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All-cause #mortality in Germany is rapidly rising

During the second half of November Germany - the largest country in Europe - had a death rate almost 25% above normal, compared to 17% above normal in the first half of the month.

These extra deaths are mostly NOT from Covid.

For all of November, Germany reported almost 15,000 extra deaths. Excess deaths were almost normal in the spring and early summer; they have sharply risen since then.

#Germany’s mass vaccination campaign for most adults began late. On May 1, only 8 percent of German adults were fully vaccinated. On September 1, 61 percent were.

Is anyone even going to start asking questions, or are the public health authorities just too scared of what the answers might be?


Obesity increases chances of Covid death across ethnicities: Study of 12.6 million UK adults

South Asians with BMI 27 kg/m² at same risk of Covid death as white people with 40 kg/m² — according to study by University of Leicester researchers — published in ‘Nature Communications’.

For South Asians, BMI over 23 is considered as overweight and BMI over 27 is considered as obese.

#health #asia #obesity #mortality #bmi
#Mortality and "vaccination": official British figures show a catastrophe

>After a publication break of more than seven months, the British statistical authority has now presented figures that show for the first time on this scale how useless and even harmful the corona mass vaccination was. At no point in time and in no age group is there significant evidence of a lower overall mortality among vaccinated people. On the contrary, the state vaccination campaign led almost from the start to a higher overall mortality rate among those vaccinated, which also increases over time and is all the higher the younger the vaccinated people are.


#numbers #uk
'Definite causal link' between all-cause mortality and Covid vaccine rollouts |

A new study of 17 countries finds vaccines associated with net harm

“The COVID-19 vaccines did not save lives and appear to be lethal toxic agents.”

This is the strident position of a new paper by Denis Rancourt et al., analysing all-cause
mortality (ACM) in 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region.

The authors find a “definite causal link” between peaks in all-cause
mortality and rapid vaccine rollouts across four continents and a broad range of vaccine products, inlcuding the mRNAs, Covaxin, Sinovac and Johnson & Johnson.

The paper, which is 180 pages long and is yet to be peer-reviewed,* attempts to quantify the fatal toxicity risk per injection, which appears to be “exceedingly large in the most elderly.”

#Covid #Covid19 #jabs #mortality #plandemic #toxicity