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I was asked “There’s been talk in the WHO about #Marburg Virus, threats, tests & vaccines. Did I think they might be about to release Marburg Virus?”

Note that Boris Johnson’s father, Stanley, wrote a 1982 novel called “The Marburg Virus”, now renamed “The Vitus”, which presages what’s been happening to us since early 2020. I’m no longer surprised by anything. Stanley is a full blown eugenicist lunatic.

Best wishes
#Mike #Yeadon

Here’s what I replied....
This is a really good article.
Note well the gem of an excerpt below.
I keep telling people that “boosters” of the same vaccine do not improve your functional immunity.
They’re LYING again, to get you to accept additional medicalisation. Please do not comply. It won’t help & might be very dangerous for some.
This is IN ADDITION to the known thromboembolic events which are killing lots of people, events which are MORE likely on subsequent jabs because it adds an “autoimmune component” to the response.
Best wishes

#boosters #Dr #Mike #Yeadon
This information about different safety profiles of different “lots” (#batches of finished product of covid19 vaccines) is completely without precedent.
I’m thinking about it & I don’t yet have clear in my mind what the envelope of plausible / possible explanations are.

But the bottom line is that the majority of lots were associated with good short term safety, few hospitalisations & death (true both for Pfizer & Moderna).

But in both cases, a small number of vaccine lots are associated with incredibly high rates of adverse events including deaths.

How can this possibly happen? Drug manufacturing is performed to exacting standards of control. The ‘active’ agent is made in batches (it cannot be guessed how many doses each batch makes, because no one has ever made commercial scale mRNA products before.

But each batch of what’s called “drug substance” is then used to formulate, fill, pack & label various lots of finished drug product.

Testing methods are developed for all of the manufacturing steps, together with standards for the results to be considered acceptable.

Something happened between drug substance & drug product which resulted in a small number of finished lots for distribution which were destined to kill huge numbers of people.

Possible explanations (not exhaustive):

1. Errors made in the final steps of manufacturing which resulted in certain batches bring reasonably benign & others extraordinarily deadly. I just cannot imagine the kind of mistakes which could produce such radically different clinical profiles. For example, poor handling during shipping & storage prior to administration to people. Problem I have with this is that such handling errors (eg allowing temperate to rise way above limits defined in stability testing) usually result in drug product which doesn’t work properly, as it’s degraded, not in drug product that’s incredible dangerous.

2. At some point in manufacturing, someone or some entity actively modified what was being filled into vials, and it was this which resulted in extreme skew of clinical safety profile.

There has been so much truly awful behaviour of “elites” that I’m simply not willing (as I would have historically) to dismiss the possibility that this has been done on purpose.

What I do know, and this is a test of whether there’s the slightest sign of integrity from these companies as well as the regulatory agencies, is that all use of the affected produce must immediately cease, all batches of drug substance & lots of drug product should cease.

The materials should be recalled to a place of stable storage & an intense analytical investigation initiated.

Unless factors are found which adequately explain the huge differences in clinical adverse event profiles, administration to humans must not restart.

If the manufacturers do not exhibit sufficient control of drug product, the authorisation they hold from various regulatory authorities are utterly voided.

Just when you thought this debacle couldn’t possibly get any worse, it gets much worse.

Expect to hear more about this.

Meanwhile, who in their right mind would roll up their sleeve?

Note, I have no information on the other vaccines or other territories not covered by this analysis of VAERS.

Best wishes

#Dr #Mike #Yeadon
Some of you may recall that i had deduced that Pfizer must have cheated in its clinical trial for its Covid19 vaccine. I say this because staggeringly unbalanced events occurred where far more subjects were removed for unspecified protocol violations in the Pfizer arm compared with the reference arm.
Impossible to occur by luck.

Now we have a whistleblower speaking of at least two sources of unblinding of that very trial.

Someone working on the trial described it as a complete mess.

Not good given you & your children’s lives depend on honest, competent work, with professional oversight from regulators.

Obviously, none of those vital ingredients are present in the product which, accordingly, you’d be well advised to avoid (along with the other covid19 vaccines).

Best wishes

#Dr #Mike #Yeadon

#numbers #trials
#Dr #Mike #Yeadon commented below the video

This is awful & heartbreaking. I feel so angry that so very many people trusted their government, public health officials & the pharmaceutical industry & “took the shot”.

These agents remain in clinical trials until 2022-23 & have never been “approved” by any medicines regulator (only authorised for use during an “emergency”). Not even the Pfizer agent is “approved”. The sneaky FDA only stamped “approved” on the BioNTech version, which is not available anywhere (& may never be, as small biotech companies don’t have commercial capacity to manufacture. Even if they “tolled it out”, they’d get get far smaller or no discounts like the majors can negotiate).

The question of determination of long-term safety is not going to be formally answered, because ALL of the big pharmaceutical companies have destroyed the clinical trials by offering vaccines to everyone in the Control arm of the trial.

We now know why they did that. Even in the short term, all of these spike protein-encoding agents have appallingly common adverse events. These are dominated by “thromboembolic” disorders, affecting blood clotting, bleeding & all the sequelae expected.

Do not accept boosters if you’ve been vaccinated.

