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#WheresHunter @JoeBiden? Where are the $Billions of missing US & IMF funds you guys laundered through #Ukraine while you were occupying #WeThePeople's House? YOU CANT HIDE THE TRUTH ANYMORE ASSHOLE, YOUR BS ATTEMPTS AT IMPEACHMENT IS A TREASONOUS COUP AGAINST @realDonaldTrump! https://t.co/IGgHJQw2oG pic.twitter.com/rIe6GqxpMd
— Evan Dauster ~NwoInfoWarrior~ (@EvanDauster) October 15, 2019

#WheresHunter @JoeBiden? Where are the $Billions of missing US & IMF funds you guys laundered through #Ukraine while you were occupying #WeThePeople's House? YOU CANT HIDE THE TRUTH ANYMORE ASSHOLE, YOUR BS ATTEMPTS AT IMPEACHMENT IS A TREASONOUS COUP AGAINST @realDonaldTrump! https://t.co/IGgHJQw2oG https://t.co/rIe6GqxpMd https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
#WheresHunter? Where are the missing $Billions in U.S. &. IMF funds you guys laundered through #Ukraine after you had Soros send in 20,000 ACTUAL #Nazis to overthrow their country while you plunder and pillaged it? YOUR BS IMPEACHMENT IS A TREASONOUS COUP!https://t.co/6ZXDfvIDd1 pic.twitter.com/mHa7rEYApQ
— Evan Dauster ~NwoInfoWarrior~ (@EvanDauster) October 15, 2019

@JoeBiden #WheresHunter? Where are the missing $Billions in U.S. &. IMF funds you guys laundered through #Ukraine after you had Soros send in 20,000 ACTUAL #Nazis to overthrow their country while you plunder and pillaged it? YOUR BS IMPEACHMENT IS A TREASONOUS COUP! https://t.co/6ZXDfvIDd1 https://t.co/mHa7rEYApQ https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
#WheresHunter?... Where the hell is @HunterBiden?... Oh, he's smoking crack at the strip club again while the #Demonrats are trying to #ImpeachTrump @realDonaldTrump for just mentioning #Ukrainegate corruption on a call with #Ukraine. I bet he purchased the crack with that $$$! https://t.co/G5cyN8sug7
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) November 27, 2019

#WheresHunter?... Where the hell is @HunterBiden?... Oh, he's smoking crack at the strip club again while the #Demonrats are trying to #ImpeachTrump @realDonaldTrump for just mentioning #Ukrainegate corruption on a call with #Ukraine. I bet he purchased the crack with that $$$! https://t.co/G5cyN8sug7 https://ift.tt/2idAC7w