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#AI will get to decide who gets treated and who doesn't? You are either a member of the eugenics society pushing this crap, or a REALLY USEFUL IDIOT 4 them. Are you Skull & Bones too or just like kissing their asses with your BS narratives? https://t.co/HbjwMGkgl4
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) November 13, 2019

@thehowie @WSJ #AI will get to decide who gets treated and who doesn't? You are either a member of the eugenics society pushing this crap, or a REALLY USEFUL IDIOT 4 them. Are you Skull & Bones too or just like kissing their asses with your BS narratives? https://t.co/HbjwMGkgl4 https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
You should say that to the "whistleblower's" pedophile Epstein's dick sucking attorney Disney World child predator. HE ANNOUNCED THE FKN COUP AGAINST TRUMP IN 2017! #TREASON #COUP pic.twitter.com/F58SHQcw5t
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) November 13, 2019

@brad_polumbo @thehowie @dcexaminer You should say that to the "whistleblower's" pedophile Epstein's dick sucking attorney Disney World child predator. HE ANNOUNCED THE FKN COUP AGAINST TRUMP IN 2017! #TREASON #COUP https://t.co/F58SHQcw5t https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Improve the health of your thyroid with ashwagandha: Learn about more natural medicine treatments for your health challenges at https://t.co/Ctq2kNvoxV. Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important… https://t.co/Z7giHDo4dk << <<- pic.twitter.com/SrrOfyfioU
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) November 13, 2019

Improve the health of your thyroid with ashwagandha: Learn about more natural medicine treatments for your health challenges at https://t.co/Ctq2kNvoxV. Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important… https://t.co/Z7giHDo4dk << <<- https://t.co/SrrOfyfioU https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
10 Ways to boost brain cell growth, even after your teenage years: Learn more natural ways to support brain health at https://t.co/Ctq2kNvoxV. Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important science and… https://t.co/jvnxtC8yhm << <<- pic.twitter.com/K7V6eVh5PS
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) November 13, 2019

10 Ways to boost brain cell growth, even after your teenage years: Learn more natural ways to support brain health at https://t.co/Ctq2kNvoxV. Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important science and… https://t.co/jvnxtC8yhm << <<- https://t.co/K7V6eVh5PS https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
He has been for 3 years starting with his original Russia Collusion Hoax. When will he face some accountability? https://t.co/m4362TAkJB
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 13, 2019

RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: He has been for 3 years starting with his original Russia Collusion Hoax. When will he face some accountability? https://t.co/m4362TAkJB https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Rep. Mark Meadows blasts CBS News reporter Nancy Cordes

Cordes: "I have read all the depositions"

Meadows: "You have not read all the transcripts"

Cordes: "Yes, I have"

Meadows: "I beg to differ because they haven't all been released so there's no way you read them all" pic.twitter.com/u9vowgMDxd— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 13, 2019 RT @RealSaavedra: Rep. Mark Meadows blasts CBS News reporter Nancy Cordes Cordes: "I have read all the depositions" Meadows: "You have not read all the transcripts" Cordes: "Yes, I have" Meadows: "I beg to differ because they haven't all been released so there's no way you read them all" https://t.co/u9vowgMDxd https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
This just in from @jsolomonReports --last night I watched a major league DIRTBALL on @MSNBC try 2 slime John's reporting regarding #Ukraine--FACTS R STUBBORN THINGS Sid Vicious--CORRUPTION, SEDITION, AND CHARITY FRAUD ARE ALSO SERIOUS FELONIES! @csthetruthhttps://t.co/t7oJnxr3Bw
— Charles Ortel (@CharlesOrtel) November 13, 2019

RT @CharlesOrtel: This just in from @jsolomonReports --last night I watched a major league DIRTBALL on @MSNBC try 2 slime John's reporting regarding #Ukraine--FACTS R STUBBORN THINGS Sid Vicious--CORRUPTION, SEDITION, AND CHARITY FRAUD ARE ALSO SERIOUS FELONIES! @csthetruth https://t.co/t7oJnxr3Bw https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Dear Democrats,

You can have as many CIA operatives bare false witness against our President as you want...

American’s know the truth!

President Trump did NOTHING wrong!#ImpeachmentHearings#ImpeachmentHoax— Millie Weaver (@Millie__Weaver) November 13, 2019 RT @Millie__Weaver: Dear Democrats, You can have as many CIA operatives bare false witness against our President as you want... American’s know the truth! President Trump did NOTHING wrong! #ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentHoax https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Even the Dem’s star witness seems to laugh at how insane the Democrat’s claims are when questioned about it by @Jim_Jordan. 🤣 https://t.co/VBMFvCzLRR
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 13, 2019

RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Even the Dem’s star witness seems to laugh at how insane the Democrat’s claims are when questioned about it by @Jim_Jordan. 🤣 https://t.co/VBMFvCzLRR https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
how can traitors hi-jack the house for an illegal COUP, use meaningless opinions of subversives, gossips & holdovers to illegaly leak, go on by denying the people due process & NO ONE GETS ARRESTED???😠😠

liars, leakers, holdovers & traitors ARENT whistleblowers— 🎹🎶playpianowell🎶🎹 (@playpianowell) November 13, 2019 RT @playpianowell: @Jim_Jordan @realDonaldTrump how can traitors hi-jack the house for an illegal COUP, use meaningless opinions of subversives, gossips & holdovers to illegaly leak, go on by denying the people due process & NO ONE GETS ARRESTED???😠😠 liars, leakers, holdovers & traitors ARENT whistleblowers https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
.@Jim_Jordan: You didn’t listen in on President Trump & Zelensky’s call?

Taylor: I did not.

Jordan: You’ve never talked with Chief of Staff Mulvaney?

Taylor: I never did.

Jordan: You’ve never met the President?

Taylor: That’s correct.

Jordan: And you’re their star witness. https://t.co/2FyDReH2mw— House Freedom Caucus (@freedomcaucus) November 13, 2019 RT @freedomcaucus: .@Jim_Jordan: You didn’t listen in on President Trump & Zelensky’s call? Taylor: I did not. Jordan: You’ve never talked with Chief of Staff Mulvaney? Taylor: I never did. Jordan: You’ve never met the President? Taylor: That’s correct. Jordan: And you’re their star witness. https://t.co/2FyDReH2mw https://ift.tt/2idAC7w