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Cutting the Wire

It has recently come to the attention of the PrivacyTools team that Wire, the popular end-to-end encryption messaging platform had been sold or moved to a US company. After a week of questioning, Wire finally confirmed they had changed holding companies and would now be a US based company in a move they called “simple and pragmatic,” as they worked to expand their foothold in the enterprise market. This also came alongside the news that Wire had accepted more than $8 million in Venture Capital (VC) funding from Morpheus Ventures, as well as other investors.

Morpheus Ventures holds a portfolio including companies in healthcare, voice AI, life insurance, and retail customer data analytics: All sectors that have historically used invasive data collection methods to survive. Why would a VC with a portfolio centered on consumer data want to invest in a company whose mission claims to protect that very same information?

Earlier this year, Wire announced they had entered a partnership with FedResults, in a move that would bring Wire's secure messaging platform to US federal agencies. This raised a few eyebrows, but did not alarm the privacy community as Wire remained Swiss based and beholden to Switzerland's strict privacy laws. Today however, while much of Wire's business will continue to be run out of their Swiss offices, with new US-based ownership it is not entirely clear how much jurisdiction the United States will have over Wire data.

This is alarming because it is well known that Wire stores unencrypted metadata for every user.

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#privacytools #delisting #wire #FedResults #messenger #swiss #thinkabout
The Crypto AG Scandal And The Question Of Swiss Neutrality

On the 11 February 2020, the Washington Post published an extensive article revealing the #CryptoAG Scandal. The article damningly exposes the way in which the #Swiss #encryption company Crypto AG was co-opted by the #CIA for decades. The #spy #agency coerced the company’s founder into working for them in the 1950s, and later bought out Crypto AG in a secret partnership with the German spy agency the #BND. Throughout this time, faulty encryption machines were sold to governments around the world to improve American #espionage capabilities. This “audacious” project lasted well into the 21st century, presumably until the company’s liquidation in 2018. According to the Washington Post article, “CIA and BND documents indicate that Swiss officials must have known for decades about Crypto’s ties to the U.S. and German spy services, but intervened only after learning that news organizations were about to expose the arrangement.” It is this revelation which has led various news agencies (including the BBC) to declare that Swiss neutrality has been “shattered”.

The Swiss have long cultivated a policy of neutrality. This concept is ubiquitous in popular culture, from the end of The Sound of Music, to the English phrase “being Switzerland” which is synonymous with neutrality. What impact, (if any), will the implications of Swiss partiality toward the U.S. in the scandal have upon their aura of neutrality?

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Threema Goes Open Source, Welcomes New Partner

Strengthened Through Partnership

After an intense startup phase, Threema lays the foundation for continuity, further growth, and an acceleration of the product development thanks to the entry of the German-Swiss investment company Afinum Management AG.

Afinum fully shares our values regarding security and privacy protection. The additional resources gained through this partnership enable Threema to grow beyond the German-speaking part of Europe, and we can use our energy for visionary new ideas and projects. That said, Threema’s founders – Manuel Kasper, Silvan Engeler, and Martin Blatter, all software developers – will continue to lead the company and still retain a significant ownership interest.

Open Source and Multi Device

Security and privacy protection are deeply ingrained in Threema’s DNA, which is why our code gets reviewed externally on a regular basis. Within the next months, the Threema apps will become fully open source, supporting reproducible builds. This is to say that anyone will be able to independently review Threema’s security and verify that the published source code corresponds to the downloaded app.

In the future, it will be possible to use multiple devices in parallel thanks to an innovative multi-device solution. In contrast to other approaches, no trace of personal data will be left behind on a server. Thanks to this technology, Threema can be used on a PC without a smartphone.

In conclusion, Threema will become even more trustworthy and even more convenient to use.

👀 👉🏼

#threema #opensource #afinum #swiss #germany

• ProtonMail does not give data to foreign governments; that’s illegal under Article 271 of the Swiss Criminal code.

• They only comply with legally binding orders from Swiss authorities. It is also obligatory for the suspect to be notified that their data was requested which is not the case in most countries.

Swiss laws generally will not assist prosecutions from countries without fair justice systems.

• The FBI probably need the content of the email which isn't possible as it's e2ee between one protonmail account to another.

#protonmail #fbi #swiss
Vast #Leak Exposes How Credit #Suisse Served Strongmen and Spies

Leaked data on more than 18,000 accounts shows that the #Swiss #bank missed or ignored red flags.

The client rosters of Swiss banks are among the world’s most closely guarded secrets, protecting the identities of some of the planet’s richest people and clues into how they accumulated their fortunes.
Now, an extraordinary leak of data from Credit Suisse, one of the world’s most iconic banks, is exposing how the bank held hundreds of millions of dollars for heads of state, intelligence officials, sanctioned businessmen and human rights abusers, among many others.

A self-described whistle-blower leaked data on more than 18,000 bank accounts, collectively holding more than $100 billion, to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. The newspaper shared the data with a nonprofit journalism group, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, and 46 other news organizations around the world, including The New York Times.

The data covers accounts that were open from the 1940s until well into the 2010s but do not cover the bank’s current operations.
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Media is too big
#FalseFlag attacks have been researched by historians such as #Swiss citizen Dr Daniel #Ganser.

In the video above Dr Ganser explains that western governments have carried out many acts of false flag #terrorism.

#CIA-#NATO #Gladio agent Vincezo #Vinciguerra explained the Gladio "strategy of tension" in sworn testimony.

He said:

"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game ... to force the public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security.

This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened."