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You Should Be OUTRAGED By This CDC Lie! ( Video )

The whole premise of the COVID vaccine mandates was that everyone needed to be vaccinated because that would stop the spread of the virus. But it turns out that the CDC knew from the very beginning that the vaccines didn’t prevent transmission, so there was no need for mandates at all.

As Jimmy points out in this video, that didn’t stop CDC head Rochelle Walensky from lying about the vaccines’ efficacy so she could continue pushing mandates.

#scam #covid #cdc #vax #vaccine
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Australia’s baby drought is causing an economic concern | 7NEWS

Australia is in the grip of a baby drought. We aren't producing enough children to maintain our population without resorting to immigration. And even that's not guaranteed with fertility rates declining worldwide. The reason is mostly economic.

#covid #fertility #jab #vax #vaccines
💉🦘 #ozz #Australia
Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours – The Daily Sceptic –

A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours.

The paper, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company and was published online on Wednesday on the pre-print site of the prestigious medical journal.

The original study abstract can be found in the Internet Archive

💉#Vax #jab #covid #vaccines
The Unique Toxicity of Covid-19 Vaccines and Why They Must Be Immediately Discontinued | NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science –

Covid-19 Vaccines and Boosters Were Never Made With mRNA, Nor Tested for Gene Toxicity
Covid-19 Vaccines and Boosters Were Never Made With mRNA, Nor Assessed For Gene Toxicity.

In this post we want to roll together three very recent publications that neatly overlap. They both cry foul on the sidelining of due diligence regarding the synthetic gene transfer technology masquerading as a vaccine. 

#NewZealand #Vax #Jabs #Vaccines #Covid #Covid19
Ten Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic - PANDA –

Many people are eager to put all things pandemic behind them, and move on with their lives. And understandably so. But much like personal traumas, the collective trauma of the Covid pandemic is one that we need to process carefully, if we are indeed to “move on” and not repeat the errors of the past.

In that spirit, I offer this catalogue of lessons that we might draw from the collective trauma we have just lived through. Hopefully these lessons will serve as a sobering reminder of the fragility of the great achievements of a free and open society, and the need to renew our commitment to freedom with each new generation.

#Covid #Covid19 #Jabs #Vax #Vaccines #Plandemic #trauma
mRNA Vaccines are Dangerous from First Principles of Immunology – Doctors for COVID Ethics –

This book is a collective effort of the D4CE group to provide unbiased and factual information and analysis regarding mRNA vaccines. Chapter 2 briefly introduces virology and immunology relevant to the mRNA vaccine technology; Chapter 3 focuses on the immunological mechanism of harm caused by the mRNA vaccine. Members of D4CE have posted several videos on this topic.

#mRNA #vax #jabs #covid #covid19 #Vaccines
⚠️ Biden just died of a heart attack at the White House .

Source : AP

#Biden #Vax #Jabs