock me up and when the Russians come, they can go to Europe and say that the #Russians violated our neutrality!
Media is too big
The Port of Szczecin is a Polish seaport and deep water harbor in #Szczecin!
And the Poles buy #aluminum from the #Russians. The #Poles continue to do business with the #Russians! How about the sanctions? Poles, whose side are you on? Declare that you are with the #Americans and do business with the Russians! And one more question: why are you helping the Russians destroy #Putin's enemies? Why are you destroying the anti-communists in #Moldova?
my message to the #Bulgarian and #French authorities!
please arrest for espionage in favor of the #Russians any person who will follow me in #Bulgaria, even if he is #American, #Polish, #Romanian, #German or #Moldovan!
also arrest for espionage in favor of the Russians the Moldovans and Romanians who use international organizations to recruit colleagues from the university and use these international organizations for espionage actions in favor of the Russians!