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TikTok: Cheerfulness and censorship

Never before has a #platform grown as fast as TikTok. We have gained exclusive insight into its content moderation and are publishing excerpts from its moderation rules: TikTok operates a sophisticated system to identify, #control, #suppress and direct content. The platform can throttle videos of #protests and #demonstrations according to its rules.

No #app has been downloaded as often as TikTok in the past year. The video sharing platform is growing rapidly. In November 2019, TikTok broke the 1 billion-user barrier – faster than any other social network ever before. The video app and its culture are currently so popular with children and young people that even the Tagesschau (the major German public TV News programme) now has its own account there.

However, #research by shows that TikTok is currently able to #suppress videos of political protests and demonstrations and additionally determine which content is visible, through a variety of means.

☣️ Exclusive insight into content moderation
For this research, spoke to a source at #TikTok, looked at moderation criteria and communications, and experimented with specially created accounts to see how well videos with China-critical content are visible on the platform.

TikToks moderation rules, of which was able to see different versions, are remarkably thin and widely interpretable – even for the moderators themselves. The strategy, however, is clear: certain content is given the widest possible reach, while others are systematically suppressed.

The successful platform belongs to the #Chinese #technology company #ByteDance. Already in September, the Guardian reported on leaked documents that detailed how TikTok censored political statements on the #Tiananmen #massacre or the independence of #Tibet. The protests in Hong Kong, which are currently attracting worldwide media attention, are virtually invisible on TikTok between selfies and singalongs, even though the app is available in Hong Kong.

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China due to introduce face scans for mobile users

People in China are now required to have their faces scanned when registering new mobile phone services, as the authorities seek to verify the identities of the country's hundreds of millions of internet users.

The #regulation, announced in September, was due to come into effect on Sunday.
The #government says it wants to "protect the legitimate rights and interest of #citizens in #cyberspace".
#China already uses #facial #recognition #technology to #survey its #population.

It is a world leader in such technologies, but their intensifying use across the country in recent years has sparked debate.

What are the new rules?

When signing up for new mobile or mobile data contracts, people are already required to show their national identification card (as required in many countries) and have their photos taken.

But now, they will also have their faces scanned in order to verify that they are a genuine match for the ID provided.

China has for years been trying to enforce rules to ensure that everyone using the internet does so under their "real-name" identities.

In 2017, for example, new rules required internet platforms to verify a user's true identity before letting them post online content.

The new regulation for telecom operators was framed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as a way to "strengthen" this system and ensure that the government can identify all mobile phone users. Most Chinese internet users access the web via their phones.

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#surveillance #thinkabout #why
Conservative government giving NHS data to Amazon for free, documents reveal

US company will be able to access all ‘healthcare information, including without limitation symptoms, causes, and definitions’

#NHS #data on the #health of the #population is being handed over to #Amazon at no charge under a controversial deal between the #USA giant and the #Department of Health and Social Care.

While individual patient data is not being given to the company, a copy of the December 2018 contract between Amazon and the #DHSC reveals the company will be able to profit from its access to a range of NHS information.

Health secretary Matt #Hancock hailed the deal with Amazon in July as a way to help give patients better medical advice using #technology such as #Alexa, which uses Amazon’s #algorithm to answer key question.

Campaigners from #Privacy International obtained a copy of the contract using freedom of information laws. The full contract reveals the deal goes far beyond medical advice for use by Alexa.

It states the company will be able to access all “healthcare information, including without limitation symptoms, causes, and definitions, and all related copyrightable content, data, information and other materials”, the DHSC has.

The contract allows Amazon to use this data in a number of ways – not just providing advice to UK users.

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#DeleteAmazon #UK #thinkabout
The Far-Right Helped Create The World's Most Powerful Facial Recognition Technology

Clearview AI, which has alarmed privacy experts, hired several far-right employees, a HuffPost investigation found.

Advanced facial recognition technology poses a mortal threat to privacy. It could grant the government, corporations and even average citizens the ability to capture a photo of anybody and, with a few keystrokes, uncover all kinds of personal details. So when The New York Times published an exposé about a shadowy facial recognition firm called Clearview AI in January, it seemed like the worst nightmare of privacy advocates had arrived.

Clearview is the most powerful form of facial recognition technology ever created, according to the Times. With more than 3 billion photos scraped surreptitiously from social media profiles and websites, its image database is almost seven times the size of the FBI’s. Its mobile app can match names to faces with a tap of a touchscreen. The technology is already being integrated into augmented reality glasses so people can identify almost anyone they look at.

Clearview has contracts with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, BuzzFeed reported earlier this year, and FBI agents, members of Customs and Border Protection, and hundreds of police officers at departments nationwide are among its users.

With the coronavirus pandemic increasingly throwing the country into chaos and President Donald Trump moving to expand domestic surveillance powers ― in theory, to better map disease spread ― Clearview has sought deeper inroads into government infrastructure and is now in discussions with state agencies to use its technology to track infected people, according to The Wall Street Journal.

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#clearview #facial #recognition #technology #privacy #thinkabout #why
EU is selling surveillance tech to China, says rights group

Report says EU exports are enabling human rights abuses.

European tech companies are selling digital surveillance technology to China, according to rights group Amnesty International.

Amnesty's findings, published Monday, come ahead of negotiations this week in Brussels on European surveillance export rules, known as Recast Dual Use Regulation.

