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Stop complaining about us! - TikTok’s Criticism and Competition Guidelines

Those who complained about the video platform got demoted. We publish excerpts from the moderation rules of #TikTok. They show that not only political content made the video #platform nervous. The naming of #competitors and #criticism of the company were also punished.

„I think TikTok is stupid because it #censors content.“ Until recently, such a sentence in a TikTok video could lead to a situation where it would never reach a large audience. The same was true for clips that contained a screenshot from a #WhatsApp chat. Until at least September of this year, the video platform was demoting content that criticized the company or when somebody mentioned the name of a direct competitor of TikTok. This is documented by the moderation rules that was able to see.

For this #research spoke with a #source at TikTok, as well as examining moderation criteria and communications. In the article „TikTok: Cheerfulness and censorship“ we examined the moderation processes and the political implications of information control on the Chinese video platform. Now we focus on how the company has dealt with criticism and how it deals with its competitors (PDF). 👉🏼

Criticism of TikTok was unwelcome

One of the rules was able to see was „content depicting an attack on TikTok“. It said that „constructive criticism“ and „feedback“ were allowed. For content „attacking, condemning or criticizing TikTok“, the moderators were advised to mark the videos as „Not Recommend“. A classification of „Not Recommend“ greatly limits the possible viewership of a video. It then no longer appears in the algorithmically selected „For You“ feed, which the user sees when opening the app.

👉🏼 Read more:

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A reminder of what was occurring on the streets of towns and cities all over #Germany on the 26th of September 2022.

"Thousands of people in
#Gera in Germany against Olaf #Scholz's anti-#Nordstream policy and the explosion of energy and gas prices.

They demanded an end to
#sanctions on #Russia and the reopening of the #NordStream 2 gas #pipeline.

Demonstrations occurred also in other German cities but
#EU #media #censors them"

Later that night the pipelines were attacked and blownup by Germany's alleged #NATO "#ally" the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA