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How the U.S. Military Buys Location Data from Ordinary Apps

A Muslim prayer app with over 98 million downloads is one of the apps connected to a wide-ranging supply chain that sends ordinary people's personal data to brokers, contractors, and the military.

The U.S. military is buying the granular movement data of people around the world, harvested from innocuous-seeming apps, Motherboard has learned. The most popular app among a group Motherboard analyzed connected to this sort of data sale is a Muslim prayer and Quran app that has more than 98 million downloads worldwide. Others include a Muslim dating app, a popular Craigslist app, an app for following storms, and a "level" app that can be used to help, for example, install shelves in a bedroom.

Through public records, interviews with developers, and technical analysis, Motherboard uncovered two separate, parallel data streams that the U.S. military uses, or has used, to obtain location data. One relies on a company called Babel Street, which creates a product called Locate X. U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), a branch of the military tasked with counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, and special reconnaissance, bought access to Locate X to assist on overseas special forces operations. The other stream is through a company called X-Mode, which obtains location data directly from apps, then sells that data to contractors, and by extension, the military.

#US #military #intelligence #privacy #location #why
Investigating Chinese Intelligence Firm Zhenhua Data

CCP is collecting massive amounts of data from social media including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, VK, Instagram etc. They also monitor a wide range of media outlets, news websites, news aggregators such as Reddit, etc.

Stories of Chinese Intelligence Firms leveraging Big Data Analysis, Social Media Platforms, LinkedIn, Mobile Devices, SIGINT, etc are all over the internet. However the recent stories about the Zhenhua Data Leak in the Indian Express caught our attention and we decided to leverage our ShadowMap platform to get some more insight on the Zhenhua Data operation.

After spending several days deep into this rabbit hole of vague corporations, a wide range of collection systems, some really interesting correlation use-cases – we’ve been able to put together a fairly comprehensive image of the Zhenhua Data operation.

While on the surface Zhenhua Data seems to be “just another” firm capturing, processing and selling publicly available information, the story changes rapidly once you look beyond the surface.

Zhenhua Data & Affiliates

According to the Zhenhua Data website (which has been taken offline, but is still accessible via ShadowMap) – “Zhenhua Data focuses on integrating overseas data and information to provide services for domestic institutions”. In-addition to Shenzhen Zhenhua Data Information Technology Co., Ltd. ( that has already received wide-spread coverage, we also found the involvement of Weiju ( & SocialDataMax (

Weiju, started out as a “location-based, instant messaging application that enables users to chat with nearby strangers.”, however the last update on its website (in 2015) mentions “Public opinion monitoring and early warning”, “Communication analysis statistics”, etc.

There are also several mentions of the underlying platforms being developed by “Beijing Juwei Hezhi Information Technology Co., Ltd.”, which has a very limited public presence but is listed online as “Juwei Hezhi is a company that analyzes social media big data”.

original article :

#Asia #China #intelligence
Five-Eyes intelligence services to help Europe circumvent encryption

Strongly secured chats annoy secret services and prosecutors worldwide. On this sensitive issue, the EU states are now to coordinate with the powerful Anglo-Saxon secret service alliance.

In future, the EU states are to work closely with the Anglo-Saxon secret service alliance of the "Five Eyes" to circumvent secure encryption in digital communications. This can be seen from documents sent to the member states by the German EU Council Presidency and available to the Süddeutsche Zeitung. As "Five Eyes", the secret services of the USA, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are cooperating with each other.

A report by the Austrian radio station ORF had already pointed out two weeks ago the similarity of the wording in the draft EU paper with a statement by the secret service alliance "Five Eyes" as well as India and Japan on October 11, which also demanded "lawful access to encrypted communication". Another paper from the EU Council of Ministers now substantiates this suspicion: The document called "Recommendations for the future handling of the encryption issue" is dated November 16 and has been submitted to the SZ.

The document is addressed to the EU member states and is a kind of handout. Point six states that governments should engage in a close dialogue on the topic with the initiators of the paper "End-to-End-Encryption and Public Safety". This is the declaration of the Five Eyes countries, as well as India and Japan, in which they call on companies such as Facebook to allow states access to encrypted content.

👀 👉🏼 Translated with DeepL

#fiveeyes #intelligence #eu #encryption #messenger #cryptowars #thinkabout
Threema boss: Master key for secret services "not possible at all

The head of the messenger service Threema has sharply criticized demands for access to private chat messages for state security authorities. "These demands for a master key testify to the inexperience of the authorities," Martin Blatter told Welt am Sonntag. Technically, he said, it was not even possible. "We don't have a master key that we could deposit. The encryption is done by the users and not by us.

"Criminals almost always already known to the authorities"

In mid-November, alleged plans by EU countries to ban the secure encryption of messages on channels such as WhatsApp caused a great stir. The German EU Council Presidency had drafted a resolution on the subject. However, the paper was vaguely formulated and did not go into detail about how security authorities should be able to decrypt encrypted messages. Nevertheless, civil rights activists and data protectionists strongly criticized the initiative.

Blatter also emphasized that in the case of terrorist attacks, the perpetrators were almost always already known to the authorities and on file. "This means that politicians have not managed to protect citizens". In the newspaper interview, he also spoke of U.S. secret services having forced manufacturers of routers to install back doors, which in the end were also used by China.

👀 👉🏼 Translated with DeepL


#fiveeyes #intelligence #eu #encryption #messenger #threema #cryptowars #thinkabout
Revealed: China suspected of spying on Americans via Caribbean phone networks

Security expert claims Chinese surveillance may have affected tens of thousands of Americans

China appears to have used mobile phone networks in the Caribbean to surveil US mobile phone subscribers as part of its espionage campaign against Americans, according to a mobile network security expert who has analysed sensitive signals data.

