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Youtube is Facilitating the Sexual Exploitation of Children, and it's Being Monetized (2019)

❗️Over the past 48 hours I have discovered a wormhole into a soft-core pedophilia ring on Youtube.
Youtube’s recommended algorithm is facilitating pedophiles’ ability to connect with each-other, trade contact info, and link to actual CP in the comments. I can consistently get access to it from vanilla, never-before-used Youtube accounts via innocuous videos in less than ten minutes, in sometimes less than five clicks.. Additionally, I have video evidence that these videos are being monetized by Youtube, brands like McDonald’s, Lysol, Disney, Reese’s, and more.


#pedophilia #children #abuse #Youtube
Screen-grabbed from Facebook:

A teacher had her students turn their phone volume up and create a collective record of the notifications they received in a single class period.

Android co-founder Rich Miner draws attention to the disturbing influence on young people who do not know a world without constant interruptions.

Rich Miner, known as a co-inventor of Android, is concerned about the disruptive impact of permanent smartphone use, especially for younger users. "I'm worried about the disruptive world of smartphones that I helped create," he confessed in a tweet. "And how it affects people who grew up believing it just had to be that way."

📡 @NoGoolag
#android #kidds #smartphone #abuse #RichMiner #why #DeleteFacebook
How smart devices are exploited for domestic abuse

The number of domestic abuse cases has increased dramatically since the UK's Covid lockdown - and tech has played a role.

Smart speakers, tracking apps and key-logging software are among products that have made it easier for perpetrators to maintain control of victims and continue abuse.

Domestic-violence charity Refuge says more than 70% of those it provides support to have reported tech-related abuse within a relationship.

Two people who experienced abuse during the pandemic shared their stories with BBC Click.

They asked to remain anonymous for their own safety.

"When he left the house, that's when I started to see that he was using the Ring doorbell camera to track me," says Kate, who is using a pseudonym. She is referring to Amazon's internet-connected security device. It triggers alerts when it detects motion in front of a home and allows live footage or recordings to be watched from afar.

"I could take the battery out of it if I wanted to, but I didn't feel like I could because he would say to me, 'You're compromising our children's safety'.

"I was worried that he would go to the police and try and suggest that I'm a bad mother."

#smart #devices #domestic #abuse
Powerhouse VPN products can be abused for large-scale DDoS attacks

Around 1,500 Powerhouse VPN servers are exposed online and ready to be abused by DDoS groups.

Botnet operators are abusing VPN servers from VPN provider Powerhouse Management as a way to bounce and amplify junk traffic part of DDoS attacks.

This new DDoS vector has been discovered and documented by a security researcher who goes online as Phenomite, who shared his findings with ZDNet last week.

The researcher said the root cause of this new DDoS vector is a yet-to-be-identified service that runs on UDP port 20811 on Powerhouse VPN servers.

Phenomite says that attackers can ping this port with a one-byte request, and the service will often respond with packets that are up to 40 times the size of the original packet.

Since these packets are UDP-based, they can also be modified to contain an incorrect return IP address. This means that an attacker can send a single-byte UDP packet to a Powerhouse VPN server, which then amplifies it and sends it to the IP address of a victim of a DDoS attack —in what security researchers call a reflected/amplified DDoS attack.

#powerhouse #vpn #abuse #ddos #attacks