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This is What A 'Quid Pro Quo' with #Ukraine looks like:
Please retweet this video so everyone of your friends can watch it.
$1Billion in Aid was held so a prosecutor be fired. #JoeBiden in his own words says that Ukrainians did not believe him...but he said 'Call Barack' pic.twitter.com/WNeQe07HM2— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) September 25, 2019 RT @SaraCarterDC: This is What A 'Quid Pro Quo' with #Ukraine looks like: Please retweet this video so everyone of your friends can watch it. $1Billion in Aid was held so a prosecutor be fired. #JoeBiden in his own words says that Ukrainians did not believe him...but he said 'Call Barack' https://t.co/WNeQe07HM2 https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi NECK DEEP in Ukraine - Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected to Military and Government is Her Legislative Aide
Nancy Pelosi is neck deep in Ukraine politics. Her legislative aide, Ivanna Voronovych, is from the Ukraine and is connected to the Ukrainian Embassy, the Ukrainian military, the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian party life. Young Ivanna Voronovych was a party girl in the Ukraine and somehow manage...
Message: #BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: #NancyPelosi NECK DEEP in #Ukraine#Female #UkrainianPartyGirl Connected to #Military and #Government is Her Legislative Aide https://ift.tt/2nnc6Js
October 01, 2019 at 09:47AM
Ukraine Likely to Reopen Probe of Hunter Biden: Sources https://t.co/5Y90Sl9i7d Even the leftist Daily Beast is reporting new prosecutor in #Ukraine under Pres Zelensky moving to open investigations on Biden and Lutsenko (Prosecutor close to DEMS fired 29Aug2019) #UkraineHoax
— Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@jerome_corsi) October 1, 2019

RT @jerome_corsi: Ukraine Likely to Reopen Probe of Hunter Biden: Sources https://t.co/5Y90Sl9i7d Even the leftist Daily Beast is reporting new prosecutor in #Ukraine under Pres Zelensky moving to open investigations on Biden and Lutsenko (Prosecutor close to DEMS fired 29Aug2019) #UkraineHoax https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
#WheresHunter @JoeBiden? Where are the $Billions of missing US & IMF funds you guys laundered through #Ukraine while you were occupying #WeThePeople's House? YOU CANT HIDE THE TRUTH ANYMORE ASSHOLE, YOUR BS ATTEMPTS AT IMPEACHMENT IS A TREASONOUS COUP AGAINST @realDonaldTrump! https://t.co/IGgHJQw2oG pic.twitter.com/rIe6GqxpMd
— Evan Dauster ~NwoInfoWarrior~ (@EvanDauster) October 15, 2019

#WheresHunter @JoeBiden? Where are the $Billions of missing US & IMF funds you guys laundered through #Ukraine while you were occupying #WeThePeople's House? YOU CANT HIDE THE TRUTH ANYMORE ASSHOLE, YOUR BS ATTEMPTS AT IMPEACHMENT IS A TREASONOUS COUP AGAINST @realDonaldTrump! https://t.co/IGgHJQw2oG https://t.co/rIe6GqxpMd https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
#WheresHunter? Where are the missing $Billions in U.S. &. IMF funds you guys laundered through #Ukraine after you had Soros send in 20,000 ACTUAL #Nazis to overthrow their country while you plunder and pillaged it? YOUR BS IMPEACHMENT IS A TREASONOUS COUP!https://t.co/6ZXDfvIDd1 pic.twitter.com/mHa7rEYApQ
— Evan Dauster ~NwoInfoWarrior~ (@EvanDauster) October 15, 2019

@JoeBiden #WheresHunter? Where are the missing $Billions in U.S. &. IMF funds you guys laundered through #Ukraine after you had Soros send in 20,000 ACTUAL #Nazis to overthrow their country while you plunder and pillaged it? YOUR BS IMPEACHMENT IS A TREASONOUS COUP! https://t.co/6ZXDfvIDd1 https://t.co/mHa7rEYApQ https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Yes, @SharylAttkisson Taylor & Kent are not "fact witnesses." Did not hear @realDonaldTrump call w #Ukraine Zelinsky on 7/25/19. 100% HEARSAY & opinion policy disagreements (who cares?) NOT ADMISSIBLE in COURT. Taylor & Kent lose tv audience w LONG, BORING opening statements. https://t.co/MOlfwVPv4E
— Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@jerome_corsi) November 13, 2019

