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EudraVigilance lists more than 2.26 million reports of adverse reactions after Covid vaccination | Changingtimes Substack

EudraVigilance now lists 2,260,686 adverse reaction cases reported after the administration of Covid vaccines in Europe. The data is up to August 23, 2023.

The database lists 1,234,922 individual cases up to August 23 for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine tozinameran. Most are from Germany (219,420), followed by France (129,884), and the Netherlands (125,842)

#jabs #vaccines #covid #covid19 #AdverseEffects #scamdemic #plandemic
MRNA & Why It Matters - Tom Renz’s Newsletter –

Understand that, at core, #mRNA, #modRNA, #saRNA, etc. - these are all gene therapies and all about genetic manipulation. To suggest that this is high risk is an understatement. We have no idea what we are doing and yet we continue forward trying to control these genes.

#GeneticModification #GeneTherapy #Vaccines #Jabs #Covid19 #Covid
Reminder : Myocarditis was officially admited by Pfizer in May 2023, is the public really informed of the risks when vaccinated ?

Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart) have occurred in some people who have received Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent, Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, or COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA). The observed risk is higher among adolescent males and adult males under 40 years of age than among females and older males, and the observed risk is highest in males 12 through 17 years of age. In most of these people, symptoms began within a few days following receipt of the second dose of vaccine..

Pfizer and BioNTech Provide Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Agreement with the European Commission | Pfizer –

#myocarditis #pericarditis #Pfizer #Vaccines #jabs #covid #covid19 #poison #EU #mRNA #safe #effective
UK Parliamentary Hearing: WHO Pandemic Treaty | Panda

On 17 April 2023, a Parliamentary hearing was held in the United Kingdom in response to e-petition 614335, entitled: Do not sign any WHO Pandemic Treaty unless it is approved via public referendum. It is clear from the fact that a total of 156,086 signatures were collected, and that the debate was very well attended, that many have serious concerns about the Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

This video provides clips from the two-and-a-quarter-hour hearing, which illustrate some of the significant arguments made by those supporting the petition.

#WHO #Plandemic #Jabs #vaccines #UK
Proof of a mRNA Disaster! A Buried England mRNA Data Avalanche has been Exposed. We can now Compare the % of All Cause Death (by Vaccination Status) with the % of Vaccine Uptake. | thenobodywhoknowseverybody

Any Religious Body, Health Authority , Health Worker, Politician, Pharmacy Executive, Statistician, Judge or any Adult for that matter now has a Duty to Protect their communities from mRNA.

#mRNA #Vaccines #Jabs #UK #Covid #Covid19
The Truth: No Vaccines Are Safe For Children

This week the World Council for Health issued a statement explaining why parents should no longer allow their babies and children to be vaccinated—please help by spreading the word!

Please do visit my Substack to read the new article I wrote on the subject. Let's get the word out and save the children.

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#History #vaccines #children
*" Please share: with anyone that still believes ANY "vaccine" is or ever was safe/tested/effective "*

*" 32 Vaccine documentaries "*

*(🔗🔗🔗links updated 17 April 2022)*

1. Vaccination – The Silent Epidemic –

2. The Greater Good –

3. Shots In The Dark –

4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth –

5. Vaccine Nation –

6. Vaccination – The Truth About Vaccines

7. Lethal Injection –

8. Bought - Vaccine Industry –

9. Deadly Immunity –

10. Autism – Made in the USA –

11. Beyond Treason –

12. Trace Amounts –

13. Why We Don’t Vaccinate –

14. Autism Yesterday –

15. The Vaccinated Girls - Sick and Betrayed –

16. Vaxxed –

17. Man Made Epidemic :

18. 50 Cents A Dose –

19. Direct Orders –

20. Dtap – Vaccine Roulette –

21. Truthstream News: About All Those Vaccines

22. Hear The Silence –

23. Cervical Cancer Vaccine – Is It Safe? –

24. Censored by Facebook – not found

25. The Truth About Vaccines

26. Vaccine Syndrome –

27. Injecting Aluminum -

28. Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror –

29. Sacrificial Virgins - HPV Vaccine Killing Kids –

30. Healing from Vaccines  -

31. Vaccines Are Militarized Bio Weapons - Author Patrick Jordan -

32. Vaxxed II - The People's Story -

#history #vaccines
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Forrest Maready on what he learnt by going down the anti-vaxxer rabbit hole.
#history #vaccines

#history #vaccines #children
Singapore : The most vaxxed country on earth is now facing a population crisis.

Singapore officials have tried to gaslight the public, but the numbers don't lie.

Not only are excess deaths skyrocketing, but birth rates are also plummeting.
The cause of this appears to be the infamous COVID-19 “vaccines.”

In 2021, Singapore’s natural population increase (births minus deaths) fell by 13%. By 2022, it plunged even further to 39.4%.

This decline is unprecedented, especially when you consider that the total COVID-19 deaths during this time were relatively low.

But here’s where it gets even more disturbing: Singapore ranked number one globally for excess deaths in mid-2022. Yet, as the numbers began to raise eyebrows, Singapore was suddenly removed from a global mortality database.

To make matters worse, a law requiring investigations into deaths linked to medical treatment was quietly removed in 2023—right when people started asking if the vaccines were to blame.

The Ministry of Health claims Singapore has one of the lowest excess death rates globally, but the data shows the exact opposite. Singapore is in trouble, and the government’s narrative doesn’t match reality.

With births in freefall and deaths surging, how much longer can the truth be hidden?
#Jabs #Vax #SafeAndEffecvive #Safe #Effective #Vaccines #Plandemic

A great pandemic solution!

#Plandemic #Vax #Jabs #Vaccines
Movie of the Week: August 19, 2024: Project Whistleblower

The two-part documentary Project Whistleblower presents the compelling narrative of #Pfizer #whistleblower Justin Leslie, a 27-year-old scientist turned inside agent who boldly confronts established pharmaceutical industry practices as well as the suppression of critical information of urgent public interest.

Full Report:

#Vax #Jabs #Documentary #Vaccines