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At last came the golden month of the wild folk.. honey-sweet May, when the birds come back, and the flowers come out, and the air is full of the sunrise scents and songs of the dawning year !
~Samuel Scoville Jr. ~
Art by Este Macleod
🔊 In The 💞🌞🌿🥰🎶🌊✨ Dreamseum No-Spacetime Dance Party • Intuitive Public Radio • IPR ••• https://t.me/joinchat/WLws797XmQnyyag5 • https://t.me/MaeveIPR/146
Seven of Water Irish Goddess of Intoxication Maeve

"Drink from the cup. Enter the gate to elsewhere.
Maeve or Mab is the Irish goddess of intoxication. Hers are the liquors, mushrooms, and herbs that produce altered states of consciousness. Normal barriers break down under her onslaught, to release surging passion, blurting truth, dreamy vision, or true transcendence. Her name means Drunken Woman, yet she is also a wild and powerful queen who runs faster than horses, steals cattle on a bet, and starts a war to one up her current consort. In battle, she incapacitates the armies of her enemies by merely appearing; they are laid waste by their desire for her. She holds the hearts of her warriors in her hands and they are at her command.
In tales of Maeve as the queen of Ireland, she sleeps with many an Irish lord, some say as many as thirty in one night. The deeper reality is that she is the goddess of the land who must endorse any man who wishes to rule. At their coronations on the ancient hill of Tara, Irish kings drink flagons of mead to produce the intoxication necessary to encounter the ardent goddess face to face and thigh to thigh. Maeve is another word for mead, the honey wine of bees, the drink of women's magic and mysteries, symbolic of menstrual blood. The king's willingness to please Maeve and drink the mead he is offered ensures he will rule well, being versed in the mysteries of the goddess and the land.
As faith in goddesses and memory of warrior queens diminishes, Maeve or Mab becomes known in her lands as the fairy queen, losing her sacredness but not her enchantment. The word "mabled" (Mab led) means to be led astray by the fairies, be intoxicated by their otherworldly beauty, and lost to common sense.
When Maeve appears:
Your imagination is the gateway to success in this situation. Think from a place where there are no boxes. Use this power you have to see things inside your mind that are not seen with eyes open. Visualize the situation and ask that the answer be revealed.
Give your fantasies free rein. Do not get bogged down in practical matters, like how you get there. Just like sleeping dreams, fantasies most often show scenarios of wish fulfillment or frustration. Also as in night visions, something unexpected can pop out in a daydream, given you have relaxed enough to veer off from the usual scripts. The daydreams will give your mind a vacation, the surprises will give you deeper information and direction.
Communication from your deep self is more symbolic than literal. A single symbol can hold an important message. Do not be unappreciative because of its simplicity.
Do not be put off or distracted by emotions that erupt from the inner world. Persevere through to deeper understanding. Emotions can be how your subconscious gets you to pay attention to the message, but may not be the point of the message."

--- The Dark Goddess Tarot, Ellen Lorenzi-Prince: darkgoddesstarot.com, foolsdog.com • https://t.me/MaeveIPR/149, https://t.me/MaeveIPR/150
¿Cómo honramos la tierra en su máxima madurez, en su plenitud de florecimiento?
Nuestros grupos alrededor de @AbyaYalaRPI han estado haciendo esta pregunta y llevándola a todos los demás procesos grupales. ¿Respetamos plenamente la tierra? ¿Respetamos plenamente a los seres vivos de la tierra y de toda energía vital?
Encontramos esta práctica desafiante en muchos sentidos, gratificante y profundamente necesaria.
Sin nuestra conexión, respeto y honra de la tierra, nos estamos perdiendo partes cruciales de nuestros propios cuerpos.
Sin nuestra conexión, respeto y honra de la tierra, ni siquiera somos nosotros mismos.
¿Cómo somos más plenamente nosotros mismos, en profunda relacionalidad con todo lo que está vivo?
https://t.me/AbyaYalaRPI/720, https://t.me/IntuitiveLand/15, https://t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/1347