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Daily morale boost thread for frens with @thievesofwonders. ๐Ÿธ
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  ๐Ÿ‘‡ ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡
(Working on my next dig frens)
To summarize the Durham Report:
Hillary Clinton paid operatives to set up Trump and frame him for treason in an attempt to oust him from power all while Obama, Biden and the FBI knew it was a facade, yet they went ahead with it anyway.
If it sounds like a mass treason event, that's because it is.
Trump has always been over the target.
The entire deep state apparatus has done everything in their power to stop him.
The question that must be asked:

The system was always rigged.
Trump showed the world this like perhaps no one ever has.
Your frustration at the unveiling of that system, yet lack of justice, is warranted. However, your entire life you lived while America was fully controlled by the deep state. 
Which war did we go to that was warranted? Bush, Obama, Clinton. All compromised and Satanic. 
Everything is becoming crystal clear. 
This is what it means to be awakened. 
Who can give us justice? Who can deliver us from such an evil?
Perhaps only God. 
If Trump and company enact vengeance upon the deep state, it'll be because God empowered them. 
There's no other way but God. 
Only once the light shines upon mystery Babylon can it be defeated.
I hate when people say that there are no consequences for anyone. When Trump got into office, he shut down Epstein Island, he eliminated ISIS immediately, Bush Senior and McCain both died like dogs, those likely responsible for 9/11 in Saudi Arabia were taken out at the applause of Trump, and so much more. 
Just because the surface level looks dire, it does not mean we haven't seen any level of justice. 
Yes, we want much more!
God is taking down Babylon. 
Let's all do our part and keep believing, praying and doing our part. 
I choose to never give up hope.
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You now have CNN telling the normies that the Durham Report is devastating to the FBI and does exonerate Trump.
This is a slam dunk when it comes to narrative warfare.
When will establishment media finally mention the word treason? Because that's what it is.

Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
Media is too big
Kash Patel says the fake news is being forced to report that President Trump is innocent as a result of the Durham report & they are โ€œinjecting that into the media narrative for the first time to an audience that has never really heard that.โ€

Welcome to the great awakening.
Scavino weighs in on Donald Trump's vindication.

"Mark my words, this will make him stronger and support will continue to grow."

The further we go into the Great Awakening, the more people are realizing that Trump and his allies have been the ones standing directly in the way of the globalist plan.
The only reason they framed Trump for treason was because of this singular fact: He is a threat to their control.
People are waking up!
Youโ€™re going to see a lot of doomers and black-pillers over the next several weeks to, well, forever.

But you're also going to see people, such as myself, who are pretty much immune to dooming and black-pilling.

The anger and fear in you will tell you to align with the doomers and maybe even cause you to get mad at people like me who refuse to let anything break our spirit.

It's not because we don't see or understand the same things you do. It's not because we are lazy or dense or dumb. It's a matter of perspective and the determination to never, ever, EVER give up. No matter what. Itโ€™s a victory you can choose to give yourself that nothing and no one can take away.

With a winning spirit, we can actually fight harder and be MORE effective in our mission to wake people up and get this mess cleaned up. I promise you, you will never regret choosing to be unshakable in the face of anything, but you probably WILL regret giving in to fear and anger.

I have no judgement for people who are frustrated and pissed off. I get it! You are completely validated. But my encouragement for you would be to turn towards the people with hope right now rather than despair, because both are contagious. โ™ฅ๏ธ
Media is too big
MacGregor to Trump JR on the Ukraine proxy war and our financial system:
"Now we are trying to fight a proxy war..Russia is not weak. Russia's military is now larger and stronger than anything we've seen since the 1980s. It's economy is booming.. 81 nations are headed to St. Petersburg in June for a major conference.. the purpose of which is to bring them into this larger plan to back currency with gold. The gold in China, the gold in Russia, the gold in India is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. It's just the beginning."
It sounds to me like the debt based slave system is on the verge of collapse but that's just me.

Media is too big
Trump responds to the Durham report:
"It affected the 2020 Presidential election. This is a disgrace and they should do something about it. And that includes whatever you have to do about the Presidential election.
When I got there it was loaded up with Rhinos and Democrats. We got so many out. This is the deep state. And we will make very big changes we actually did a very good job at getting many out.
They ran government for a long period of time. And we came in and broke up the act. A lot of people weren't happy about it.
This is tremendous detail.
Total vindication.
And now something should happen."

Trump just told us that he was very pleased with the report and that now something should happen!

Do you still feel that the plan is on course yes or no?
Trump eviscerated and humiliated CNN in front of millions of normies, then CNN announces that the Durham Report is devastating for the FBI and Trump is vindicated in the public sphere, and now Elon Musk reaffirms that Soros hates humanity and is trying to destory civilization on the exact day everyone is loudly proclaiming that we must dismantle the FBI.

And it's only Monday.


Are any of the normies in your life noticing that Trump was completely vindicated and the FBI, Obama, Biden, and Clinton tried to frame Trump for treason?
Morning Patriots. What's habbening!
This is what it's all about.
Those who were previously fooled by the mainstream media coming to these red pill realizations.
Absolutely priceless.

"The Durham Report is 100x worse than Jan 6th. It revealed our highest law enforcement agency trying to undo an election on zero evidence.
If you are a Democrat you should feel far worse about the Trump-Russia than you did about Jan 6th."
The awakening is happening!
One person at a time!

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Trump on how Obama, Biden, and the FBI all knew there was zero evidence of collusion. They all knew Clinton paid for the Steele Dossier.
"This was a coup...He'll never win.. That's what they said.. But if he does, we have an insurance policy.. This was the insurance policy. This is sick. We found that one and we found a lot of others. The whole thing blew up in their face. These are bad people. These are sick people."

I love how anons have been planting seeds over the years for red pills and when it comes out that our government committed a mass treason event and no one can even dispute that fact, they get upset at how much corruption has come to light. 
They are upset that no accountability has happened (which isn't true for many people, by the way, including McCain).
I'm going to keep reiterating this over and over. 
The entire system was rigged your entire life. 
Everyone is learning it. 
This is a massive step forward. 
We need an awakening and it's happening. 
Yes, we want justice, but why complain when the very mission we undertook as anons is being fulfilled as we speak?
Daily morale boost thread for frens with @thievesofwonders. ๐Ÿธ
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  ๐Ÿ‘‡ ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