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AmIUnique - AmIUnique timeline
To understand the evolution of fingerprints and study it in depth, we have developed an extension for Chrome and Firefox that checks your fingerprint every day for any changes.

An extension to follow the evolution of your browser fingerprint! Be notified as soon as a change is detected!

📡 @NoGoolag
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Congratulations, YouTube... Now Show Your Work

Earlier this week, #YouTube finally acknowledged their #recommendation #engine suggests harmful content. It’s a small step in the right direction, but YouTube still has a long history of dismissing independent #researchers. We created a #timeline to prove it.

Over the past year and some, it’s been like clockwork.

First: a news story emerges about YouTube’s recommendation engine harming users. Take your pick: The #algorithm has radicalized young adults in the U.S., sowed division in #Brazil, spread state-sponsored #propaganda in #HongKong, and more.

Then: YouTube responds. But not by admitting fault or detailing a solution. Instead, the company issues a statement diffusing blame, criticising the research methodologies used to investigate their recommendations, and vaguely promising that they’re working on it.

In a blog post earlier this week, YouTube acknowledged that their recommendation engine has been suggesting borderline content to users and posted a timeline showing that they’ve dedicated significant resources towards fixing this problem for several years. What they fail to acknowledge is how they have been evading and dismissing journalists and academics who have been highlighting this problem for years. Further, there is still a glaring absence of publicly verifiable data that supports YouTube’s claims that they are fixing the problem.

That’s why today, #Mozilla is publishing an #inventory of YouTube’s responses to external #research into their recommendation engine. Our timeline chronicles 14 responses — all evasive or dismissive — issued over the span of 22 months. You can find them below, in reverse chronological order.

💡 We noticed a few trends across these statements:

YouTube often claims it’s addressing the issue by tweaking its algorithm, but provides almost no detail into what, exactly, those tweaks are

‼️ YouTube claims to have data that disproves independent research — but, refuses to share that data

‼️ YouTube dismisses independent research into this topic as misguided or anecdotal, but refuses to allow third-party access to its data in order to confirm this

👉🏼 Read more:

"Cliffnotes mRNA #timeline:

•1933 Testing of mRNA on animals begins.
•1933-2019 Every single Animal mRNA is tested on dies, not right away, but after the animal becomes exposed to future viruses.
•2020 An mRNA injection being called something else, for a virus that Dr. funded and had Genetically Modified through Gain of Function Research in China, is allowed to skip animal trials, and given emergency use authorization to be injected into humans.
•2020 People are told this injection will protect them, and they can go “back to normal” if they take it.
•2020-2021 Dr. Robert Malone who invented this current mRNA publicly speaks out against his own work, warning people not to take it, so does Dr. Micheal Yeadon former Chief Scientist at Pfizer.
Both of them, along with thousands of other Doctors who are warning people, are censored, smeared, and harassed.
•2021 less than 1 year into the first human trials ever, this mRNA injection is being mandated by various governments and corporations.
Yet the same people mandating it, including the United States Congress, CDC, FDA, and Pfizer have exempted themselves.
•2021 Israel becomes the first country to inject children, Myocarditis increases by 2,500% in previously healthy Israeli children that were literally more likely to die from being struck by lightning or die in a swimming pool, than what they were allegedly being protected from.
•2021 After being told 2 shots would make someone compliant, and case numbers surging upward coinciding with increased compliance; Isreal ups that number to 3 shots to be compliant, shot 4 is coming.
•September 7, 2021
177 million Americans were vaccinated.
And there were 301,138 New Covid Cases Reported on that day.
On the same day the year before:
September 7, 2020 in the United States:
Zero Americans were vaccinated.
There were 25,166 New Covid Cases Reported on that day.
•2021 After cases and deaths increase along with the injections, people who were told 2 shots would protect them, are now told that the reason it doesn’t work for what they were told it would work for, is to blamed on people who didn’t take it.
•2021 California mandates 7th graders and up, whom are literally more likely to die from being struck by lightning, die in a swimming pool, suicide, and 5X more likely to die from the average flu, to be injected.
•2021 Pfizer seeks approval to inject this mRNA, that is still in its first year of Human Testing, on Kindergarteners.
•2021 Thank The LORD that the world is waking up, and many people are not submitting and complying to the mandates."

Russell Wooten