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Hidden accusers. Secret jurors. Star Chamber hearings. Different rules of law depending on your politics. If they can do it to the President, they can do it to you. Meet the future of American justice if the left gets power back in their hands. #ImpeachmentHoax
— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) November 11, 2019

RT @Barnes_Law: Hidden accusers. Secret jurors. Star Chamber hearings. Different rules of law depending on your politics. If they can do it to the President, they can do it to you. Meet the future of American justice if the left gets power back in their hands. #ImpeachmentHoax https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Dear Democrats,

You can have as many CIA operatives bare false witness against our President as you want...

American’s know the truth!

President Trump did NOTHING wrong!#ImpeachmentHearings#ImpeachmentHoax— Millie Weaver (@Millie__Weaver) November 13, 2019 RT @Millie__Weaver: Dear Democrats, You can have as many CIA operatives bare false witness against our President as you want... American’s know the truth! President Trump did NOTHING wrong! #ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentHoax https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
You can tell when 10in /neck Schiffy knows he going to get caught in yet another lie ,his eyes get larger, his cheeks redder and his neck stretches further up ! I can’t imagine how he controls all the NASTY HATE boiling inside him !Well God doesn’t like ugly,so he’s in trouble! https://t.co/RtW5cAZQNq
🏝🕶Kat Wolfrey🇺🇸😘 (@KatherineWolfr2) November 15, 2019

RT @KatherineWolfr2: You can tell when 10in /neck Schiffy knows he going to get caught in yet another lie ,his eyes get larger, his cheeks redder and his neck stretches further up ! I can’t imagine how he controls all the NASTY HATE boiling inside him !Well God doesn’t like ugly,so he’s in trouble! https://t.co/RtW5cAZQNq https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Anyone listening to Vindman stammer through this seemingly trying to remember the Catch Phrases he was well coached on should get that.

He’s a low level partisan bureaucrat and nothing more. https://t.co/5KobcaJKgL— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 19, 2019 RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Anyone listening to Vindman stammer through this seemingly trying to remember the Catch Phrases he was well coached on should get that. He’s a low level partisan bureaucrat and nothing more. https://t.co/5KobcaJKgL https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
🧙‍♀️ WITCH HUNT! 😠 Pissed-off American Patriot & Reporter, Owen Shroyer, confronts #JerryNadler at Impeachment Hearing! It's TREASON! VIDEO: https://t.co/LKJAfbGKGE @allidoisowen @realDonaldTrump #ImpeachmentHoax #ImpeachmentHearing #Trump2020 #MAGA pic.twitter.com/trtjGTx574
📢 We are ALL Alex Jones Infowars! (@AlexJonesWins) December 13, 2019

RT @AlexJonesWins: 🧙‍♀️ WITCH HUNT! 😠 Pissed-off American Patriot & Reporter, Owen Shroyer, confronts #JerryNadler at Impeachment Hearing! It's TREASON! VIDEO: https://t.co/LKJAfbGKGE @allidoisowen @realDonaldTrump #ImpeachmentHoax #ImpeachmentHearing #Trump2020 #MAGA https://t.co/trtjGTx574 https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
President Trump: Pelosi Knows Impeachment Is A Hoax.
💥“They duped her yesterday... She was working on it in other words 2 years before we ever spoke to Ukraine she said we've been working on impeachment for 2 &1/2 years."
She is a liar!#ImpeachmentHoax#Trump2020 #KAG #KAG2020 pic.twitter.com/Hmmxe01cwU🇺🇸Patriot Wyn⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@Wyn1745) December 14, 2019 RT @Wyn1745: President Trump: Pelosi Knows Impeachment Is A Hoax. 💥“They duped her yesterday... She was working on it in other words 2 years before we ever spoke to Ukraine she said we've been working on impeachment for 2 &1/2 years." She is a liar! #ImpeachmentHoax #Trump2020 #KAG #KAG2020 https://t.co/Hmmxe01cwU https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
How can the President opposing Congressional subpoenas be unlawul obstruction when the Supreme Court just ordered the subpoenas cannot yet be enforced because the subpoenas may unconstitutionally interfere with the Presidency? #ImpeachmentHoax
— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) December 14, 2019

RT @Barnes_Law: How can the President opposing Congressional subpoenas be unlawul obstruction when the Supreme Court just ordered the subpoenas cannot yet be enforced because the subpoenas may unconstitutionally interfere with the Presidency? #ImpeachmentHoax https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
The reason for the Senate to immediately dismiss the impeachment charges is to set a key precedent that impeachment cannot be used without a charge of a "high crime." #ImpeachmentHoax
— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) December 15, 2019

RT @Barnes_Law: The reason for the Senate to immediately dismiss the impeachment charges is to set a key precedent that impeachment cannot be used without a charge of a "high crime." #ImpeachmentHoax https://ift.tt/2idAC7w