The findings paint an alarming picture of how China has allegedly exploited decades-old vulnerabilities in the global telecommunications network to route “active” surveillance attacks through telecoms operators.

The alleged attacks appear to be enabling China to target, track, and intercept phone communications of US phone subscribers, according to research and analysis by Gary Miller, a Washington state-based former mobile network security executive.

#China #US #mobile #phone #networks #intelligence #spy #surveillance
A New Satellite Can Peer Inside Buildings, Day or Night

The resolution is so crisp that you can see inside individual rooms.

A few months ago, a company called Capella Space launched a satellite capable of taking clear radar images of anywhere in the world, with incredible resolution — even through the walls of some buildings.

And unlike most of the huge array of surveillance and observational satellites orbiting the Earth, its satellite Capella 2 can snap a clear picture during night or day, rain or shine.

“It turns out that half of the world is in nighttime, and half of the world, on average, is cloudy,” CEO Payam Banazadeh, a former system engineer at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told Futurism. “When you combine those two together, about 75 percent of Earth, at any given time, is going to be cloudy, nighttime, or it’s going to be both. It’s invisible to you, and that portion is moving around.”

#satellite #intelligence #surveillance
Forwarded from Revolutionary Toolbox
6.1 MB
FM 34-2-1 Reconnaissance and Surveillance and Intelligence Support to Counterreconnaissance
Published 19 June 1991

"Throughout history, military leaders have recognized the importance of R&S (reconnaissance and surveillance). Gaining and maintaining contact with the enemy is essential to win the battle. Our own military history contains many examples where our knowledge of the enemy, or lack of knowledge, directly led to victory or defeat.

The role of R&S has not changed on the modern battlefield; if anything, it has become even more important. Battles at combat training centers prove that a good R&S effort is critical to successful attacks. On the other hand, a poor R&S effort almost guarantees defeat for the commander[...]

The message is clear: Success on the battlefield begins with R&S and R&S begins with the
intelligence officer..."

Source: Radical Defense (link)

#intelligence #sabotage #link #document #book #tactics #strategy #security
Hitchhiker's Guide to Online Anonymity.pdf
10.7 MB
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Online Anonymity (Or "How I learned to start worrying and love privacy")
Version 0.9.8 (draft), July 2021 by Anonymous Planet

"TLDR for the whole guide: "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play"[...]

This updated guide aims to provide introduction to various de-anonymization techniques, tracking techniques, id verification techniques and optional guidance to creating and maintaining reasonably anonymous identities online including social media accounts safely. This includes mainstream platforms and not only privacy friendly ones[...]

-Privacy is about people knowing who you are but knot knowing what you are doing.
-Anonymity is about people knowing what you are doing but not knowing who you are

Source: Anonymous Planet (link)
Radical Defense (link, old)

#security #document #book #communications #link
37.3 KB
The Gentleman's guide to Forum Spies and Spooks
COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum..

#shills #communications #intelligence #document
According to an internal report of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, the easiest way for intelligence agencies to read the correspondence of messaging services.
#intelligence #fbi #signal #telegram #wickr #le #im
🇵🇸 U.S. spies have ‘wide range’ of facilities on UK’s Cyprus base near Gaza—and share material ‘daily’ with Israel | Declassified UK

US spies have widespread access to Britain’s bases on Cyprus and share information ‘daily’ with their Israeli counterparts, leaked top secret documents show.

The British so-called Sovereign Base Areas (#SBA) on Cyprus, which comprise 3% of the island’s landmass, sit just 200 miles from #Gaza. The bases are said to be the largest British #intelligence facilities outside of the #UK, although they have never been officially acknowledged.

“Cyprus hosts a wide range of UK and US intelligence facilities”, notes a top secret document from #GCHQ, Britain’s largest spy agency. The document adds: “#Cyprus collection facilities are acknowledged by #NSA as important assets”.

The main US spy agency working on the British territory in Cyprus is the National Security Agency (NSA).

#Palestine #OPT #Intel #WarCrimes #Complicity #Genocide #5Eyes #Nato
Media is too big
37C3 - YOU’VE JUST BEEN FUCKED BY PSYOPS | Chaos Computer Club Berlin

How the history of military and government PSYOPS involving #MindControl, UFOs, magic, and remote-control zombies, explains the future of AI and generative media.

As #AI-generated content, social-media influence operations, micro-targeted advertising, and ubiquitous #surveillance have become the norm on the Internet and in the market in general, we have entered an era of PSYOP Capitalism. This is an era of hallucinations designed to transform each of us into a “targeted individual” through the manipulation of perception. This talk explores a secret history of reality-altering #military and #intelligence programs that serve as antecedents to a phantasmagoric present.

CYCLOPS explores the themes of the mind-control and #PSYOPS through an interactive parafictional narrative taking place in the context of an obscure #CIA #CognitiveWarfare program from the early days of the #ColdWar.

Trevor Paglen
🇵🇸 Britain has flown 50 spy missions over Gaza in support of Israel | Declassified UK

The UK military refuses to tell Declassified what #intelligence it is sharing with #Israel as we reveal the extraordinary number of surveillance flights #Britain is undertaking over Gaza from its base on #Cyprus

The #UK military has flown 50 #surveillance missions over Gaza since December, it can be revealed.

The flights have taken off from Britain’s controversial air base on Cyprus, #RAF #Akrotiri, and averaged around one a day since the beginning of December. 

When asked the UK government refused to provide the number of spy flights, but Declassified has analysed flight tracking records.

The #British plane used is the Shadow R1, which is known as an intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (#ISTAR) aircraft.

Video : Spying on Gaza, Bombing Yemen: Colonial British Base Angers Cypriots

#Gaza #Sigint #Nato