Patrick M. Byrne
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Advocates constitutional republicanism for government, blockchain for institutions, and educational choice for human capital for my commentary, explanations, and insights.

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“But POC’s can’t be racist!” Say the Lesbian Dance Theory majors.
Anyone without a bitcoin account is not paying attention.

I’m not saying it is a good store of wealth. The Chinese may have a backdoor into it. Don’t put all your savings in it.

But as a way to communicate value immune from government cut off, it is superb. Download Exodus.
So what? Suppose it is the case that Trump‘s bloody ear was not from the bullet grazing him, but the bullet hit a teleprompter and a shard of glass cut his ear. So what?
Two of the three best living philosophers in America.

Of course, #1 is Tom Sowell.
This is the kind of Black folk I grew up around (as a teenager) and loved. They opened my eyes to how so many Whites were kooks.

The difference today is that 50% of Black folk are kooks now too.
Exactly. Exactly!

There’s no way Biden was truly this incompetent. It was on purpose.

Of that $$85 billion in military equipment left behind an Afghanistan…how much is now sitting in Mexico waiting for cartels to cross the border when we collapse?
I agree. I normally give the benefit of doubt to cops. It’s a tough job. They’re human and scared.

I’ve been arrested 5 times. Sometimes by multiple cops screaming conflicting orders. Tried to comply, but I’m sure at least 1-2 times I gave as much reason to shoot me as Sonya.

Five years ago one law professor told me, “I hate Trump like I hate cancer.”

But in truth, he and his ilk hate America like they hate cancer.
Because nothing says “transparency“ like saying “I will Only comply with my legal obligation to let the public see records the public owns if the public agrees beforehand not to prosecute me.“🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Because social justice.

For two generations, people now my age and up looted the future with schemes sold as “social justice.”

Now the future has shown up.

Don’t blame me. Some of us were for small government all along.
Remember when they told everyone to take a shot, and by 18 months later the UK had data showing that those who took it were dying at a significantly higher rate than those who had refused?

Elect a Democrat and, indeed, this time they WILL finish the job.
Remember when they forced a Vax upon children to whom Covid-19 represented a risk of 1 in 100,000 (and non-obese children a 1 in 1 million risk)? Then it "obliterated" their DNA repair so they got more cancer?

Elect a Dem again and they will indeed "finish the job."
The Democrat Party is for the White man.

They say so themselves.

They USED to say it explicitly. Now they just argue against school choice and holding Blacks to the same standards as others, and say "Defund the Police!"
The shooting of #SonyaMassey was horrific. But:

Police shoot an unarmed black person about 10 times per year or a little less.

They shoot an unarmed white person about 20 times per year or a little less.

There is no statistical evidence of systemic racism in police shootings.
WaPo contacted me with a (not-unreasonable) question regarding my use of the phrase "piano wire & blowtorches" when speaking of Colorado officials involved in the persecution of Mesa County's Tina Peters in retaliation for her documenting election crimes. It was Obama saying in 2008 to the CEOs of 12 Big Banks, "I'm the only thing standing between you and the pitchforks and nooses" (a phrase he perhaps cribbed from a letter I wrote to the WSJ in '07).

Just as none would take his turn of phrase as an attempt to threaten or extort those 12 CEO's, neither should any take this other colorful phrase of mine to be a literal threat of physical retaliation. I eschew violence in politics and seek "Truth & Reconciliation" for the USA.

However, given the proof we now have of what goes on with these election systems, I do fear its incipient disclosure to the American public will test our ability to remain peaceful and my ability to contribute to that cause.

Stay peaceful people.

Even when you fully understand how Cuba & Venezuela have penetrated our government at federal and local levels along with rigging our election systems, and that Soros has channeled Venezuelan cartel funding towards that end.

Stay peaceful.