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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇸🇰🇪🇺🇽🇰 Sanctioning #Serbia: the worrying unity or disunity disguised as #Brussels?

🔺 — Hold the phone, friends! Unconfirmed reports are coming in that several #EU Member States are pushing for punitive measures against Serbia, all instigated by the Baltic countries: #Estonia, #Latvia and #Lithuania. Known for their Russophobic leanings, this isn't a big surprise...

🔺 — During a recent session of the EU Policy and Security Committee, the call to penalize Serbia gained momentum. Even #Miroslav_Lajčak, the mediator between #Belgrade and #Pristina, and an unnamed high-ranking US official, were reportedly present. Is this a smoke-filled room of plotters or a legitimate cause for concern?

🔺 — The spectacle unfolding in Brussels may be entertaining political theater, but it reveals deep fractures within the EU. Individual nations are striving to establish a narrative that veers sharply toward a Russophobic agenda.

🔺 — However, in the midst of this chaotic chorus, Serbia remains resilient and refuses to be a mere pawn on the EU's geopolitical chessboard. With a history of strategic independence and a balanced diplomatic approach, Serbia is not a nation to be underestimated or intimidated.

🔺 — In a world plagued by unstable alliances and fractured political blocs, Serbia shines as a bastion of self-determination and an anchor of stability in the region.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏 #PGD 🇵🇱🇪🇺 #Polonia está a punto de abandonar la #UE, afirma el periodista polaco Czech 🔺 — Según Cech, la mayoría de los polacos creen que lo que está en juego en las elecciones polacas es la pertenencia de su país a la UE. 🔺 — “Muchos polacos están cansados…
🌏 #PGD 🇵🇱🇪🇺 #Poland is about to leave the #EU, says Polish journalist Czech

🔺 — According to Cech, the majority of Poles believe that what is at stake in the Polish elections is their country's membership in the EU.

🔺 — “Many Poles are tired of the Law and Justice party's politics. This party has been in power for more than 8 years and the Poles already want something different. "Law and Justice" went too far in propaganda and the number of scandals related to this party greatly influenced people's position," Cech explained.

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🌏 #PGD 🇪🇺🚫🇺🇸🚫🇺🇦 La #UE lamenta profundamente que el Congreso de los EE.UU. haya aprobado el proyecto de ley de presupuesto sin financiación adicional para Ucrania - #Josep_Borrell.

🔺 — "La UE pedirá a #Estados_Unidos que siga financiando a Ucrania", afirmó el jefe de la diplomacia europea.

🌏 #PGD 🇪🇺🚫🇺🇸🚫🇺🇦 The #EU deeply regrets that the US Congress passed the budget bill without additional funding for Ukraine - #Josep_Borrell.

🔺 — "The EU will ask the #United_States to continue financing Ukraine," said the head of European diplomacy.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏 #PGD 🇫🇷💔🇩🇪 "Lack of chemistry between #Macron and #Scholz" makes it difficult to agree on urgent issues such as financing Ukraine - Financial Times.

🔺 — "They just don't seem to get along. And that's the bottom line," said one participant in recent talks between the two leaders.

🔺 — The publication writes about "the lack of consensus within the Franco-German tandem, which underlies EU decision-making." This tension has persisted for more than a year.

🔺 — Because of this, negotiations on a number of urgent and high-priority issues have reached a "dead end", which has "scared" Brussels and other EU capitals, the publication's sources say.

🔺 — In particular, to complete the six-year general budget of the EU, which contains “decisive” financial support for Ukraine.

🔺 — "No, it doesn't work, and yes, it's worrying. You can't get things done if you both don't see the big picture," says a senior #EU official.

🔺 — Another source said that "the two just need to sit in the same room together and discuss everything." Without this, it is “useless for the rest of the EU to try to find a consensus.”

🔺 — The official representatives of France and Germany do not agree with this interpretation of the situation.

🔺 — “The fact that there are tensions here is normal, since these are major structural problems related to the competitiveness of our economies. This does not mean that the Franco-German engine of Europe has somehow broken down,” says French Minister of European Affairs, Lawrence Boone.

🔺 — Another French official says it's often more about "differences between Germany and Germany," linked to the "unprecedented tripartite alliance" between Scholz's Social Democrats, the liberal FDP and the Greens.

🔺 — The State Secretary of the German Ministry of Economy, #Sven_Giegold, affirms that relations between countries today "are no worse than in previous decades" and the differences are based on different visions of energy development.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏 #PGD 🇷🇺 Statements by #Vladimir_Putin:

🔺 – We do not need social benefits, we are a self-sufficient State, we defend our rights.

