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“As algorithms get more complicated and more advanced, that only means that they have more human decisions going into them, there is actually more opportunities for human beings to influence the final product” - @Project_Veritas #whistleblower Greg Coppola#StopTheBias #BeBrave pic.twitter.com/Y58gep44bg
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) September 19, 2019

RT @JamesOKeefeIII: “As algorithms get more complicated and more advanced, that only means that they have more human decisions going into them, there is actually more opportunities for human beings to influence the final product” - @Project_Veritas #whistleblower Greg Coppola #StopTheBias #BeBrave https://t.co/Y58gep44bg https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Zuckerberg not ‘lion’ of free speech he claims to be – Ben Swann
Mark Zuckerberg’s speech at Georgetown University touched on China where he described how Bytedance, the company that owns the Tik Tok app, poached more than...
Message: #StopTheBias #FascistCrook https://youtu.be/DkMUgTm5osU
October 18, 2019 at 09:43PM
OK PATRIOTS LISTEN UP! T-Minus 10min Till THE KICK ASS @FirePowerNews
& @realGETrump
B A N N E D D O T V I D E O #1A#AlexJones @DewsNewz@allidoisowen
@OffLimitsNews #ALEXJONES #FREEALEXJONES #STOPTHEBIAS— American Patriot 1776 (@FreeSpeechIW) October 24, 2019 RT @FreeSpeechIW: OK PATRIOTS LISTEN UP! T-Minus 10min Till THE KICK ASS @FirePowerNews /Will JOHNSON & @realGETrump TOM PAPPERT TUNE IN AT THE MOST CENSORED B A N N E D D O T V I D E O #1A #AlexJones @DewsNewz @allidoisowen @OffLimitsNews #ALEXJONES #FREEALEXJONES #STOPTHEBIAS https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
That feeling when multiple people's accts in your #MAGA conductor's #TrumpTrain have since been suspended by #Twitter, you know you have been right over the target.#Patriots will never be silenced https://t.co/1HhONBFgML #StopTheBias @realDonaldTrump @POTUS@thejuicemedia https://t.co/lTFojmoPP1 pic.twitter.com/I8fDSTkV3j
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) November 24, 2019

That feeling when multiple people's accts in your #MAGA conductor's #TrumpTrain have since been suspended by #Twitter, you know you have been right over the target. #Patriots will never be silenced https://t.co/1HhONBFgML #StopTheBias @realDonaldTrump @POTUS @thejuicemedia https://t.co/lTFojmoPP1 https://t.co/I8fDSTkV3j https://ift.tt/2idAC7w