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Dear Democrats,

You can have as many CIA operatives bare false witness against our President as you want...

American’s know the truth!

President Trump did NOTHING wrong!#ImpeachmentHearings#ImpeachmentHoax— Millie Weaver (@Millie__Weaver) November 13, 2019 RT @Millie__Weaver: Dear Democrats, You can have as many CIA operatives bare false witness against our President as you want... American’s know the truth! President Trump did NOTHING wrong! #ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentHoax https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Not good for the Democrats' narrative:

George Kent says he raised concerns about Hunter Biden’s Ukraine board position to Joe Biden’s office in 2015 #ImpeachmentHearings pic.twitter.com/vic4AVzCkw— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) November 13, 2019 RT @SteveGuest: Not good for the Democrats' narrative: George Kent says he raised concerns about Hunter Biden’s Ukraine board position to Joe Biden’s office in 2015 #ImpeachmentHearings https://t.co/vic4AVzCkw https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
If the Dem's "star witness" doesn't know anything, then why are they trying to impeach? This whole thing is another circus played upon us all by lying loser Democrats. https://t.co/021QJ1JzcN
— Louie Huey (@reallouiehuey) November 13, 2019

RT @reallouiehuey: If the Dem's "star witness" doesn't know anything, then why are they trying to impeach? This whole thing is another circus played upon us all by lying loser Democrats. https://t.co/021QJ1JzcN https://ift.tt/2idAC7w

I went to find out why they are harassing President @realDonaldTrump & to look for the whistleblower.

His staff didn’t know what to say!#ImpeachmentHearings is a joke!

RT 👉 #ResignAdamSchiff

pic.twitter.com/sEGty2O68N— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) November 13, 2019 RT @w_terrence: I WENT TO ADAM SCHIFF’S OFFICE ON CAPITOL HILL! I went to find out why they are harassing President @realDonaldTrump & to look for the whistleblower. His staff didn’t know what to say! #ImpeachmentHearings is a joke! RT 👉 #ResignAdamSchiff https://t.co/sEGty2O68N https://ift.tt/2idAC7w

ONCE I POSTED I WENT TO ADAM SCHIFF OFFICE TWITTER TOOK AWAY over 400 followers in minutes!!#ImpeachmentHearings is a joke #TrumpImpeachment will never happen!


RETWEET LETS GET THIS OUT! https://t.co/H3LPd8bh7W— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) November 13, 2019 RT @w_terrence: THEY ARE ALREADY SUPPRESSING THIS VIDEO! ONCE I POSTED I WENT TO ADAM SCHIFF OFFICE TWITTER TOOK AWAY over 400 followers in minutes!! #ImpeachmentHearings is a joke #TrumpImpeachment will never happen! EVERYONE SHOULD CALL OR VISIT ADAMS OFFICE RETWEET LETS GET THIS OUT! https://t.co/H3LPd8bh7W https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Republicans should EXPLICITLY ask Yovanovitch about her knowledge of EricCiaramella’s #Whistleblower complaint in Friday’s episode of the #Hearsay #ImpeachmentHearings so we can watch @RepAdamSchiff pretend NOT to know who that is🧐#StopTheCouppic.twitter.com/gBA5SlKZ7M
— DrConservaMom🇺🇸🐸🌐 (@ConservaMomUSA) November 13, 2019

RT @ConservaMomUSA: Republicans should EXPLICITLY ask Yovanovitch about her knowledge of EricCiaramella’s #Whistleblower complaint in Friday’s episode of the #Hearsay #ImpeachmentHearings so we can watch @RepAdamSchiff pretend NOT to know who that is🧐 #StopTheCoup https://t.co/gBA5SlKZ7M https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
House Democrats redacted the name of @AlexandraChalup, the former @DNC contractor who met with Ukrainian officials to try to obtain dirt on Trump’s campaign, Rep. @DevinNunes said.

Chalupa this week said she wants to testify in the #ImpeachmentHearings. https://t.co/NQ7OYsAZ1p— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) November 13, 2019 RT @EpochTimes: House Democrats redacted the name of @AlexandraChalup, the former @DNC contractor who met with Ukrainian officials to try to obtain dirt on Trump’s campaign, Rep. @DevinNunes said. Chalupa this week said she wants to testify in the #ImpeachmentHearings. https://t.co/NQ7OYsAZ1p https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Multiple combat veterans have told me they are livid at this attitude from Vindman, at his use of the uniform as a prop for the cameras, and at his obvious scheming against and insubordination towards his chain of command. https://t.co/ZLdXWpdM4h
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 19, 2019

RT @seanmdav: Multiple combat veterans have told me they are livid at this attitude from Vindman, at his use of the uniform as a prop for the cameras, and at his obvious scheming against and insubordination towards his chain of command. https://t.co/ZLdXWpdM4h https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Democrats right now are investigating their political opponent for investigating his political opponent, accusing him of Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine, while they are trying to nominate someone who actually did Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine. #ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentHearings
— MARK SIMONE (@MarkSimoneNY) November 20, 2019

RT @MarkSimoneNY: Democrats right now are investigating their political opponent for investigating his political opponent, accusing him of Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine, while they are trying to nominate someone who actually did Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine. #ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentHearings https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Who’s office do y’all want me to visit. Next?

The liberals want me to stop & think I should be arrested for this.

I’m thinking of doing more! Visiting the offices of all the crazy democrats.

pic.twitter.com/VdahThPlNb— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) November 23, 2019 RT @w_terrence: Who’s office do y’all want me to visit. Next? The liberals want me to stop & think I should be arrested for this. I’m thinking of doing more! Visiting the offices of all the crazy democrats. RT if you think I SHOULD I MORE OF THESE https://t.co/VdahThPlNb https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Owen SHROYER @allidoisowen arrested for expressing his #1A right inside the corrupt fake bullshit #ImpeachmentHearings. #Infowars does it again! Standing up to TYRANNY IS THE INFOWARS DNA! pic.twitter.com/Y6nRdHCmcU
— Benjamin Hill (@realBenHill) December 9, 2019

RT @realBenHill: Owen SHROYER @allidoisowen arrested for expressing his #1A right inside the corrupt fake bullshit #ImpeachmentHearings. #Infowars does it again! Standing up to TYRANNY IS THE INFOWARS DNA! https://t.co/Y6nRdHCmcU https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Obama was Responsible and supported Net Neutrality.

Netflix Benefitted from Net Neutrality

Obama leaves office, and gets a $65 million Dollar Deal With Netflix.

Did Obama use the Presidency for his “personal” gain..??

Was there A “Quid Pro Quo”...??🤔 #ImpeachmentHearings⭐️⭐️Rooster⭐️⭐️ (@no_silenced) December 13, 2019 RT @no_silenced: Obama was Responsible and supported Net Neutrality. Netflix Benefitted from Net Neutrality Obama leaves office, and gets a $65 million Dollar Deal With Netflix. Did Obama use the Presidency for his “personal” gain..?? Was there A “Quid Pro Quo”...??🤔 #ImpeachmentHearings https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Friday the 13th and Impeachment are both trending today.

Nancy Pelosi announced Impeachment on Halloween.

Are the Democrats trying to look evil? Or is it just natural?#impeachment #ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentSham— Millie Weaver (@Millie__Weaver) December 13, 2019 RT @Millie__Weaver: Friday the 13th and Impeachment are both trending today. Nancy Pelosi announced Impeachment on Halloween. Are the Democrats trying to look evil? Or is it just natural? #impeachment #ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentSham https://ift.tt/2idAC7w