Passion For Truth Ministries
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This is the official Passion for Truth Ministries Telegram Channel. "Doing Bible things in Bible ways" - Jim Staley
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In this week's episode, you will meet Steve Penny, a valued member of our community and founder of Silver Chartist PRO. Steve will be leading one of our breakout sessions during our 9-day Tabernacles event, where he will present financial concepts based on Biblical teachings. This session promises to be both informative and inspiring, offering practical advice for managing your finances in alignment with your faith.
What is the true meaning of the word "Christian" in the original context it was created? In this teaching, we will journey back thousands of years to uncover the origins of this word, exploring its roots in Greek, Hebrew, and Latin, as well as what the Disciples understood about it and much more.

Join Pastor Jim as we continue our walk through the Book of Acts, focusing on chapters 11 and 12. Discover the fascinating story of Peter being freed from prison by an angel and how the Ekklesia began spreading to cities outside Judea in the first century.
Torah Portion VA‘ETCHANAN
I pleaded — וָאֶתְחַנַּן (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11)
This week’s special guest for Tabernacle Tuesdays is Joseph Dalton, a Torah-centered podcaster dedicated to teaching others how to achieve a deeper understanding of parenthood and family leadership.

He will be one of our breakout session speakers, and you won’t want to miss it. For more information, visit and register for our Sukkot 2024 event.
We invite you to download this article and share it with your family and church community. As parents and guardians, we play a unique and vital role in imparting spiritual wisdom and nurturing a strong foundation in the Word of God within our families.
Why in the world are Gentiles attending synagogue services and not going to their own church? Find out in this week’s broadcast! Also, imagine being stoned to death in a city for preaching the gospel, then being resurrected, only to return to that same city to continue the Lord's work, spreading the good news across the land, overcoming the fear of being persecuted again.

What incredible commitment and love! In this week's episode of our series on the Book of Acts, Pastor Jim will cover chapters 13 and 14, where pivotal events unfold that forever shape the future of Christianity.

Join us this Saturday at 11 a.m. CST on our YouTube channel.
Do Christians need to keep the law of God? This question has echoed through the centuries, and as the Book of Acts shows us, even the early disciples grappled with this issue. While over 40,000 denominations worldwide may believe they have the answer, is it really as straightforward as it seems?

In this teaching, Pastor Jim will explore one of the most misinterpreted passages in scripture, The Jerusalem Council in Acts 15, where James instructed the Gentiles to “only do these four things.” We will uncover how our understanding of this text has been mistaken for over 1,700 years.

Join us this Saturday at 11 a.m. CST on our YouTube channel.
Torah Portion SHOFTIM
Judges — שׁוֹפְטִים (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9)
How strong do you believe the foundation of your faith is? Have you ever examined your faith, preconceptions, and interpretations of Scripture? It’s time to shake the structure of what we believe and allow the Lord to bring epignosis into your life—a deeper, more intimate knowledge of His Word that transcends our understanding.
In this teaching, Pastor Jim will guide you on a journey that challenges your belief system, testing the message, principles, and the depth of your love. How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice for Yeshua to truly flourish in your life?
Join us this Saturday at 11 AM CST.
Torah Portion KI TETZE
When you go forth — כִּי־תֵצֵא
Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19
Did you know that the number one characteristic of Satan isn’t pride or being the master of deceit? It’s something much deeper, found in every human, that can cause conflict, split churches, and hurt one another.

In this week’s episode of our series on the Book of Acts, Pastor Jim breaks down Apostle Paul’s journeys in Acts 17-18. As he shares the gospel in synagogues with both Gentiles and Jews, Paul travels through many cities in Europe and Asia Minor. Yet, he faces a familiar response in nearly every destination: he’s kicked out due to jealousy and envy.

How can studying these chapters from a Hebrew perspective help us understand the depth of Paul’s actions, his endurance, and the struggles he faced to build human tabernacles for God on earth?

Don’t miss it! Join us this Saturday at 11 am CST on our YouTube channel.
Torah Portion KI TAVO
When you come in — כִּי־תָבוֹא (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8)
Acts chapter 19 bursts with intensity, packed with supernatural power, fierce opposition, and life-altering transformation. Paul’s mission in Ephesus kicks off as he baptizes disciples, unleashing the Holy Spirit with a fire that brings speaking in tongues and prophecy. For two years, Paul’s fearless preaching ignites a spiritual revolution that sweeps across Asia, touching every soul.

Miracles erupt as healings and exorcisms follow in Paul’s wake, but the spiritual realm strikes back in a thrilling showdown with the sons of Sceva, who dare to misuse Jesus’ name and are brutally overpowered by an evil spirit. The city trembles with awe as believers publicly torch their sorcery scrolls in a stunning renunciation of dark magic. Yet, as the gospel crushes the forces of evil, Paul's unstoppable momentum provokes a riot—furious craftsmen, fearing for their idol trade, clash violently in the streets. This chapter crackles with tension and divine triumph as light collides with darkness, shaking the very foundations of Ephesus!

Join us this Shabbat, September 21st, at 11:00 AM (CST)
Standing/He went — נִצָּבִים־וַיֵּלֶךְ (Deuteronomy 29:9-31:30)