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Study shows #electric #cars worse for the environment than petrol
#Spain government will know in real time where each #vehicle will be from 2026

The vehicle stalking organization called DGT is spending 3.3 million euros of people's money for the "Maintenance and Services of the DGT 3.0 connected vehicle platform". It is a platform that will collect, in real time, all the data of the new vehicles with Internet connections. These types of cars are in the high price range, but they are beginning to appear in all segments


Tráfico sabrá en tiempo real dónde estará cada vehículo a partir de 2026

La #DGT acaba de lanzar una licitación de 3,3 millones de euros para el "Mantenimiento y Servicios de la plataforma de vehículo conectado DGT 3.0". Se trata de una plataforma que recogerá, en tiempo real, todos los datos de los nuevos vehículos con conexiones a Internet. Este tipo de automóviles se encuentran en la gama alta, pero comienzan a eclosionar ya en todos los segmentos

Media is too big
Horror Stories from the Automotive Industry | Chaos Computer Club Berlin - Video

In this talk, we will revisit some of the scariest stories we faced during more than 50 penetration testing and security research projects, with a twist. In the ever-emerging industry of automotive, with old and new OEMs trying to get a share of the pie, many things are at stake, with many things getting overlooked, forgotten, or even deliberately covered.

We will go through a journey of critical findings in different targets and the constant battle between penetration testers, developers, and mid to upper management. This will help the audience get an understanding of how the industry behaves right now, what they (and what we) are doing wrong, and how the future of automotive security should be shaped, not only for the sake of security, but also for the sake of safety and reliability.

#cars #OEM #Automobile #PenTesting #Automotive #security #safety #CCCde
Horror Stories from the Automotive Industry | Chaos Computer Club Berlin - Video In this talk, we will revisit some of the scariest stories we faced during more than 50 penetration testing and security research projects, with a twist. In the ever-emerging…
Waste of time. Anyone who has fiddled with #cars in the last 20 years(or more) have seen or knows about those "attack surfaces" he's talking about.
HPtuners reflashing GM ecus, accessport, FreeSSM for subarus, VCDS for vag cars, people are reverse-engineering even the proprietary toyota MDX bus..
You can do all kinds of stuff via the can bus and the likes.
You could unlock an old S-class mercedes by smashing its' mirror and injecting can-commands into the DCM.
If you introduce some deprecation(vehicles are usually usable for 10+ years) and some shady countries "social engineering", you get access to dealer hardware(mercedes start diagnostic system), then it's over.

And I'm not even starting on actually scary stuff like early 2000s electronic throttles(hi toyota), electric power steering (hi GM) and brake pedals(hi mercedes SBC).

While this report may be interesting and useful for people outside of automotive, I think he greatly overstates the dangers or hides the real situation under the cover of NDAs.

Basically, he's saying that "oh noes you can blink the light using ecureset command", then "oh noes you can get into the bootloader cycling the power" and "oh noes some(most) OEMS use shitty security measures".
Like come on, dude, there are literally GUIDES on youtube on how to tune(and subsequently fuck up) your car using 2$ k-line adapter, some shady software from let's say latvia and WinOLS. Yeah you need to powercycle your car. Yeah you can reprogram the ABS and SBC modules that way too.

Like dude, you're saying "nightmares" - provide public examples.

It's _that_ bad in the industry.
Some of my insiders even say that there are bosch-developed algorithms that are blindly used without any understanding of their inner workings, ABS and knock sensors for example.

And I'm not even starting on the right-to-repair versus "non oem quality aftermarket spare parts" debate.

And I'm not even touching the industrial automation, like oil and gas mining industry, or "security" of "security and surveillance systems".

It's not "hack the planet" anymore, it's "hack it with AN AXE and build back better again".

Also publicly available information like takata airbag lawsuits, did you know that you're likely driving with a remotely activated(thanks telematics) fucking fragmentation grenade infront of you at all times?

And some fucker even dared to mention dieselgate in the end, as a question. Dieselgate was and is an ENTIRELY political economical warfare operation in america.
And no one will research that, no one will be prosecuted for that, because no one pays for that.
Have you ever tried _actually_ testing cars for exhaust emissions?
Have you ever considered that vehicles to be sold in smog-tested states(california and/or UK) are different from those sold elsewhere? Like they come with different ECUs, different emission equipment.
Nobody is surprised when a car doesn't meet its' advertised fuel mileage, even for electric cars. There's a class action lawsuit brewing, involving tesla. Yet it's covered up by MSM, because it hurts the agenda.

Everybody is lying. Nobody is checking. Nobody is held accountable. Everything has a price in money.

Article mentioned in his speech:
Media is too big
The difference between a #Driver and #Traveler, understand what license is for.

#usa #cars #HiddenLaws
Won Court cases in defense of Traveling without a license

#usa #cars #HiddenLaws
Media is too big
A bombshell report on #electric #cars changes everything
Redacted with Clayton Morris

The push to electric vehicles is being subsidized by taxpayers, according to a new report. But is that okay because they will help the planet?

No. I’m going to show you some data that shows that EVs are just as bad and in some cases worse than gas-powered cars, but taxpayers are promoting them anyway.
Thomas Massie Tried, But Failed, To Stop “Kill Switch” Mandate That Could Disable Vehicles - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet

We now know that the data collection in modern cars is out of control -- The question is, how does that data even leave your car? And what, if anything, can you do to stop it?

That's what we cover in this video, Part 3 of our
car privacy series: SIM cards, WiFi, and OBD ports.

We also talk about how companies trick us into handing over our data, things that we can do to push back against this insane overreach that we’ve somehow normalized, and the giant legal loophole for
cars that makes it super easy for law enforcement to collect your data without a warrant...

Get privacy car facts for FREE by searching your VIN at:

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#Tesla #cars The future hellscape is here. Don't buy a "smart" car, or "smart" tv. @EnjoyTheD