Patrick M. Byrne
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Advocates constitutional republicanism for government, blockchain for institutions, and educational choice for human capital for my commentary, explanations, and insights.

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Let us continue to be the guys talking about peace.
Latest message from Patrick. Let us not forget that we recorded history in what happened in 2020 in Patrick's book and movie - The Deep Rig. Please share the link with as many as possible. It is FREE to watch.
Not too long ago, Patrick opened up about who he is and his journey to fighting for Freedom today. This is one of those rare times when you hear Patrick talk about it. We wanted to share that with you and if you can have it in your heart to support him and his efforts. Share this along and request others to do the same.
Patrick M. Byrne
The fascists have removed Senator Rand Paul from YouTube. I would say, “be prepared for it to get a lot worse before it gets better.” But that would be a lie. Because it is not going to get better. I have lived in the world these authoritarians are trying…
I wrote the foreword for Ryan's book, Behind the Mask of Facebook, because I've exposed corruption for years in the private sector, and Big Tech is out of control. As a whistleblower, Ryan shows just how involved Facebook was in the manipulation of our 2020 election. Freedom of speech and freedom of conscience are both under threat because of authoritarianism ushered in by fascist corporations. You need to read this book immediately to understand how.
Forwarded from Eran Gal
Population - 10M
Fully vaccinated >70% (mostly Pfizer)
Ivermectin - not allowed for treatment
7-day average deaths: 9 and rising steeply

Uttar Pradesh, India:
Population - 204M
Fully vaccinated - ~10%
Ivermectin - in wide use for treatment and profilaxis since the end of April
7-day average deaths: 1 declining
Listen to Tori about this. Do not have any conversations with people who are telling you it’s time to take the law into your own hands or get violent. I know people are losing hope. But Please just give things a few more days.

Why? Because I think within a few days Doug Logan‘s report will be filed. And it really is about 90% a mystery to me, but I know enough to suspect it’s not going to be “a clean bill of health” (as I put it in a blog the other day). Within a day of that report being submitted, I’m sure it will come out through press channels under a freedom of information act request.

I have to tell you folks, that is the big reveal for me. I’ve been saying since about November 10 that at the end of the day, there are ballot boxes in six counties that if they get opened are going to demonstrate election fraud on the scale no one had previously contemplated. The intersection of the mathematics and the observational data and the affidavits And the news stories was too precise to be coincidental. So I bet everything on that.

It has been just over nine months, and we’re going to know the answer. After six months the ballot boxes finally got opened and started to be looked at by people who were interested in finding cheating (If there were any) rather than finding nothing.

So to me, the revelation of that information once Doug Logan‘s report gets out… That’s the end of a nine month journey for me. We have been making claims, we’ve been embroiled in the political fight of our lives. But people have forgotten I think that unlike other political sites, this one has a definite answer. This isn’t just down to oratory or placing blame or bullshitting: this comes down to what people find when they open up some ballot boxes in Maricopa. It’s kind of unique as a political question in that sense (Well, the Iraqi WMD might be of the same category).

So everybody should prepaid themselves. We are the side of science. Science is about data, hypotheses, and evidence. We looked at the data, we formed hypotheses, we got enough information to some brave state senators in Arizona they caused them to do the right thing, and organize this audit. Where we could: we provided financial support as needed.

But we really don’t know anything new yet. There was a preliminary report a few weeks ago, but I understood it to be more of the auditors asking for certain things rather than revealing very much (though what they did reveal was heart stopping).

But with regard to at least one of the six counties, we will have our answer this week. We will either be batting 1000 or batting 0.

Let’s remember to bring that kind of discipline to our paradigm. We are about the science and we are about the evidence. If the evidence goes against us, I will be the first guy to come out publicly and say “ I was wrong”.

But if the evidence shows that we were right, I will consider this a settled question. The other side wishes to dispute it at that point, they’re going to have to give good reason.

And then maybe we can get past this phase and start moving towards a solution. Maybe there’s a compromise solution, a political solution Period I don’t know. I just know that going into the streets now, especially doing anything remotely goon, Is absolutely not what you should be doing.
Forwarded from ꧁Heather꧂
You should see all the Instagram “digital red stringers” posting things about taking to the streets because they’re “tired of waiting” for the military and want to act out very soon.

TORE was right. This is what the infiltration accounts were supposed to do. Rule people up to take the streets. They’re putting us all in danger.

They never even think about picking up a pen, making a phone call or sending an email, even when you tell them that doing so has gotten great results -

They don’t think about it, because they were NEVER going to do anything but post things to try to get people to go the violent route.
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Can Jena Griswold be trusted with a “Trusted Build”?
When Taliban are allowed on Twitter but American citizens … say the President of USA, are banned.
Let’s not forget Gen Flynn was in charge of DIA. Let’s not forget he is asking us all to be part of The America Project. He believes we need a movement by the people.
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
Let this 2015 article sink in. The men and women who served in Afghanistan and sacrificed so much of their lives for reasons they will never comprehend, for people who obviously don’t care about their sacrifice and to achieve goals that were always unachievable deserve our utmost respect for their service, their devotion to each other and their commitment to our freedoms and our way of life as American citizens. Our young men and women in uniform are still simply the best our nation has to offer. We now have an administration in total disarray, indecisive and apathetic to all surrounding global events. We’ve never been in a weaker position. Those military in their way, beware, blame will now be deflected toward you. Prayers up for all those around the world who cherish freedom and may God bless and protect America! 🙏🏼🇺🇸
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
We The People are the plan. Stop with all the nonsense. The founders started with creating individual liberties first then went from there. Our constitution was created from the bottom up (thank God) and we have sacrificed much to keep life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Stop complaining and get involved in your local community.
Forwarded from JovanHuttonPulitzer (JovanHutton Pulitzer)