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Brussels, 06/07/2021 – Today, the European Parliament approved the ePrivacy Derogation, allowing providers of e-mail and messaging services to automatically search all personal messages of each citizen for presumed suspect content and report suspected cases to the police. The European Pirates Delegation in the Greens/EFA group strongly condemns this automated mass surveillance, which effectively means the end of privacy in digital correspondence. Pirate Party MEPs plan to take legal action.

In today’s vote, 537 Members of the European Parliament approved Chatcontrol, with 133 voting against and 20 abstentions.[1] According to police data, in the vast majority of cases, innocent citizens come under suspicion of having committed an offence due to unreliable processes. In a recent representative poll, 72% of EU citizens opposed general monitoring of their messages.[2] While providers will initially have a choice to search or not to search communications, follow-up legislation, expected in autumn, is to oblige all communications service providers to indiscriminate screening.

Breyer: “This harms children rather than protecting them”

German Pirate Party Member of the European Parliament Patrick Breyer, shadow rapporteur on the legislative proposal, comments:

*“The adoption of the first ever EU regulation on mass surveillance is a sad day for all those who rely on free and confidential communications and advice, including abuse victims and press sources. The regulation deals a death blow to the confidentiality of digital correspondence. It is a general breach of the dam to permit indiscriminate surveillance of private spaces by corporations – by this totalitarian logic, our post, our smartphones or our bedrooms could also be generally monitored. Unleashing such denunciation machines on us is ineffective, illegal and irresponsible.

Indiscriminate searches will not protect children and even endanger them by exposing their private photos to unknown persons, and by criminalising children themselves. Already overburdened investigators are kept busy with having to sort out thousands of criminally irrelevant messages. The victims of such a terrible crime as child sexual abuse deserve measures that prevent abuse in the first place. The right approach would be, for example, to intensify undercover investigations into child porn rings and reduce of the years-long processing backlogs in searches and evaluations of seized data.”*

Marcel Kolaja, Czech Pirate Party MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament, comments:

“Post officers also do not open your private letters to see if you’re sending anything objectionable. The same rule should apply online. However, what this exception will do is an irrevocable damage to our fundamental right to privacy, Moreover, monitoring across large platforms will only lead to criminals moving to platforms where chat control will be technically impossible. As a result, innocent people will be snooped on a daily basis while tracking down criminals will fail.“

Pirates plan legal action against the regulation

The EU’s plans for chat control have been confirmed to violate fundamental rights by a former judge of the European Court of Justice.[3] Patrick Breyer plans to take legal action against the regulation and is looking for victims of abuse who would file such a complainant. „Abuse victims are particularly harmed by this mass surveillance“, explains Breyer. „To be able to speak freely about the abuse they have suffered and seek help in a safe space is critical to victims of sexualised violence. depend on the possibility to communicate safely and confidentially. These safe spaces are now being taken away from them, which will prevent victims from seeking help and support.“
Media is too big
#Chatcontrol Explained

The #EU is planning to allow messenger and e-mail providers to indiscriminately scan and detect all private communication for suspicious content that might indicate child pornography or grooming. This so-called 'chatcontrol' violates fundamental rights and threatens secure communication channels, thus especially affecting the victims of sexual abuse! This video summarises the the legislation proposal, the consequences for our fundamental rights and what you can do to prevent chatcontrol.

More info:

Peertube of European Pirates:
#EU Commission is expected to publish the draft law on "chat control" tomorrow. Lawmakers seek AI-based checks of all message content & images directly on users' devices in order to bypass encryption protocols.

Critics say this is an attack on the digital privacy of correspondence and leads to mass surveillance.

German Chaos Computer Club protests against the planned "chat control" law in an open letter. Says it is a "fundamentally misguided technology" and an "unprecedented surveillance tool".
@disclosetv #chatcontrol #privacy #europe
EU chat control law will ban open source operating systems

The proposed #Chatcontrol #EU law will not only seize totalitarian control of all private communication. It will also ban open source operating systems as an unintended consequence.

