🧬 C-19大流行是中央NWO (新世界秩序) 計劃的加速器
🧬 納米技術已入侵。已不是“他們是否會將納米技術應用到疫苗中”的問題了,而是他們已在做了!
🧬 納米機器人意味著一種高效、強大的臨床設備,能提供對士兵和平民“珍貴”的生物醫學監視。
~The Plandemic is being used as a pretext to rush forward even faster with nanotech vaccines, which ultimately accelerates the central NWO scheme
~The Scamdemic and Nanotech Agenda, the two agendas are merging, with sinister implications for humanity.
~The nanotech invasion is already here. It’s not a question of “will they place nanotech in vaccines” since they already have.
~Nanorobots should mean an efficient and powerful clinical device to provide precious biomedical monitoring, both for soldiers as for civilian population.
🧪🧪🧪 冠狀病毒行動正在與納米技術議程攜手合作中 Operation Coronavirus is Working Hand-in-Hand with the Nanotech Agenda ☜
【#陰謀 #Conspiracy】
【#科技 #Technology】#Nanotech #Pandemic #Hoax #Humamity #Agenda21 #Reset #大流行 #大重構 #21世紀議程 #人性 #騙局 #納米科技
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🧬 C-19大流行是中央NWO (新世界秩序) 計劃的加速器
🧬 納米技術已入侵。已不是“他們是否會將納米技術應用到疫苗中”的問題了,而是他們已在做了!
🧬 納米機器人意味著一種高效、強大的臨床設備,能提供對士兵和平民“珍貴”的生物醫學監視。
~The Plandemic is being used as a pretext to rush forward even faster with nanotech vaccines, which ultimately accelerates the central NWO scheme
~The Scamdemic and Nanotech Agenda, the two agendas are merging, with sinister implications for humanity.
~The nanotech invasion is already here. It’s not a question of “will they place nanotech in vaccines” since they already have.
~Nanorobots should mean an efficient and powerful clinical device to provide precious biomedical monitoring, both for soldiers as for civilian population.
🧪🧪🧪 冠狀病毒行動正在與納米技術議程攜手合作中 Operation Coronavirus is Working Hand-in-Hand with the Nanotech Agenda ☜
【#陰謀 #Conspiracy】
【#科技 #Technology】#Nanotech #Pandemic #Hoax #Humamity #Agenda21 #Reset #大流行 #大重構 #21世紀議程 #人性 #騙局 #納米科技
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Vaccine Impact -
Nano Technology being used in Vaccines – The Transhuman Agenda is in High Gear with COVID - Vaccine Impact
The nanotech agenda – involving the placement of tiny sensors, devices and machines measured in nanometers inside the human body – is receiving a boost from the current fake pandemic which I have labeled Operation Coronavirus. My earlier article Hydrogel…