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Adam Schiff knew that there was no evidence of collusion this entire time.

Trump: "He walks out to the press and he says Donald Trump Junior will go to jail for life. And he knew it was a phony thing. He knew it was a hoax. How bad do you have to be to say a thing like that?"
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Kash Patel says that the FBI, Clinton and the deep state are the real "insurrectionists" after the Durham Report revealed they were all in on it.
"The FBI has become the police state. America does not have a single tier system of justice. Our judiciary and the FBI are corrupt gangsters and they've put it on full display.
(They were) committing insurrection acts by trying to overthrow a duly elected President and subvert Democracy and ruining his administration. The Steele Dossier was the basic road map to how they kept doing it version after version all the way up to Hunter Biden's laptop."

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Lindsay Graham is hoping the FBI will call people and tell them "they are sorry" that they committed treason.
I'm sure that will fix everything! πŸ˜‚


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Interesting to see WEF Hurari, who Flynn calls out as a Satanist ad nauseum, call "Qanon" a cult and he's worried about the fake news stories that will come out around the 24 election.
He says there are millions of "Q followers" around the world.
How is the Q drops cult like when they talk about thinking for yourself and not trusting the media exactly?
Why is this Satanist so concerned with the Q drops exactly?
It sounds like he's worried.

Forwarded from We The Media (Absolute1776)
Putin to meet w/ Zelensky in Africa to discuss potential peace between Ukraine and Russia.

This, of course, coming after Kiev got lit up like a Christmas Tree in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.


Additional sauce: https://www.irishtimes.com/world/europe/2023/05/16/putin-and-zelensky-agree-to-meet-african-leaders-to-discuss-peace-plan/
Forwarded from Professor Patriot (Professor Patriot)
Ok, time to relax:

Your favorite movie


The best movie you’ve seen

Just titles are fine.
Morning Patriots. What's habbening.
Morning News Update


Elon musk willing to talk psyops and other quotes

Royal family lying again

Sean Hannity replacing Tucker

Wtm is on Twitter

Desantis malfunctioning


Kari Lake trial today

But how will there be accountability is the question? I doubt congress can accomplish much other than provide more awakening, which is important.

Live feed Kari lake

Feeling quite sick today could use some prayers frens. Thank you!

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Daily morale boost thread for frens with @thievesofwonders. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Current thoughts on impeachment:
The chances of Biden being ousted via impeachment are extremely low considering the fact that you need a two thirds majority vote in the Senate to actually remove him from office.
Remember that they impeached Trump for asking about Biden's corruption in Ukraine AND the fedsurrection yet they couldn't remove him cause they could not get a majority in the senate.
While I applaud Patriots efforts to impeach him, I don't see how the Senate could vote in such overwhelming numbers when there is a miniscule majority in the Senate in the first place. Perhaps they need a massive revelation that would essentially force them to vote to impeach but it's hard to get overly excited about this when they couldn't even remove Trump.
However, an impeachment incessantly in the news is fantastic for narrative warfare and the normies will notice the open borders and obvious red pills that Biden continually hands out.
Perhaps this is all really about awakening at the end of the day. But I don't see how justice can truly be administered through the House/congress other than them setting the stage for something grander.
I'm thinking out loud here..
What do you think?

Media is too big
Jim Caviezel popped off this morning and dropped some truth bombs on Bannon.
"You cannot say andrenochrome. You cannot say anything bad about George Soros.
You think you know what the truth is, you don't. You have a selection.
God wants you to be free.
It's like a tentacle. You've got to go after the head.
Who is it?
The Central banks.
The IMF.
The Rothschild banks.
We have a Rothschild pope.
There are great Americans who are fighting right now.
I'll be that voice.
Would you lose your head for Christ? I would. Because I love him."



Full interview:
Let's just say by some miracle they actually impeach Biden with a two thirds vote in the Senate.
What happens next?
We get Kamala Harris?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not putting my hopes in an impeachment other than for the optics and normie red pilling potential. But I am 100% comfy that Babylon is falling and the plan is on course. That's how I feel and will continue to believe until the very end.
And I refuse to apologize to anyone or believe otherwise.
Adam Schiff has to be in my top five most wanted criminals I'd like to see perp walked in front of the world on live television.
Just imagine how satisfying that would be.
Just thinking about it makes me feel all giddy inside.

Jim Caviezel spoke about a big storm coming for the cabal and they know it.
Interesting language to being using considering what anons know.
He said Q and anons is just about questioning everything and combating the media that has been lying to us our entire lives.
The timing of his human trafficking movie coming out right as the border is being highlighted in such a big way is notable.
I'm also very much looking forward to the Passion of the Christ sequel (movie)

Your top five most wanted public perp walks:
Daily morale boost thread for frens with @thievesofwonders. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Media is too big
Texas is now one step closer to banning child mutilation in their state as lawmakers have now signed a bill banning gender affirming care to children.
Now protect our children and ban child mutilation in every single state.

Who wants a wholesome doggo pet fren thread. It feels like the right time for one. Post some frens in chat.
Daily morale boost thread for frens with @thievesofwonders. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

(Sorry frens trying to recover from a sickness right now. Don't have the energy to dig. Talk to everyone soon)