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Soon Everything you have given will be returned to you, for Better or for Worse.

You will reap a fair measure of what you have done or not done.

- Mirror.

At the same time, the righteous will be rewarded beyond imagination.

The Universe will decide the modalities.


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It's time.....

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- World Peace Is Coming.🕊️

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The storms currently churning are not meant for you. But a barrier for others. There will come a time soon however that DC will meet the greatest storm it will ever witness. Carry on.

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I don't think people realize that when the curtain is finally removed what lies behind it will shock the world.

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I'll be back soon. Until then, enjoy the show.

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Forwarded from ~ The 17th Letter ~

I just found out that JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon (and the cabal) are now under "white hat" military jurisdiction for crimes against humanity. JPMorgan bank funded Epstein island, the paper trail will come out via military tribunals. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Jamie Dimon's connection to the CABAL.CIA. MOSSAD. EPSTEIN. WORLD DEEP  STATE SYSTEM. This is why Jamie Dimon “flipped” for Trump. The cabal (via Jamie Dimon) is allowing Trump back into the W.H. and Joe Biden out. The "leftist" like Alex Soros are now pushing Biden to a border crisis civil war in which the Federalist states are playing into the Biden regimes hands to collapse the fiat currency system, because both political parties are implicated in child pedophilia via Epstein Island. A currency reset (to gold) via border crisis civil war people. The cabal is coordinating a “border crisis” civil war to bring down the fiat system rather than face military tribunals. This is the CIA’s “Black Swan” It's about to get ugly.

The whole world is shocked.☝️


Enter the channel and be well informed about the secret Black Swan 👇👇👇

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One for all, all for one!

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It's a green light, let's start!🥳


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What will be announced in the next 24 hours will shock the whole world.


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PROJECT ODIN will go together with the EAS/EBS... It is a military unit that supervises military forces in ground operations.
ODI N means:


During the EBS
Every major media channel on the planet will be…

The documentaries will be broadcast for 10 days all the channels on the planet will be taken over by the Alliance everything will be revealed political institutions famous religious

The final three days will reveal suppressed extraterrestrial life Patents and the new Earth.

PROJECT ODIN and military GESARA, a monumental combination that promises to overthrow the Cabal's hold on global power.
Prepare for the most dramatic change in modern history when the Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) emerges, signaling a new era of truth, justice and liberation.
The stage is set, the actors are in position, and the world is about to witness a seismic shift that will reshape the course of history.

PROJECT ODIN, a project shrouded in secrecy, is about to be revealed to the world.

But what is PROJECT ODIN and how does it connect to the military GESARA and the long-awaited Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)?

In this article, we delve into the heart of this remarkable transformation, revealing the hidden truths and unveiling the future that awaits us.

PROJECT ODIN: PROJECT ODIN, as cryptically mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is not just another codename; It is the key to dismantling the Mossad Media satellite network that has been at the center of global manipulation for too long.
This bold mission is not for the faint of heart; is the linchpin of the Quantum Starlink system, a quantum leap in technology that promises to redefine our world.

The new Quantum Systems, part of Quantum Starlink, represent a paradigm shift in technology.

These systems are protected by secret space programs that operate beyond the reach of the Cabal, ensuring their integrity and security.

As the Cabal-controlled media crumbles, these Quantum Systems will emerge as heralds of truth and transparency.

The Cabal's Last Stand: Q, the enigmatic figure behind many revelations, has predicted the elimination of the Mossad media.

But what comes next is even deeper. Whiplash has hinted at a major theatrical production, a misleading depiction of World War III, that will actually serve as a catalyst for the activation of military forces around the world.

A Biblical Scenario Revealed: In a twist of fate, this orchestrated chaos will pave the way for the activation of Armed Forces around the world, unleashing a torrent of events that will bring the Cabal to its knees.

The NESARA/GESARA funds will finally see the light of day and the people will be entrusted with the monumental task of rebuilding a long-oppressed world.

Identifying the Illuminati's Satanic Strongholds – The Kabbalah network stretches far and wide, but Q has given us insight into its most prominent strongholds.

From the Vatican to Buckingham Palace, from the White House to the heart of China, these places hold the keys to the power of the Kabbalah. As the dominoes fall, 34 satanic buildings and dams will collapse, forever changing the landscape of the world.

The United States in an almost instant military dictatorship... commanded by none other than Joe Biden:

A multitude of events take place:

As the Kabbalah faces its reckoning, a cascade of events will unfold.

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Pay attention in the near future..
It's very close 👇👇👇


We know that something powerful will take down the Mossad Media satellite. This will cause a worldwide communications blackout, transitioning us to a Quantum System. This is called PROJECT ODIN. In essence, it provides a reason to activate Military EBS.
Starlink is up and seemingly ready for the Army to activate the worldwide Emergency Broadcast System.

The Odin Project, as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is a powerful cross-platform Anti-Cheat Engine and part of Quantum Starlink. These new Quantum Systems are protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal.