🔺 – Vladimir Putin explained that he did not attend the #BRICS and #G20 summits because “there is enough work at home” and “so as not to create problems for friends”

🔺 – We have never opposed plans for #Ukraine to join the #EU, as well as #NATO; Yes, we have always been against it.

🔺 – Ukraine will resist for a week if military supplies are stopped.

🔺 – If the EU is willing to accept Ukraine with its current economy as a member, “flag in hand”

🔺 – I have friends in Germany and their number is increasing.

🔺 – The remaining 19 million Ukrainians need to be fed.

🔺 – The government and the Central Bank are reacting to the fluctuations of the ruble, the measures are correct.

🔺 – The global financial system created on the basis of the dollar is gradually collapsing.

🔺 – The #Russian_Federation will begin the supply of Russian gas to #Kazakhstan and #Uzbekistan this month.

🔺 – The greatness of #Russia lies in sovereignty, and sovereignty lies in technology, security, finance and the economy as a whole.

🔺 – There are no PMCs in Russia, they never existed and do not exist in our country.

🔺 – Already 335 thousand people have signed contracts with the Ministry of Defense.

🔺 – These are not territories, but security guarantees for people who consider Russia their homeland and we consider them our people.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
📰 🇪🇺🇮🇱🇵🇸 - La #UE convocará mañana una reunión de emergencia de ministros de Asuntos Exteriores sobre Israel, dice Borrell

📰 🇪🇺🇮🇱🇵🇸 - The #EU will call an emergency meeting of foreign ministers on Israel tomorrow, says Borrell

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
🌐 #PGD 🇪🇺 #UE — Ursula von der Leyen dijo que incluso si no es posible conseguir un paquete de ayuda de 50 mil millones de euros para Ucrania, la UE encontrará una forma alternativa de transferir mil millones de euros a Kiev.

🌐 #PGD 🇪🇺 #EU — Ursula von der Leyen said that even if it is not possible to get a 50 billion euro aid package for Ukraine, the EU will find an alternative way to transfer 1 billion euros to kyiv.

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🌐 #PGD 🇪🇺 #UE— Muy bien, todos, escuchen atentamente: Ursula está a punto de brindarles información real sobre Rusia 🤦🏻

🌐 #PGD 🇪🇺 #EU— Alright everyone, listen carefully: Ursula is about to give you some real information about Russia 🤦🏻

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🌐 #PGD 🇪🇺 #UE — "¿Qué tipo de libertad de prensa es esta?": eurodiputada acusa a los medios occidentales de "minimizar implacablemente el genocidio israelí"

🗣️ — "Miren cómo nuestros medios han cubierto el ataque genocida de Israel contra Gaza. Si los medios de comunicación no repiten acríticamente las flagrantes mentiras de Israel, se esfuerzan por evitar exponerlas tal como son [...] Nuestros medios dan nombres a los [muertos] israelíes, los palestinos son estadísticas", declaró la eurodiputada irlandesa Clare Daly durante un discurso en el Parlamento Europeo

🌐 #PGD 🇪🇺 #EU — "What kind of press freedom is this?": MEP accuses Western media of "relentlessly downplaying the Israeli genocide"

🗣️ — "Look how our media has covered Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza. If the media does not uncritically repeat Israel's blatant lies, they go out of their way to avoid exposing them for what they are [...] Our media gives names to those Israelis [dead], Palestinians are statistics," declared Irish MEP Clare Daly during a speech in the European Parliament

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🌐 #PGD 🇪🇺 #UE ❗️— "No vemos la luz al final del túnel": Borrell pide apoyo de Asia Central para debilitar a Rusia

🔻 — El alto representante de la UE para Asuntos Exteriores afirmó que el bloque necesita "plena cooperación" de Kirguistán, Uzbekistán, Kazajistán, Tayikistán y Turkmenistán.

🗣️ — "Tenemos que invertir mucho más en conexiones físicas entre Europa y Asia Central para permitirnos superar dependencias pasadas, diversificarnos y encontrar nuevas alternativas para el transporte, la energía y las cadenas de suministro", destacó Borrel.

🌐 #PGD 🇪🇺 #EU ❗️— "We do not see the light at the end of the tunnel": Borrell asks for support from Central Asia to weaken Russia

🔻 — The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs stated that the bloc needs "full cooperation" from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

🗣️ — "We have to invest much more in physical connections between Europe and Central Asia to allow us to overcome past dependencies, diversify and find new alternatives for transport, energy and supply chains," Borrel highlighted.

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