Do not yield if you’ve resisted vaccination. Every person who capitulates adds coercive pressure in the remaining hold-outs.

The perpetrators are committing errors & these are cumulative.

1. Using an intrinsically dangerous design for all the vaccines - choosing spike protein as the only part of the virus to be presented to the immune system, when this was known to be a toxic protein, causing blood coagulation. These, though horrible, cannot be regarded as intended to kill large numbers of people. In thinking about why this technology was chosen, when they could have just used saline in order to herd the population onto a vaccine passports database, I concluded the most likely explanation is that they will use the lethal power of this technology in the coming phases.

I believe that the boosters at some point will be used to kill. Prior to that, though, we will have our remaining human freedoms stolen from us by means of requirements to be fully vaccinated in order to maintain access to your own life.

2. Pushing vaccination into children & now very young children. Because they’re at statistically zero risk from covid19, vaccination adds only harms, killing 50X more than they save. Some parents at least aren’t going to comply because they’ll rightly be worried about the unknown & increasingly common knowledge of severe side effects.

3. Moving too swiftly into adult “boosters”, 3rd and (in Israel) 4th injections. Plenty of people had non-lethal yet very unpleasant side effects already & sons of these people are going to vote with their feet & refuse. Do remember, there’s no need for them.

4. Vaccine passports are obviously fraudulent. They never could have delivered what people at first anticipated: that vaccinated people were safer to be around. The U.K. prime minister made the extraordinary statement that “sadly, the vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission”.
So VaxPass adds absolutely nothing to public safety, yet are an extraordinarily intrusive measure.

People get this & I expect at least some vaccinated people to absolutely refuse to have anything to do with them.

5. Steadily, I believe public consciousness is slowly returning. So all this talk about further lockdowns, mask diktats & MANDATORY VACCINATION is going to strike increasing numbers of people as malignant.

THESE MISTAKES HAVE ARISEN, I believe, because of arrogance on the part of the perpetrators. We must & will capitalise on their mistakes purely by focussing our energies upon them.

Here’s hoping. Do not give up. Do not give in. Use CASH as often as you can. Connect to other, awake people, hug & remain confident that, whatever happens, the diabolical planners are NOT going to get what they expected but instead, their just rewards.
It’s simply NOT TRUE that unvaccinated people are spreading the virus.

On the contrary, those who’ve been vaccinated show consistently higher case rates than the unvaccinated.

Think Austria’s lockdown of the unvaccinated is rational?
Clearly it isn’t.

That means it has a different motive.
One which will engulf you too, if you tolerate this & remain silent.

#Dr #Mike #Yeadon

I keep saying the vaccines do not do anything except harm

More evidence of that from Scotland

#Dr #Mike #Yeadon

Scottish Data released November 24:

1) 74% of the Covid hospitalizations in the past month are in the vaccinated (Table 19: 1,564 vaccinated + 559 unvaccinated = 2,123 total hospitalizations. 1,564 / 2,123 = 73.7%)

2) 89% of the Covid deaths in the past month are in the vaccinated (Table 20: 447 vaccinated + 54 unvaccinated. 447/501 = 89.4%)

Why are they mandating vaccination again?
Media is too big
"It's permanent, totalitarian, and it's nearly here. So what now?" - #Dr #Mike #Yeadon

Short extract from Doctors for Covid Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Symposium II - Sounding the Call, held yesterday evening on December 10th 2021.

I felt compelled to caption this and share it, because it's incredibly important that everybody listens to these words and acts upon them at this moment.

Nobody is coming to save us folks. It's up to every single one of us.

All credit and copyright to Doctors for Covid Ethics and UK Column. And thank you to Mike Yeadon for his courage over the past 18 months.

You can watch the full seminar replay here:

This article by Ashmedai is a superb run-through of the adverse effects which the Covid19 gene-based vaccines cause, based on a detailed series of different “mechanisms of toxicity”.

I doubt you’ll find a better listing. At least, I’ve not seen one anywhere near as comprehensive.

The author tartly notes, this is for those ignorant critics who say things like “There’s no known mechanism for the c19 vaccines to cause side effects like you’re describing…”. Oh, really?

Best wishes
#Dr #Mike #Yeadon

#tldr #mrna #spike #harm #safe #effective
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Choice of Full-length #Spike Protein by Competing Companies as Sole COVID "Vaccine" Target Reveals #Bioweapon Operation: #Dr. #Mike #Yeadon

There could be no worse jab antigen pick: toxic, rapidly mutating to escape vaccinal immunity, and having humanlike protein sequences to provoke autoimmunity, says Pfizer ex-boss.

"In a video interview, Pfizer’s former respiratory medicine chief Michael Yeadon PhD decries singular use of the SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein for Covid vaccines as highly toxic, rapidly mutating to enable vaccinal immune escape, and containing too many human-like amino acid sequences, provoking autoimmune reactions in many injectees.

In agreement, this newsletter has noted potentially deadly design features of current Covid vaccines and the incredible 'coincidence' in the awful 'choice' of full-length spike protein targeting by multiple vaccine companies.

These are signs Covid is a bioweapon operation…"

👉 Read more: Dr. James Hill

#safe #effective #harm