Q tells us that Mossad media assets will be eliminated. has repeatedly stated that there will be a big Biblical scenario where they present it as World War 3 but in reality they will activate the Military worldwide and then start bombing all the This satanic place.

This will release the NESARA/GESARA funds and then we the people will begin to rebuild. This event is truly biblical.
What are some of the larger Satanic Illuminati sites in the world? Q showed us things like:
* Vatican
* Buckinghan Palace
* Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany)
* 3GD in China
*Cern at Swiss/French Border possibly
* Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel
* Israel/Khazarians control CCP
* Communication etc
* 34 Satanic buildings and dams will fall

Many events will also take place such as:
* Rods of God/DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) used on Satan-targeted sites worldwide
* Planes and trains will be grounded
*Lights/Energy will be turned off briefly as they switch to Tesla free energy
* Bitcoin Server/Data Center will be hacked and shut down forever
* 99.5% of cryptocurrencies will disappear, including Chinese Coins
* ISO20022 coins backed by Precious Metals will be available
* WW3 scare event will take place
* Nuclear siren
* Water events
* The stock market collapsed
* Global martial arts rules
* CASTLE ROCK - Background Julian Assange
* Quantum system
* Odin project enabled
* Nesara / Gesara / RV
* Revealing the election through the Military Court - FISA
* Military trial
* 10 countries will run EBS for worldwide coverage
* Tremendous truths revealed
* Trump and Kennedy inaugurations
* ISRAELI MOSSAD has controlled world media out of America.
* Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink
* The new quantum system will be protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal
* Satanic Media assets will be removed.
* Israeli intelligence was forced to withdraw
* Media assets will be removed
* After communications are disabled, John F Kennedy Jr will appear.

To convert to Gesara/Greatness, they must play this fake World War 3 scenario to sound the sirens in each National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the entire planet many things that have taken place. The Gesara Military Law was implemented which included Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions, executions etc. As usual, all armies will be there to help build new things. We have achieved freedom, saved our children and freed the world of corrupt governments and enslavers.

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Project Odin: Nuke in the sky... Part 2

2. SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. It is a satellite communications corporation founded in 2002 by Elon Musk. Small satellites can be as small as a smartphone and as large as a refrigerator. SpaceX’s is building an interconnected network, or “constellation,” of about 12,000 satellites to provide (safe) high-speed 5G+ internet to anywhere in the world directly on your phone. Musk now controls now most of all active satellites.

3. In March 2020 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved SpaceX to deploy up to 1 million antennas for their Starlink internet network. Musk wants to cover the world with internet from space, which he achieved by late 2023.

4. Stellar is an open source network for storing and moving money through the Stellar Blockchain. The STELLAR Network (XLM) is for the People and is monitored by the Alliance Military. When the stock market crashes and all assets are seized the assets / money of over 600,000 counts will be flowing into these currencies for humanity. It is designed so that all the world’s financial systems can work together on a single network. Stellar has no owner; is public property. The software runs in a decentralized, open network environment and handles millions of transactions each day. Stellar is designed so that all the world’s financial systems can work together on a single network. It is a payment technology that aims to connect financial institutions and dramatically reduce the cost and time required for cross-border transfers. Unlike almost all other blockchain systems, Stellar can connect to real-world endpoints, so people can turn their digital representations of money into something they can actually spend. It is secure, decentralized, transparent, fast settlement, and low cost. In the end, everyone in the world must enter QFS through Stellar. There is no way around this! This Stellar Quantum Computing QFS ends corruption, usury and bank manipulation. Bank monitoring is independent and decentralized. 3 main groups are involved: Swiss Banking Group, Indus (BRICS) and the US Space Force. It consists of photonic technology–operating at 3.5 trillion frames per second, meaning instant payments Only ISO certified digital currencies in it with CBDC (White Hats' Central Bank Digital Currency) and Gold bonds.

5. Project Odin is going to knock out the Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the global media, switch us over to the Quantum Systems and activate the Military EBS.

The coming internet / media blackout and free energy

To activate the GESARA Law's Reform number 19, there have to be internet / media blackout. Many say an electrical grid failure in every country around the globe will also occurs, but it is not certain.

"Reform 19: Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy (electricity) devices, anti-gravity, and sonic Medbed healing machines."

With this blackout the Cabal's Mainstream Media's (MSM) (television and radio) satellites will be knocked out with Project Odin, meaning all the MSM's Mosad controlled sattelites. This will blackout the global media, and switch us over to the Quantum Systems: finance, free internet, free energy, etc.

Space Force also deployed the EBS satellites and lasers to shoot down Mossad satellites (15 Jan 2023). SpaceX Falcon Heavy launches USSF-67 from 39A, 2 satellites launched: Continuous Broadcast Augmenting SATCOM 2 (CBAS-2) and the Long Duration Propulsive ESPA - 3A (LDPE-3A).

CBAS: “Very little is known about CBAS besides its role in augmenting existing military satellite communication capabilities and continuously broadcasting military data through space-based satellite relay links.”

Cont with Part 3...

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