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USA Religious Fanatics And The Genocide In Palestine | Palestine Diary

Zionist religious fanatics in the #USA play a big part in building the Israeli #apartheid and the #Zionist military #occupation regime in Palestine. And the Yanks sponsor these terrorists and their genocidal project in #Palestine

#Genocide #US
Shocking insight into Israel's Apartheid | Roadmap to Apartheid | JourneyManPictures - 18/10/2023

With a comparison between apartheid South Africa and the Israel/Palestine conflict, this doc traces the future of one conflict from the past of another. Weaving the history of apartheid into the complex issues facing Israelis and Palestinians, it highlights the frighteningly similar laws and tools used by Israel and apartheid-era South Africa. It's a dark picture of the present but offers hope based on the peace that South Africa eventually found.

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Colonisation #Occupation #Apartheid #WarCrimes #Genocide #Nakba #SouthAfrica
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Christians of Palestine, Life Behind the Wall | 2017

A documentary that focuses on how the Israeli Occupation impacts the Palestinian population of today. The story is told by Christian-Palestinians to include the Mayor of Bethlehem, Mrs.Vera Baboun. Their interviews shed light on a different perspective of the conflict that we don't hear about .

Come and witness the Christmas celebration and hopeful spirit of those living in the walled city of Bethlehem. This film conveys a message of peace, along with a deeper understanding of the issues those living under
occupation face.

Director: Mary Davis
Producer: Hiyam Adnan Tabash
#Palestine #PalestinianChristians #Bethlehem #WestBank #Apartheid #Occupation #Documentary
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Stone Cold Justice: Israel’s torture of Palestinian children | ABC Australia - 2014

A film which was produced by a group of Australian journalists that sparked an international outcry against Israel after it explicitly detailed Tel Aviv's use of torture against Palestinian children.

The film, titled ‘Stone Cold Justice’ documents how Palestinian children, who have been arrested and detained by Israeli forces, are subjected to physical abuse, torture and forced into false confessions and pushed into gathering intelligence on Palestinian activists.

The 45-minute investigative film concerns the Israeli army’s mistreatment of Palestinian children. It provides absolutely devastating evidence that the children’s abuse is not some unfortunate byproduct of the
occupation but the cornerstone of Israel’s system of control and its related need to destroy the fabric of Palestinian society.
#Palestine #Torture #Children #Colonisation #Occupation #Apartheid #Documentary
whoprofits –

Who Profits is an independent research center dedicated to exposing
the role of the private sector in the Israeli occupation economy

Who Profits was founded in 2007 as a project of the Coalition of Women for Peace, and became an independent Research Center in 2013. Our work addresses the economy of the Israeli occupation through three areas of activity: we maintain an online database of complicit corporations; we operate a free online information center; and we publish regular reports and updates on the corporate aspect of the occupation.

Through these, we shed light on the role of the private sector in the Israeli settlement enterprise, in economic exploitation of Palestinian and Syrian land, labor and resources, and in the apparatus of control over the occupied population.

#BusinessOfOccupation #Private #companies #Occupation #Apartheid #Palestine
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🇵🇸 Israeli Settlers Took Half Her Home, Now They Want More | 2021

The Palestinian woman who captured the world’s attention when she confronted an Israeli settler tells AJ+ how she’s fighting to save #SheikhJarrah. “We are not going anywhere. We’ll stay in our homes until the last moment.  ”
#Palestine #EastJerusalem #Occupation #Colonisation #dispossession
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🇵🇸 Debunked: 'Gaza is not occupied' | Middle East Monitor

Throughout Israel's latest aggression on Gaza, Israeli ministers have continued to spread the lie that the besieged enclave is not occupied. The purpose of this misinformation is to further dehumanise Palestinians and justify the deadly violence against 2.2 million people, half of them children.

"Look at these people, we gave them freedom and they reward us with violence, hate and terror," that is what Israeli officials say. “Instead of turning Gaza into the Singapore of the Middle East they have turned it into a launchpad for terrorism.”

#Palestine #Colonisation #Occupation #Apartheid #Genocide
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🇵🇸 Colonial Economy — How Palestinian workers are dehumanized in an apartheid system | Rabet - 2021

Rabet presents a short documentary about the condition of the Palestinian economy. We follow workers who line up each morning to work inside the Green Line, and those who choose to work in illegal settlements because the pay will be better, even though the settlements are built on land from their own community. Finally, we look at the gendered elements of work in Palestine, focusing on women in #Gaza who face a severe lack of opportunity due to Israeli movement restrictions.

This is a product of the colonial environment created by Israeli policies that limit trade, movement, and industry throughout Palestinian society. Through the help of economists and lawyers, we break down the options available to Palestinians from all sections of community

#Palestine #Apartheid #Occupation #Documentary
🇵🇸 Time to focus on the rights of the oppressed, not the oppressor | Ramzy Baroud - ArabNews

Since the establishment of Israel, facilitated by Britain and protected by the US and other Western countries, the priorities have been entirely Israeli. “Israeli security,” Israel’s “military edge,” its “right to defend itself” and much more have defined the West’s political discourse on the Israeli #occupation and #apartheid.

This bizarre
#US-Western understanding of the so-called conflict — that an oppressor has “rights” over the oppressed — has enabled Israel to maintain a military occupation over Palestinian territories that has lasted for more than 56 years. It has also empowered Israel to neglect the roots of this conflict, namely the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948 and the long-denied right of return for Palestinian refugees.

#Palestine #Genocide #Gaza
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🇵🇸 Jenin Jenin | 2002

Directed and co-produced by Palestinian actor and director Mohamed Bakri

The story began in April 2002, when the Israeli #Occupation Forces invaded the Palestinian #refugee camp in Jenin, leveled it to the ground, killed more than seventy people and buried civilians alive in their demolished homes and smoldering buildings.

During #OperationDefensiveShield, the "#IOF" refused to allow journalists, human rights and humanitarian organizations into the camp. Jenin remained sealed for days after the invasion.

Bakri was among the first to enter the camp after the massacre and collect oral testimonies from local residents in Jenin. His Jenin Jenin came to narrate the story of the ruined camp and the #massacre's survivors.

On 23 June 2002, the film's Executive Producer, Iyad Samoudi, was killed in Alyamoun at the end of the filming by Israeli soldiers. Bakri continues to receive death threats. The war on Jenin #Jenin continues to this very day."

#Palestine #WarCrimes