The EU is currently in the process of enacting the chat control law. It has been criticized for creating an EU-wide centralized mass surveillance and censorship system and enabling government eavesdropping on all private communication. But one little talked about consequence of the proposed law is that it makes practically all existing open source operating systems illegal, including all major Linux distributions. It would also effectively ban the F-Droid open source Android app archive.

🧑‍💻 @agamtechtricks
Media is too big
The #EU wants to control every citizens chats

In this video I discuss the recent proposals in the EU called "Chat Control" where the EU will require all online services to scan for illegal images and messages on peoples computers, phones, and social medias.

The oppressive European Union (EU) is attempting to dictate and control their citizens by introducing "Chat Control", which requires all online services to monitor individual's communications for politically or socially unacceptable content.

The citizens of NoGoolag Empire reject this attempt at censorship, and refuse to accept the tyrannical and illegitimate power of the EU over the citizens of our holy empire!

#chatcontrol - Chat-Control | Chaos Computer Club Berlin

For more than a year now, the European Union's plans for chat-control have been underway.
In this talk we take a look at what's happening in Brussels and Berlin right now, why it's getting tight for fundamental rights and what needs to happen to stop this huge surveillance package.

The EU's plans for chat-control, which in the European Commission's draft remain limited to finding material of sexual exploitation of children and young people as well as sexual advances by adults, include among other things that communication and hosting services can be obliged to scan all content of all users. Not only will machine learning be used to find and report previously unknown images and videos, but text messages will also be analysed and searched for suspicious behaviour. Encrypted communication is not exempt, so that implementation of the plans would be a massive attack on end-to-end encryption and lead to the widespread use of client-side scanning. It is obvious that the use of these dystopian surveillance tools would not be limited to abusive depictions of children and young people in the medium term. Spain which will hold the EU-presidency for the next half year, already declared it would prefer a complete ban on E2EE.

#ChatControl #EU #BigBrother
Privacy Companies Push Back Against EU Plot To End Online Privacy

An urgent appeal has been relayed to ministers across the #EU by a consortium of tech companies, exacting a grave warning against backing a proposed regulation focusing on child sexual abuse as a pretense to jeopardize the security integrity of internet services relying on end-to-end encryption and end privacy for all citizens.

In a open letter a total of 18 organizations – predominantly comprising providers of encrypted email and messaging services – have voiced concerns about the potential experimental regulation by the European Commission (EC), singling out the “detrimental” effects on children’s #privacy and #security and the possible dire repercussions for #cybersecurity.

#BigBrother #EUChatControl
#ChatControl #Encryption
EU’s Plan To Mass Surveil Private Chats Has Leaked

A new version of controversial "chat control" regulation has leaked, revealing unchanged mass surveillance plans and threats to digital privacy.

The latest version of the proposed European Parliament (EP) and EU Council regulation to adopt new rules related to combating child sexual abuse has been made available online.

Despite its declared goal, the proposal, which first saw the light of day in May 2022 and is referred to by opponents as “chat control” is in fact a highly divisive draft of legislation that aims to accomplish the stated objective through mass surveillance of citizens’ private communications

#EU #EUChatControl #ChatControl #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Surveillance
Chat Control Must Be Stopped – Now! – Threema

This Wednesday, June 19, 2024, the #EU Council could be voting on the controversial #ChatControl bill. Should it pass, the consequences would be devastating: Under the pretext of child protection, EU citizens would no longer be able to communicate in a safe and private manner on the Internet. The European market’s location advantage would suffer a massive hit due to a substantial decrease in data security. And EU professionals like lawyers, journalists, and physicians could no longer uphold their duty to confidentiality online. All while children wouldn’t be better protected in the least bit. On the contrary, Chat Control could have a negative impact on minors in particular.

#surveillance #privacy