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Stop by and spend some time with us this morning — 20 April 2024 @ 10AM Eastern — & our continuing live sessions daily!

This Simultistream Broadcast of Intuitive Public TV from the heart-full hallows of the Intuitive Public Radio Network comes live to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn — every morning from 10am-11am Eastern.

Co-hosted by Megan Elizabeth Morris — and are YOU our next co-host, we wonder? — we are calling in new vibrations of community connectivity never elsewhere experienced before.

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Yes, not long from now!

10AM Eastern! (See you soon!)
THURSDAY JUNE 6TH • 6 PM TO 9 PM • THE MAPLE LEAF • Arts, Healing & Activism Collective

Book & Community Discussion with Punk Rocker & Author Gregorio Lewis presenting his book 'The Harm Reduction Guide for Psychological Trauma Survivors'

115 Sedgwick Street, Pittsburgh • $7 suggested donation


Susan Raffo wrote,

' I was recently listening to someone explain that what we call stress is actually fear, but western thought sees fear as a weakness and so has shapeshifted the experience of fear - which is internal - to the narrative of stress - which is more about how the outside environment impacts our sense of self. It’s a kind of subtle collective override. And so I want to name my sped up heartbeat as fear: the fear of being visible to a stranger and uncertain about what might happen in our encounter. The fear of being alone when the weather turns intense. The fear of not knowing where I am going to sleep at night. The fear of giving up and disappointing people. The fear of dissociating and somehow wasting this experience. The fear of the semi trucks hurtling by a few feet from where I am walking. The fear of not having enough water, food or warmth.

The word “fear” is an old German word which first meant “danger.” It’s older root means to try, to risk. In the 1400s, the word fear started to mean a feeling of dread and reverence for God and I have no idea what to do with that. Everything about what I just wrote is a poem, a story, an arc of memories. The word terror means “great fear, dread, alarm, panic” and the word “horror” comes from an old word meaning “to bristle” and refers to the gooseflesh and hair raising that happens when we are truly frightened. And finally, the word “scare” is an old Norse word and means “timid, shy, to shrink from, to avert.” '


On Arnold Mindell's Facebook page, Amy Mindell shared,

' Dear friends, (this is another message from me, Amy)
Today, when I was deeply missing Arny’s physical presence, I looked at a book I made for him on his 80th birthday called, “The Process Way”. The book is filled with photos and some of Arny’s spontaneous ideas, paintings, and public posts. Arny adored the book and looked at it often in recent months and over the last years.
This afternoon, it was hot on the coast and the windows in our house were open. I put the book down on a table and suddenly, it blew open to a page with one of Arny’s paintings and his words on it (see the photo). I felt he wanted me, and perhaps all of us, to see it.
The page reminded me of something Arny has often said – that we should not identify him (or anyone) only with their body and static identity, but to remember that we are also timeless, flowing processes (you can sense this in Arny’s wonderful painting.)
I then remembered another one of his quotes in the book which says, “We are timeless, thousands of years old, and involved with processes which go beyond our present identity. This gives us an eternal feeling, but one which is realizable right here in the moment. "
I was very comforted by this and hope you are as well. <3
With my love and an embrace to everyone, ❤️
Amy '


Cathy Bernatt shared, ' This... '

' There is a brokenness out of which comes the unbroken,
a shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable.

There is a sorrow
beyond all grief which leads to joy
and a fragility
out of whose depths emerges strength.

There is a hollow space
too vast for words
through which we pass with each loss,
out of whose darkness we are sanctioned into being.

There is a cry deeper than all sound
whose serrated edges cut the heart
as we break open
to the place inside which is unbreakable
and whole,
while learning to sing.

Rashani '


Calon Wrth Galon • Goreu Arf, Arf Dysg • 'Dan Nawdd Duw At Dangnef'

Heart By Heart • Best Weapon, Weapon of Learning • 'Under God's Protection For Peace'

Program of the Pittsburgh International Eisteddfod • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • 2-3-4-and-5 July 1913 • Price 25 Cents

More: historicpittsburgh.org/islandora/object/pitt%3A31735056290558

' The word "Eisteddfod", which is formed from two Welsh morphemes: eistedd, meaning "sit", and fod, meaning "be", means, according to Professor Hywel Teifi Edwards, "sitting-together."

He further defines the earliest form of the Eisteddfod as a competitive meeting between bards and minstrels, in which the winner was chosen by a noble or royal patron. '


The North American Festival of Wales writes, 1 September 2024:

' This afternoon’s gymanfa ganu will be live streamed: https://flcpittsburgh.org
   First session at 2:00
   Second session at 4:30 '


Forwarded from 🔊 Hardlypie's Hovel • Psychumor Syllabus • Intuitive Public Radio • IPR •••
Act like you belong, that's the trick. Watch me, walk in the door, stand up straight, look him in the eye and say, "How do you do, sir?  I would like a large baloney."

Most of the time this works, but just in case it doesn't, run.  You're faster than him, and there's always another store.

🔊 Hardlypie's Hovel • Psychumor Syllabus • Intuitive Public Radio • IPR ••• Transdimensional (transitional) subscription: t.me/+WTegDckOQru254rN
    Mark: t.me/c/1496817677/264
