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Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010 Predicted How a Pandemic Can be Used as an Excuse to Establish Global Authoritarian Power

The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. It was called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The first scenario, titled, “Lock Step”, describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. It envisions a future where a pandemic would allow national leaders to flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain after the pandemic faded. The first half of this scenario already has unfolded. Will it continue as predicted? The information on Lock Step begins at about the two-thirds point of the article. The Rockefeller report in its entirety can be downloaded here. [The importance of this document cannot be overstated.] -GEG

#rockefeller #pandemic #coronavirus #foreknowledge
The Pandemic's Digital Shadow

pandemic is fueling digital repression worldwide.

The coronavirus pandemic is accelerating a dramatic decline in global internet freedom. For the 10th consecutive year, users have experienced an overall deterioration in their rights, and the phenomenon is contributing to a broader crisis for democracy worldwide.

In the COVID-19 era, connectivity is not a convenience, but a necessity. Virtually all human activities—commerce, education, health care, politics, socializing—seem to have moved online. But the digital world presents distinct challenges for human rights and democratic governance. State and nonstate actors in many countries are now exploiting opportunities created by the pandemic to shape online narratives, censor critical speech, and build new technological systems of social control.

Three notable trends punctuated an especially dismal year for internet freedom. First, political leaders used the pandemic as a pretext to limit access to information. Authorities often blocked independent news sites and arrested individuals on spurious charges of spreading false news. In many places, it was state officials and their zealous supporters who actually disseminated false and misleading information with the aim of drowning out accurate content, distracting the public from ineffective policy responses, and scapegoating certain ethnic and religious communities. Some states shut off connectivity for marginalized groups, extending and deepening existing digital divides. In short, governments around the world failed in their obligation to promote a vibrant and reliable online public sphere.

👀 👉🏼

👀 👉🏼 Countries: 👇🏼

#surveillance #pandemic #digital #shadow #report #netpolitics #thinkabout
The disease-resistant patients exposing Covid-19's weak spots

• Blood types: O type and Rh- people have less risk for severe disease, while A type have more risk for severe illness.

• Genetic mutation impairing type I interferon makes them more susceptible to severe illness. Type I interferon injection is given as a preventative measure against severe illness.

• Autoantibodies against interferons makes them more susceptible to severe illness.

• People vulnerable to Covid-19 have five genes – linked to interferon response and susceptibility to lung inflammation. Combination of baricitinib (an anti-inflammatory drug user to treat rheumatoid arthritis) and the antiviral remdesivir reduces recovery times in Covid-19 patients.

#covid #pandemic #disease
Evil Billy has been releasing genetically modified frankenstein mosquitos on humanity, and now they tell us that they could be cause of a new pandemic.

Apparently since old narrative has been scrambled, now we have to deal with GMO mosquitos. God knows what kind of effect these mosquitos can have!

Evil never sleeps, so make sure to stay alert my friends.



Join @awakenedspecies #mosquitos #gmo #pandemic

I'm NOT on the side of "Hamas"
I'm NOT on the side of Netanyahu
Netanyahu & "Hamas" are on the same side: #WAR
I'm on the side of #CeasefireNOW
The psyop is designed to start #WW3
To accelerate the #GreatReset
Because the #Covid ID plan failed
They need ALL nations to come out badly from this
To install a #OneWorldGovernment
Under the #UnitedNations: the only "good" actor
Then they will control all of us from the #UN & #WHO
And a new "#pandemic" will begin again..
And they will ask us to inject ourselves again
Millions will die, again, from the "vaccine" toxicity..
And the depopulation program will be complete.