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Banned recording reveals: China ambassador threatened Faroese leader at secret meeting

China's ambassador to Denmark threatened the Faroese prime minister by indicating that a trade agreement would be dropped if the autonomous Danish archipelago does not sign a 5G contract with technology giant
Huawei, Berlingske can now reveal.

#China ambassador to #Denmark, Mr. Feng Tie, made overt #threats to prominent members of the #Faroese #government in order to secure a strategically important contract for the #Chinese telecoms giant #Huawei, by indicating that the Chinese government would drop a free trade agreement with the Faroe Islands if the company did not get the contract.

This appears from an #audio #recording which was subsequently banned from publication, #Berlingske can now reveal.

The recording marks the first instance where the Chinese government has linked access to China's huge market to Huawei being awarded contracts for #5G #networks in #Europe. Huawei has publicly stated that it is a private company with no ties to the Chinese state.

For the past seven days, the Faroese government has sought to keep the recording a secret by getting an injunction to prevent the Faroese TV station Kringvarp Føroya from publishing its content. Kringvarp Føroya had planned to reveal the recording in a Faroese news broadcast Monday a week ago.

But as Berlingske can now reveal, the audio clip clearly indicates how the Chinese top #diplomat used the meeting to unequivocally tie the Huawei contract to wider trade interests, which would particularly affect the Faroe Islands' large and growing exports of salmon to China.

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U.S. Officials Say Huawei Can Covertly Access Telecom Networks

Trump administration ramps up push for allies to block Chinese company

U.S. officials say Huawei Technologies Co. can covertly access mobile-phone networks around the world through “back doors” designed for use by law enforcement, as Washington tries to persuade allies to exclude the Chinese company from their networks.

Intelligence shows Huawei has had this secret capability for more than a decade, U.S. officials said. Huawei rejected the allegations.

The U.S. kept the intelligence highly classified until late last year, when American officials provided details to allies including the U.K. and Germany, according to officials from the three countries. That was a tactical turnabout by the U.S., which in the past had argued that it didn’t need to produce hard evidence of the threat it says Huawei poses to nations’ security.

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#huawei #usa #backdoors
Huawei HKSP Introduces Trivially Exploitable Vulnerability

5/11/2020 Update:
We were contacted this morning by Huawei PSIRT who referenced an email by the patch author to the KSPP list: and stated that "The patchset is not provided by Huawei official but an individual. And also not used in any Huawei devices." They asked if we would update the description of the article to correct this information.

Based on publicly-available information, we know the author of the patch is a Huawei employee, and despite attempts now to distance itself from the code after publication of this post, it still retains the Huawei naming. Further, on information from our sources, the employee is a Level 20 Principal Security staffer, the highest technical level within Huawei.

The Github repository mentioned in the article had a commit added to it this morning that inserted a notice to the top of the README file, distancing the code from Huawei. This commit was (intentionally or not) backdated to Friday when the repository was created, creating the impression that we somehow intentionally ignored pertinent information that was readily available. This is obviously untrue, and examining the contents of proves the commit was pushed to the repo this morning.

We replied to Huawei PSIRT's mail and mentioned that we'd be fine with mentioning the patches aren't shipping on any Huawei devices (I believed it already to be unlikely given the poor code quality), but regarding the other claim (particularly due to the surreptitious Github repo edit), we'd have to also include the additional information we discovered.

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#huawei #PSIRT #hksp #exploitable #kernel #hardening #vulnerability
Mass Surveillance and 5G in Tibet: Between Oppression and Espionage

Tibetans are continuously controlled through camera networks and artificial intelligence. Now, #Huawei’s highest 5G base station on Mount Everest will also favor international cyber-espionage

Repressing #Tibet before and after the coronavirus

Amidst fears of the coronavirus sending billions of people into lockdown around the world, #China is widely expanding its surveillance network to strengthen and maintain vigilance of its entire population. It is true that such measures have proven effective during the pandemic by tracking people’s movements through cellphones, and have provided services through robots delivering food to hospitals, facial recognition cameras tracking people’s temperature, and mechanical drones enforcing lockdown for quarantines.
Exclusive: Trump administration says Huawei, Hikvision backed by Chinese military

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration has determined that top Chinese firms, including telecoms equipment giant
Huawei Technologies and video surveillance company Hikvision (002415.SZ), are owned or controlled by the Chinese military, laying the groundwork for new U.S. financial sanctions.

Washington placed Huawei and Hikvision on a trade blacklist last year over national security concerns and has led an international campaign to convince allies to exclude Huawei from their 5G networks.

A Department of Defense (DOD) document listing 20 companies operating in the United States that Washington alleges are backed by the Chinese military was first reported by Reuters.

The DOD document also includes China Mobile Communications Group (0941.HK) and China Telecommunications Corp [CTTTC.UL] as well as aircraft manufacturer Aviation Industry Corp of China [SASADY.UL].

The designations were drawn up by the Defense Department, which was mandated by a 1999 law to compile a list of Chinese military companies operating in the United States, including those “owned or controlled” by the People’s Liberation Army that provide commercial services, manufacture, produce or export.

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#usa #china #huawei #hikvision #Trump #ToddlerTrump
Uganda’s uptake of Huawei’s “Safe Cities” surveillance initiative is getting a foothold

Huawei has just leveled up its spying efforts. Why spy on people directly, when they can provide a service that lets authoritarian governments spy on people? Either way, Huawei is getting the data, but the latter is easier to sell to oppressive regimes.

The Ugandan government is one such client. After the Assistant Inspector General of Police was murdered in 2017, they decided to set up CCTV surveillance across the African nation, making them the fourth in Africa to purchase security equipment from Huawei – after Kenya, Egypt and Zambia.

#africa #uganda #huawei #surveillance
FCC designates Huawei, ZTE as risks to national security

Telecoms can no longer use federal funds to purchase their equipment

On Tuesday, the Federal Communications Commission officially designated telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE as threats to national security.

“With today’s Orders, and based on the overwhelming weight of evidence, the Bureau has designated Huawei and ZTE as national security risks to America’s communications networks — and to our 5G future,” FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said in a statement Tuesday. “Both companies have close ties to the Chinese Communist Party and China’s military apparatus, and both companies are broadly subject to Chinese law obligating them to cooperate with the country’s intelligence services.”

#us #fcc #huawei #zte #security
Did a Chinese Hack Kill Canada’s Greatest Tech Company?

Nortel was once a world leader in wireless technology. Then came a hack and the rise of Huawei.

The documents began arriving in China at 8:48 a.m. on a Saturday in April 2004. There were close to 800 of them: PowerPoint presentations from customer meetings, an analysis of a recent sales loss, design details for an American communications network. Others were technical, including source code that represented some of the most sensitive information owned by Nortel Networks Corp., then one of the world’s largest companies.

#huawei #nortel #canada #china #industrial #espionage #telecom