RT @jerome_corsi: Yes, @SharylAttkisson Taylor & Kent are not "fact witnesses." Did not hear @realDonaldTrump call w #Ukraine Zelinsky on 7/25/19. 100% HEARSAY & opinion policy disagreements (who cares?) NOT ADMISSIBLE in COURT. Taylor & Kent lose tv audience w LONG, BORING opening statements. https://t.co/MOlfwVPv4E https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
This just in from @jsolomonReports --last night I watched a major league DIRTBALL on @MSNBC try 2 slime John's reporting regarding #Ukraine--FACTS R STUBBORN THINGS Sid Vicious--CORRUPTION, SEDITION, AND CHARITY FRAUD ARE ALSO SERIOUS FELONIES! @csthetruthhttps://t.co/t7oJnxr3Bw
— Charles Ortel (@CharlesOrtel) November 13, 2019

RT @CharlesOrtel: This just in from @jsolomonReports --last night I watched a major league DIRTBALL on @MSNBC try 2 slime John's reporting regarding #Ukraine--FACTS R STUBBORN THINGS Sid Vicious--CORRUPTION, SEDITION, AND CHARITY FRAUD ARE ALSO SERIOUS FELONIES! @csthetruth https://t.co/t7oJnxr3Bw https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
FLASHBACK 2015 George Soros: I may invest $1 billion in #Ukraine https://t.co/hi8Mz2bRd1 via @CNNMoney SOROS is the push behind Obama, Hillary, Biden in Maidan uprising 2014 to put puppet Poroshenko (corrupt oligarch) as pres & rape country w @JoeBiden for profit @realDonaldTrump
— Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@jerome_corsi) November 14, 2019

RT @jerome_corsi: FLASHBACK 2015 George Soros: I may invest $1 billion in #Ukraine https://t.co/hi8Mz2bRd1 via @CNNMoney SOROS is the push behind Obama, Hillary, Biden in Maidan uprising 2014 to put puppet Poroshenko (corrupt oligarch) as pres & rape country w @JoeBiden for profit @realDonaldTrump https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Dr. Corsi DECODES 11-14-19: Soros exposed as left's evil puppet master destabilizing Ukraine https://t.co/iMvMXTq29E Amb Marie Yovanovitch stopped #Ukraine prosecutors from investigating Soros NGO AntAC (got $4 million in State Dept funding) & @JoeBiden Burisma @realDonaldTrump
— Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@jerome_corsi) November 14, 2019

RT @jerome_corsi: Dr. Corsi DECODES 11-14-19: Soros exposed as left's evil puppet master destabilizing Ukraine https://t.co/iMvMXTq29E Amb Marie Yovanovitch stopped #Ukraine prosecutors from investigating Soros NGO AntAC (got $4 million in State Dept funding) & @JoeBiden Burisma @realDonaldTrump https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Documents released by the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office show@JoeBiden & @JohnKerry ran a “slush fund” in #Ukraine for the benefit of their sons and families!
$1.8Billion of US taxpayer & IMF funds “mysteriously disappeared!”@senatemajldr @LindseyGrahamSC@TheJusticeDept pic.twitter.com/4j5FOiC77v🇺🇸California Condor🇺🇸 (@Condor_Law) November 17, 2019 RT @Condor_Law: Documents released by the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office show @JoeBiden & @JohnKerry ran a “slush fund” in #Ukraine for the benefit of their sons and families! $1.8Billion of US taxpayer & IMF funds “mysteriously disappeared!” @senatemajldr @LindseyGrahamSC @TheJusticeDept https://t.co/4j5FOiC77v https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
#WheresHunter?... Where the hell is @HunterBiden?... Oh, he's smoking crack at the strip club again while the #Demonrats are trying to #ImpeachTrump @realDonaldTrump for just mentioning #Ukrainegate corruption on a call with #Ukraine. I bet he purchased the crack with that $$$! https://t.co/G5cyN8sug7
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) November 27, 2019

#WheresHunter?... Where the hell is @HunterBiden?... Oh, he's smoking crack at the strip club again while the #Demonrats are trying to #ImpeachTrump @realDonaldTrump for just mentioning #Ukrainegate corruption on a call with #Ukraine. I bet he purchased the crack with that $$$! https://t.co/G5cyN8sug7 https://ift.tt/2idAC7w