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30 506 internet domain names shut down for intellectual property infringement

Law enforcement #authorities from 18 #EU Member States1 and third parties in a joint investigation with #Europol and the US National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Centre 2, facilitated by #Eurojust and #INTERPOL, have #seized over 30 506 #domain names that distributed #counterfeit and #pirated items over the internet during operation #IOSX. These included counterfeit #pharmaceuticals and pirated #movies, illegal #television #streaming, #music, #software, #electronics, and other bogus products.

3 arrests and 26 000 luxury products seized

During the investigation, officials arrested 3 suspects, seized 26 000 luxury products (clothes, perfumes), 363 litres of alcoholic beverages, and many hardware devices. They identified and froze more than €150 000 in several bank accounts and online payment platforms.

Europol ’s Intellectual Property Crime Coordinated Coalition (IPC³) supported the investigation on the ground by deploying experts with a mobile office. Europol officers carried out real-time information exchange and cross-checks of the data gathered during the course of the action against Europol’s databases. In addition, #IPC3 experts organised several online investigation techniques training courses in intellectual property infringements in 2019 with law enforcement authorities all over #Europe.

👉🏼 Read more:

Fishing in the Piracy Stream: How the Dark Web of Entertainment is Exposing Consumers to Harm

Digital Citizens Investigation Finds Malware on PiracyApps That Steal User Names and Passwords, Probe to Breach Networks, and Secretly Upload Data.

👀 👉🏼 (PDF)

👀 👉🏼 Read as well:
Dark Web-Hosted
Movies and Fake Apps Are Costing the US Movie and TV Industry Billions Every Year

#darknet #darkweb #movies #piracy #report #pdf
Court Orders Telegram To Block Pirated Movies, TV Shows and Music

A court has ordered Telegram to block access to pirated
movies, TV shows and music following a lawsuit filed in Israel. Local anti-piracy group ZIRA complained that the messaging platform does not properly respond to takedown notices, contrary to Telegram's claims that it does. Telegram is now working with rightsholders to implement the injunction.

Last November, the RIAA and MPAA nominated popular messenger app Telegram for inclusion on the USTR’s ‘notorious markets’ list, claiming that the platform doesn’t do enough to combat piracy.

A month later, the EU added the service to its own ‘Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List’, noting that along with other social media platforms, Telegram “lags behind” in respect of efforts to combat piracy.

This opinion is shared by Israel-based anti-piracy group ZIRA. Last year, ZIRA – which represents local media companies – took its complaints to court, hoping to force Telegram to take a more serious approach to infringement mitigation.

#tg #telegram #court #order #block #pirated #movies #music #riaa #mpaa #piracy #watchlist
Don’t Try to Pirate Movies On Elon Musk’s Starlink

The Starlink team announced that if people try to openly pirate movies on SpaceX’s satellite internet service Starlink, then one has to be prepared to receive a warning from the company demanding that you stop. Starlink is an initiative by SpaceX with the objective of providing Internet From Space. Recently they have launched the first 60 production satellites of nearly 12,000 planned spacecraft into a low orbit above Earth.

Last weekend, a curious Starlink subscriber tested if SpaceX enforces its policy against downloading copyrighted content. The subscriber, “substrate-97,” indeed received the piracy warning notice and he posted the same from SpaceX on Reddit. “We must insist that you and/or others using your Starlink service refrains from illegal downloads of copyrighted content,” the notice says. “Downloading copyrighted materials without a license may lead to suspension or termination of your service, and put you at risk of legal action by the content owner,” the statement read.

Moreover, Starlink may also try to stop piracy if the ISP detects a download for a bootleg movie. The company will immediately send an automated warning to the offending subscriber. If the ISP recognises a download for a copyrighted movie, the provider can automatically issue a warning notification to the subscriber committing the offence.

#starlink #musk #movies #pirate
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
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