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Media is too big
The WHO, funded by the vaccine factories, can declare a pandemic on suspicion, take action in the veterinary and environmental fields, introduce vaccination passports and decide on virtually anything.

Already, the global information space is increasingly publishing warning articles about the latest World Health Organisation (WHO) General Assembly, analysing the latest illegal action by globalists. Namely, the coup d'état by #TedrosGebreys to give themselves the power to control and make decisions on the health of the world's people by amending the International Health Regulations (IHR).

When it became clear that the pandemic agreement would fail, on the night of the last day of the WHO General Assembly last Saturday (1st of June 2024), the #IHR amendments were unexpectedly tabled and swiftly adopted.

This is an unexpected turn of events, unprecedented in the history of the WHO, where all prior consultations and protocols were ignored, but also in violation of their own key regulation.

#Plandemic #WHO
Regarding the IHR amendment, the UK has already indicated that it wants to decide on the IHR amendments under its own sovereign authority, leaving it to the new Parliament after the elections to decide whether to adopt the WHO's amended Code.
At 3rd of June 2024, the United States of America issued a statement expressing its support and satisfaction with the illegal IHR provisions.
These developments will ensure that the United States is better prepared for the next international health emergency, demonstrate that countries can come together and address global challenges to improve the lives of people around the world, and provide momentum for a pandemic agreement that nations agree to finalize by May 2025. As the world's leading foreign aid donor, the United States' commitment to health and health security is unparalleled. The U.S. has pledged $700 million to the new Pandemic Fund and believes in its mission to provide additional, long-term funding to strengthen the core capacities of low- and middle-income countries."

#WHO #Plandemic
I guess it's bird flu season

#plandemic #elections
8.8 MB
It turns out the #NIH #NIAID have been approving and funding dual-use research on #Monkeypox for years, and they’ve been intentionally ignoring and evading oversight inquiries about it.

“Over a period of 18 months, the HHS, the NIH, and NIAID repeatedly obstructed and misled the Committee about whether the transfer of genes from clade I into clade II experiments…had been approved or conducted."

"Internal NIH documents show this experiment was formally proposed and received approval before the NIH's Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) on June 30, 2015"

#bioweapons #terrorism #plandemic
Something everybody should know about happening Oct 2

#Bird #flu #plandemic #foreknowledge
Media is too big
🚨 Mandating COVID Shots ‘One of the Greatest Mistakes,’ Former CDC Chief Says

Dr Redfileds, former CDC-US director, admits before the US Senate that mRNAs are toxic, spread throughout the body, that this was known to scientists, that they cause undesirable effects which were hidden so as not to discourage people to get vaccinated

He admitted that the spike protein produced by mRNA vaccines is “toxic to the body” and triggers “a very strong pro-inflammatory response.”

#Vax #Jabs #SafeAndEffective #CDC
#mRNA #SpikeProtein #safe #effective #Vaccine #Covid #Plandemic
Understanding Technocracy

A Technate—technocracy applied to the whole of society—is not limited to technocratic governance. It goes much further and is a new and distinct sociopolitical construct.

A Technate vs Technocratic Governance
During the #pseudopandemic, prominent members within the UK government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (#SAGE) were not just providing advice, they were seemingly leading policy. People like Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance were "seen," by millions of TV viewers, to be driving government decisions. The accompanying mantra from #UK politicians was that they were "led by the science."

#Technocracy #Plandemic
Media is too big

Dr.David Matin interview with Peter Santilli on unmasking the Wuhan cover story

#Plandemic #Covid #Wuhan #DARPA #DOD

🐨.. 💉
Moderna Admits Covid mRNA Shots Cause Cancer - Slay News –

Documents have emerged that show #Moderna has always known that the pharmaceutical giant’s #Covid #mRNA shots cause #cancer.
The evidence has surfaced as cases of rapidly developing “#TurboCancer” are continuing to surge around the world.

As Slay News has reported, cancer diagnoses have been soaring among those who have received Covid mRNA shots.

The cases spike in 2021, after the shots were rolled out to the public, and are continuing to surge today.
A veteran doctor, who has served as a hospital emergency room (ER) physician for over 25 years, recently raised the alarm over a dramatic surge in diagnoses of “obvious” cases of “turbo cancer.”

#Jabs #Vax #SafeAndEffective #Safe #Effective #Plandemic #Vaccine

Secretive government agency brought in to monitor social media amid riots | The Telegraph

A secretive government agency used to “spy on” anti-#lockdown campaigners during the #Covid #plandemic has been deployed to monitor social media amid the riots, The Telegraph has learnt.

The Counter Disinformation Unit (#CDU), now rebranded as the National Security Online Information Team (#NSOIT), has been given the task just months after MPs called for an independent review of its activities.

Campaigners have expressed concern that NSOIT is playing a central role in the riots response despite outstanding questions over whether it is fit for purpose.

#UK #BigBrother #Ksteimer #Riots
Singapore : The most vaxxed country on earth is now facing a population crisis.

Singapore officials have tried to gaslight the public, but the numbers don't lie.

Not only are excess deaths skyrocketing, but birth rates are also plummeting.
The cause of this appears to be the infamous COVID-19 “vaccines.”

In 2021, Singapore’s natural population increase (births minus deaths) fell by 13%. By 2022, it plunged even further to 39.4%.

This decline is unprecedented, especially when you consider that the total COVID-19 deaths during this time were relatively low.

But here’s where it gets even more disturbing: Singapore ranked number one globally for excess deaths in mid-2022. Yet, as the numbers began to raise eyebrows, Singapore was suddenly removed from a global mortality database.

To make matters worse, a law requiring investigations into deaths linked to medical treatment was quietly removed in 2023—right when people started asking if the vaccines were to blame.

The Ministry of Health claims Singapore has one of the lowest excess death rates globally, but the data shows the exact opposite. Singapore is in trouble, and the government’s narrative doesn’t match reality.

With births in freefall and deaths surging, how much longer can the truth be hidden?
#Jabs #Vax #SafeAndEffecvive #Safe #Effective #Vaccines #Plandemic

Media is too big
The $6.4 trillion lockdown winners

Not enough people have understood that the uber-wealthy made a literal fortune from locks and associated money printing. The net worth of the top 0.1% increased by $ 6.4 trillion over the lockdown period, the uber-wealthy also funded the rotten models that got us into lockdowns and used COVID as an excuse to push their Great Reset agenda. That's a lot of coincidences!

#Plandemic #Lockdowns #GreatReset
A great pandemic solution!

#Plandemic #Vax #Jabs #Vaccines