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Feds: NJ Man Attempted to Hire a Hitman on the Darkweb

In a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New Jersey, prosecutors accused John Michael Musbach, 31, of hiring a hitman in an attempt to kill one of his teenage victims. According to the statement, Musbach found and contacted a site advertising murder for hire on the darkweb. He paid the site administrator $40,000 in Bitcoin to carry out the hit.

πŸ‘€ πŸ‘‰πŸΌ (Tor-Browser) http://darkzzx4avcsuofgfez5zq75cqc4mprjvfqywo45dfcaxrwqg6qrlfid.onion/post/feds-nj-man-attempted-to-hire-a-hitman-on-the-darkweb/

#hitman #darkweb #besa #mafia #HSI
Introduction to the Israel Lobby

The Israel lobby is one of the most powerful and pervasive special interest groups in the United States. It consists of a multitude of powerful institutions and individuals that work to influence Congress, the president, academia, the media, religious institutions, and American public opinion on behalf of Israel.

Below is a partial list, in no particular order, of groups and individuals that publicly support Israel.

Some of these are official lobbying groups whose primary purpose is to lobby governmental officials for pro-Israel policies. Others are groups or individuals that work to influence the media, academia and/or others in a pro-Israel direction. Some do this full-time; others as one portion of a diverse array of activities. While they span the political spectrum and range from hardcore supporters of the Israeli right to liberal critics of some Israeli policies, all support Israel.

#israel #lobby #mafia #aipac
The Chain of Custody: The "Mafia" Holding The Elite's Bitcoin

The companies poised to dominate the digital financial infrastructure of Latin America have arisen courtesy of the self-described "mafia" multiplier, Endeavor. Flush with funds from billionaires linked to the US intelligence and organized crime, Endeavor's influence over the CEOs it has championed promises that, with the ushering in of a new financial system, a wave of covert dollarization will shortly follow.

Via @unlimitedhangout
#Mafia #Mossad #CIA #DeepState #SiliconValley #Epstein #Mega #StartUp #Capitalism #Endeavour