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Undocumented backdoor that covertly takes snapshots found in kids’ smartwatch

A popular smartwatch designed exclusively for children contains an undocumented backdoor that makes it possible for someone to remotely capture camera snapshots, wiretap voice calls, and track locations in real time, a researcher said.

The X4 smartwatch is marketed by Xplora, a Norway-based seller of children’s watches. The device, which sells for about $200, runs on Android and offers a range of capabilities, including the ability to make and receive voice calls to parent-approved numbers and to send an SOS broadcast that alerts emergency contacts to the location of the watch. A separate app that runs on the smartphones of parents allows them to control how the watches are used and receive warnings when a child has strayed beyond a present geographic boundary.

#xplora #smartwatch #kids #backdoor
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What All Parents & 12+year Old Kids Should Know About the Risks of The Covid-19 Jab

Dr. Sucharit Bhakd:
“If You Give That Jab to Your Child, You Are Committing A Crime.”

Dr. Peter Mccullough: “Children Have Very Mild Illness, Many of Them Don’t Realise They’ve Had Covid-19.”

Dr. Jenny Harries: “In Fact, The Risk from Seasonal Flu We Think Is Probably Higher Than the Risk of Covid.”

Dr. Roger Hodkinson: “Why Would You Turn Around and Inject Them with A Substance That Is Experimental, And Has a Growing Number of Serious Side-effects, Such as Myocarditis?”

“It’s State Sanctioned Child Abuse, Period.”

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “It’s Crazy to Vaccinate Them with Something That Is Actually 50 Times More Likely to Kill Them Than the Virus Itself.”

“If You Mandate Vaccination of All of The Children, Roughly One Hundred of Them Per Million Will Die as A Direct Result of Your Decision, And It Will Save No Lives.”

#killshots #kids
Media is too big
🇮🇪Irish Council for Human Rights: In This Presentation You Will Hear from Prominent Irish Doctors Expressing Their Concerns About the Dangers of Administering the Covid Shot to Children

#dr #ireland #kids

During the 1980s AIDS crisis, Anthony Fauci, a rising star in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) bureaucracy, promoted a false and unscientific hypothesis that children could spread the disease within their families through close contact.

On May 6, 1983, Fauci published an article in JAMA Network, the American Medical Association’s monthly open-access medical journal, in which he promulgated this false theory about a newly discovered little-known syndrome.

He also mentioned in that article that the journal had published a study documenting one of the first cases of immunodeficiency disease in an infant in the same issue, increasing “the possibility that routine close contact, such as within a family home, may spread the disease.”



#fauci #aids #hiv #kids
This war criminal wanting to poison kids should make you question the covid1984 narrative

#uk #kids #Tony #Blair
#uk#nhs #kids
Media is too big
Concerned parent follows the money and the schools mandating of masking and vaccination.

She schools the school board.

#follow #the #money #kids #schools #mask #mom
Important information to send to parents who are thinking of allowing their child to get the Covid-19 Vaccine
The authorities aren’t going to stop at 12 year-olds and will come for younger children soon so it is important not to give up…

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️Teen deaths among 15-19-year-olds have increased by 47% in the UK since they started getting the Covid-19 Vaccine according to official ONS data

️86% of Children suffered an Adverse Reaction to the Pfizer Covid Vaccine in Clinical Trial

️1 in 9 children suffered a serious adverse reaction to the Covid-19 vaccine in the Clinical Trial leaving them unable to perform daily activities

Kids will be vaccinated in schools without parental consent despite a mountain of evidence that the Covid-19 Vaccines are killing Children in the USA

️Children in the US have also suffered cardiac arrest and been left paralysed due to the Covid-19 vaccines

️Children will not gain anything from having the jab because they do not prevent infection or transmission as evidenced in three recent studies published by the CDC, UK Government & Oxford University

️They also won’t be protected from hospitalisation or death associated with Covid-19 because children are not being hospitalised or dying with Covid-19 as evidenced in NHS statistics

️Many have been left blind or fully paralysed by the Covid-19 vaccines

️78% or Covid-18 deaths are among the Vaccinated and 999 calls for Cardiac Arrest are at an all time high since teens were offered the Covid-19 Vaccine

️The Pfizer vaccine only gained emergency authorisation for use in children because Pfizer manipulated trial data and committed serious offences

️The serous offences include allegations that Pfizer tested their Covid-19 vaccine on orphan babies

# Pfizer claimed another of their experimental drugs was safe for children and had to pay out billions in hush money due to killing and injuring nearly 200 children

The evidence strongly suggests that children have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by having a Covid-19 vaccine.

Please share widely.
Save the Children.

#kids #children