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Delete/disable GApps

This application is used to delete or disable gapps. It uses a regex to find GApps package

- pm disable xxx (xxx is a package name that is found by the application)


- rm -rf xxx (xxx is a path name that is found by the application)

It requires root to work.

Don't delete GApps on touchwiz (or similar) stock rom or your device might not boot afterwards. You should try to disable GApps instead!

To re-enable GApps, go to the *Settings › Apps* menu, and chose "restore apps preferences". If you want to reinstall GApps, you should use the OpenGApps zip or GApps installer (third party apps).


📡 @NoGoolag
#dgapps #delete #disable #debloat #gapps
How to permanently delete a Facebook account

Here is the shortcut link to the official Facebook account deletion page.

A deceased member's account can be memorialized or removed.

Delete Facebook - Spread the word

Need more detail? Try the step-by-step guide.

#deletefacebook #delete #fb
Goodbye Big Five

Reporter Kashmir Hill spent six weeks blocking Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Apple from getting her money, data, and attention, using a custom-built VPN. Here’s what happened.

am on a mission to live without the tech giants—to discover whether such a thing is even possible. Not just through sheer willpower but technologically, with the use of a custom-built tool that would literally prevent my devices from accessing these companies, and them from accessing me and my data.

👉🏼 📺 Week 1: Amazon

👉🏼 📺 Week 2: Facebook

👉🏼 📺 Week 3: Google

👉🏼 📺 Week 4: Microsoft

👉🏼 📺 Week 5: Apple

👉🏼 📺 Week 6: Blocking them all

#BigFive #delete #facebook #google #microsoft #apple #amazon #video
This browser extension shows what the Internet would look like without Big Tech

A web without Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or Amazon

The Economic Security Project is trying to make a point about big tech monopolies by releasing a browser plugin that will block any sites that reach out to IP addresses owned by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or Amazon. The extension is called Big Tech Detective, and after using the internet with it for a day (or, more accurately, trying and failing to use), I’d say it drives home the point that it’s almost impossible to avoid these companies on the modern web, even if you try.


#DeleteGoogle #delete #microsoft #amazon #browser #plugin #extension #tool
The 11th Reason to Delete your Social Media Account: the Algorithm will Find You

TL;DR: you should
delete your social media accounts, right now, even if you think they’re a net benefit in your life. I won’t judge you if you don’t, but this is not a joke, it’s not hypocritical to post a link to this on social media, and the fact that you probably came across it on social media doesn’t make the advice any less valuable.

After the introduction, there are five parts: the algorithm is real, the algorithm wants you online, the algorithm will find you, walk away from the algorithm, no, but seriously.


A few years ago, Jaron Lanier wrote Ten Arguments to Delete your Social Media Accounts Right Now. Lanier’s book has the helpful feature of being completely unambiguous in its message (when, Jaron, when should I delete them? Oh). I ended up assigning it as optional reading for my undergraduate class, Bubbles. The Thanksgiving break means that students usually patch out that week and miss class, so I run an optional seminar instead. I’ve learned a huge amount from these little liminal-moment seminars each year, and some of them have led to real revisions in my own thinking, see, e.g., my views on University censorship when I was on Jim Rutt’s Currents podcast. In previous years, we read John Locke’s pluralistic Letter Concerning Toleration, but Lanier’s book has the advantage of not needing any coaching in close-reading.

#delete #socialmedia #thinkabout
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
“A spokesperson said in an email to Android Central that the company will keep sending reminders to users in the weeks to come about accepting the policy. Users who have not accepted the policy will also have "limited account functionality."

Those limited functionalities include not being able to access your chat list (but you will still be able to answer incoming phone and video calls).

If you have notifications enabled, you will be able to tap on them to read or respond to a message or call back a missed phone or video call. WhatsApp said that after "a few weeks of limited functionality," you won't be able to receive incoming calls or notifications and the service will stop sending messages and calls to your phone.”

TL;DR did they scrap it? No. 😂😂

Allows you to automatically clean up your old posts from services like Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Discord and more all in one place

#redact #delete #fb #twitter #reddit