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Singaporean Man Working for China Used Social Networks to Recruit Spies

Dickson Yeo admitted to using various social media sites to help him identify Americans—including US military and government officials—who had access to confidential information.

A Singaporean citizen working for Chinese spies was apparently using LinkedIn to help him recruit informants in the US.

On Friday, the US Justice Department announced that a Singaporean national named Jun Wei Yeo entered a guilty plea for acting as an illegal agent of the Chinese government since 2015.

Yeo, whose English name is Dickson, admitted to using various social media sites to help him identify Americans—including US military and government officials—who had access to confidential information. The goal was to hire the Americans to write reports on sensitive matters, which were then secretly sent back to the Chinese government.

#asia #singapore #china #ccp
Religious Freedom commission finds China uses extensive surveillance to monitor and suppress Christians

Christians in China are being persecuted and monitored with invasive technology.

The latest report by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom revealed that the Chinese government was employing an “Orwellian surveillance state” to monitor minorities and religious communities in its borders. Christians are routinely subjected to various oppressive measures imposed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The CCP leverages modern technology such as advanced data analytics to track, monitor, and suppress several minority groups in the country.

“Authorities have systematically installed cameras in churches to identify and target anyone who attends services,” said Gayle Manchin, the chairperson of USCIRF, in a virtual hearing that detailed accounts of CCP’s oppressive practices imposed on minorities, especially religious ones.

#asia #china #ccp #surveillance
China Is What Orwell Feared

Xi Jinping is using artificial intelligence to enhance his government’s totalitarian control—and he’s exporting this technology to regimes around the globe.

Northwest of Beijing’s Forbidden City, outside the Third Ring Road, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has spent seven decades building a campus of national laboratories. Near its center is the Institute of Automation, a sleek silvery-blue building surrounded by camera-studded poles. The institute is a basic research facility. Its computer scientists inquire into artificial intelligence’s fundamental mysteries. Their more practical innovations—iris recognition, cloud-based speech synthesis—are spun off to Chinese tech giants, AI start-ups, and, in some cases, the People’s Liberation Army.

I visited the institute on a rainy morning in the summer of 2019. China’s best and brightest were still shuffling in post-commute, dressed casually in basketball shorts or yoga pants, AirPods nestled in their ears. In my pocket, I had a burner phone; in my backpack, a computer wiped free of data—standard precautions for Western journalists in China. To visit China on sensitive business is to risk being barraged with cyberattacks and malware. In 2019, Belgian officials on a trade mission noticed that their mobile data were being intercepted by pop-up antennae outside their Beijing hotel.

#Asia #China #CCP #freespeech #surveillance #AI
Zoom Shared US User Data With Beijing

Former Zoom executive Jin Xinjiang worked with Chinese authorities to provide data on users outside of China. Court documents say this allowed Zoom to keep market access in China.

Although Zoom is based in the United States, its software is developed in China.

When Zoom usage exploded during the pandemic, China tightened control. It ordered Zoom employees to shut down what Beijing calls “illegal” meetings and accounts within one minute. If it took more than one minute, it was rated “security non-compliant.”

Victims include activists commemorating Tiananmen Square Massacre victims and Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, China.

Zoom says it’s cooperating with federal investigators and has launched an internal investigation. Zoom fired Jin and placed other employees on administrative leave.

The CCP demands all communications companies censor speech it deems unacceptable. Anyone who fails to comply gets blocked from the massive Chinese market. In September last year, the CCP blocked Zoom. It allegedly told Zoom that if it wanted to get back into the Chinese market, it had to monitor user communications, censor unacceptable topics, give data on around 1 million people in the United States, and hand over special access to Zoom’s systems. Zoom got back into China’s market in November of last year.



#usa #zoom #userdata #china #beijing #ccp #thinkabout
#MIT fluff #propaganda assures us that the #CCP style #social #credit system isn't so bad and "there's no evidence" #China uses it for social control.

(as usual the media assertions are not attributed to measurement, data, sources, anything, or anyone)

The author Zeyi Yang is a Chinese national graduated from the esteemed Columbia University.
