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The 5G Dragnet

Telecom companies are currently scrambling to implement fifth-generation cellular network technology. But the world of 5G is a world where all objects are wired and constantly communicating data to one another. The dark truth is that the development of 5G networks and the various networked products that they will give rise to in the global smart city infrastructure, represent the greatest threat to freedom in the history of humanity.

Transcript and sources:

Video or audio:!/v/corbettreport/421o944t

#5g #iot #why
📡 @NoGoolag
Banned recording reveals: China ambassador threatened Faroese leader at secret meeting

China's ambassador to Denmark threatened the Faroese prime minister by indicating that a trade agreement would be dropped if the autonomous Danish archipelago does not sign a
5G contract with technology giant Huawei, Berlingske can now reveal.

#China ambassador to #Denmark, Mr. Feng Tie, made overt #threats to prominent members of the #Faroese #government in order to secure a strategically important contract for the #Chinese telecoms giant #Huawei, by indicating that the Chinese government would drop a free trade agreement with the Faroe Islands if the company did not get the contract.

This appears from an #audio #recording which was subsequently banned from publication, #Berlingske can now reveal.

The recording marks the first instance where the Chinese government has linked access to China's huge market to Huawei being awarded contracts for #5G #networks in #Europe. Huawei has publicly stated that it is a private company with no ties to the Chinese state.

For the past seven days, the Faroese government has sought to keep the recording a secret by getting an injunction to prevent the Faroese TV station Kringvarp Føroya from publishing its content. Kringvarp Føroya had planned to reveal the recording in a Faroese news broadcast Monday a week ago.

But as Berlingske can now reveal, the audio clip clearly indicates how the Chinese top #diplomat used the meeting to unequivocally tie the Huawei contract to wider trade interests, which would particularly affect the Faroe Islands' large and growing exports of salmon to China.

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'former Vodafone executive' in 5G conspiracy video is UK pastor
A recording spread around the world at the end of March, purportedly featuring a former Vodafone executive claiming to let the public in on a secret that the coronavirus pandemic is cover for a global plot to install 5G mobile phone masts, track the world’s population through vaccines, and then destroy human society as we know it.

In reality, the Guardian can reveal, the voice on the tape making the baseless claims is an evangelical pastor from Luton who recently tried to convince Zimbabweans to use cryptocurrency in their economy.

Jonathon James, who regularly preached at churches in Bedfordshire, is the previously unidentified individual who reached millions of people with his detailed but nonsense claims that Covid-19 is a fake disease covering for the impact of 5G.

“It has nothing to do with biological warfare but is our bodies reacting to radiofrequency radiation,” he told listeners to the 38-minute recording, claiming the real cause of global deaths was new mobile technology causing cell poisoning. “They are using coronavirus to try to hide the fact that people are dying from the 5G frequency.”

Although James was not the first individual to attempt to connect the pandemic and 5G, the popularity of his recording grew at the end of last month, just as people believing the conspiracy theory began to burn down phone equipment and harass telecoms engineers.

In the recording he suggests that Bill Gates is involved in a plot to produce coronavirus vaccinations that will contain computer chips to track individuals, a move he claims will ultimately herald the destruction of society.
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#5g #conspiracy
#Dr #Malone goes after #5G
Says the saftey standards used today were adopted in the late 90’s based off research from the 80’s using 5 monkeys and 8 rats ( exposed for 40 or 60 minutes) sound familiar?
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This man was involved in #5G rollouts and felt obligated to do something about it.
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Conspiracy Music Guru - No Amount of Evidence
#music #5g
#5G DOES Cause Harm Contrary to Mocking Opinions and Causes Symptoms Indistinguishable From Covid-19

It's hard to argue with a product that is labeled listing the damage it causes though we know such facts mean nothing for those who want to cover it up with a claim of being a "conspiracy theory".   Some of the illnesses 5G has been known to cause according to 5G product installation warning labels are Flu like symptoms and cognitive fog, which we know have been symptoms of Covid.

Interestingly, the race to be the first nationally and corporately to activate 5G coincided precisely with Covid-19.  5G Towers were first installed and turned on on April 3, 2019 in parts of Chicago and Minneapolis and then a few more cities in July and then NY City on Sept. 26, 2019.  The first symptoms of Covid we know of now go back to December, 2019 after the first patient in the US was studied after checking himself in due to fever and cough on Jan 19th after traveling to Wuhan, China.

The CDC says, "You cannot tell the difference between flu and COVID-19 by the symptoms alone because they have some of the same signs and symptoms."

This was the need, therefore, for the easily controlled false positives provided by PCR testing; to tie the symptoms to a a highly propagandized virus. 

Whether there ever was a virus or not is irrelevant when it comes to this point.  The Architect is right.  We have been played.

CDC Covid vs. Flu Symptoms🔗

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Cell Phone RADIATION & #5G DANGERS | An In-Depth Exploration