The research found that three companies in France, Sweden and the Netherlands sold surveillance tools including facial recognition technology and network cameras to Chinese security agencies.

#Europe #EU #surveillance #technology #China
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Deep Nostalgia uses video reenactment technology to animate faces in still photos

Those family photos hung on the wall might soon take on a new life.

The genealogy platform MyHeritage released a feature that animates faces in still photos using video reenactment technology.

The feature, called Deep Nostalgia, produces a realistic depiction of how a person could have moved and looked if they were captured on video.

#deep #nostalgia #technology #video #reenactment #MyHeritage
Israel Is Using a Vast Network of Biometric Cameras to Terrorize Palestinians - Truthout – June 2023

The facial recognition surveillance system violates Palestinians’ human rights to freedom of movement and privacy.

Israel is deepening its system of apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territories by using artificial intelligence-powered biometric facial recognition technology to track and restrict the movements of Palestinian people.

Facial recognition technology identifies and categorizes people on the basis of their physical features, including race, ethnicity, gender, age and disability status

#Israel #Palestine #Apartheid #Technology #FacialRecognition #surveillance #AI #Biometrics
The Palestine Laboratry - May 2023 - Anthony Loewenstein

My aim in The Palestine Laboratory is to show how the Israel/Palestine conflict has been exported globally. The tools and technologies Israel uses to repress Palestinians are sold to over 130 nations around the world. Repression and surveillance tech, from spyware to facial recognition tools, are "battle-tested" in Palestine and then marketed to countries across the globe, many of which want to oppress their own unwanted populations, from journalists and human rights workers to dissidents and critics. I wrote this book as both an investigation and warning to remind people that Israel's occupation isn't just brutalizing Palestinians but also finding its way into countless other countries.

#Israel #Technology
#IsraelTechnologies #ToolsOfRepression #Palestine
#Apartheid #Export #Business
Talitrix Prison-Monitoring System Tracks Inmates Down to Their Heart Rate | WIRED

Documents WIRED obtained detail new prison-monitoring technology that keeps tabs on inmates’ location, heartbeats, and more.

The system, which was created by Georgia-based firm Talitrix, can track an inmate’s heartbeat, determine their location every 30 seconds, and create 3D images showing who comes into contact with whom. Documents WIRED obtained through a public record request, including a legal agreement, statements of work, and internal PowerPoint presentations, describe how the monitoring system operates and provide a glimpse into its inner workings.

#SmartPrison #USA #Surveillance #Technology
Israeli Occupation: How Microsoft, IBM, Cisco and Dell Enable Surveillance and Control in Palestine – June 2023

In September, Israel installed an AI-powered gun at a military checkpoint in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron. Now, that same technology has been deployed at the entrance of the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem. Across occupied East Jerusalem, you can find surveillance cameras strategically placed on street corners. And throughout the West Bank, Palestinians’ encounters with Israeli soldiers often include not only violence but face-scanning apps designed to capture their personal data

Who Profits, an Israeli research center documenting the private sector’s links to Israeli occupation, released a report in May on multinational tech companies’ role in facilitating Israel’s human rights violations. The impact of each company ranges, with some overseeing a major project while others provide equipment to a system already in place.

#Apartheid #Technology #biometric #IBM #Cisco #Microsoft #Dell #AI
The seer and the seen: Surveying Palantir’s surveillance platform

Palantir is among the most secretive and understudied surveillance firms globally. The company supplies information technology solutions for data integration and tracking to police and government agencies, humanitarian organizations, and corporations. To illuminate and learn more about Palantir’s opaque surveillance practices, we begin by sketching Palantir’s company history and contract network, followed by an explanation of key terms associated with Palantir’s technology area and a description of the firm’s platform ecosystem.

#Palantir #technology #USA
Israel's armed drones are heralding an era of automated killing | 972mag - September 2023

The Israeli army has been using armed drones for decades to carry out, among other things, extrajudicial executions. But until last year, it was officially forbidden to publish this basic fact in the Israeli media; only on July 20, 2022, did the Israeli military censor change its policy. The longstanding media ban helped to stifle an informed public debate in Israel on the morality of these drones, even as such lively discussions were happening elsewhere in the world, especially around their use by the U.S. military. 

A +972 and Local Call investigation reveals three cases — one of them during Operation Protective Edge in 2014, and two during Operation Guardian of the Walls in 2021 — in which nine Palestinian non-combatants, including five children, were killed as a result of missiles fired from drones.

#Drones #Palestine #Apartheid #Technology
🇵🇸A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza | 972mag

The Israeli army’s expanded authorization for bombing non-military targets, the loosening of constraints regarding expected civilian casualties, and the use of an artificial intelligence system to generate more potential targets than ever before, appear to have contributed to the destructive nature of the initial stages of Israel’s current war on the Gaza Strip, an investigation by +972 Magazine and Local Call reveals.

These factors, as described by current and former Israeli intelligence members, have likely played a role in producing what has been one of the deadliest military campaigns against Palestinians since the Nakba of 1948.

#Gaza #Genocide #Destruction #Desolation #Infastructure #Technology #AI #AIA #IOF
Media is too big
🇵🇸 Gaza is a weapons lab for the arms industry w/Antony Loewenstein | The Chris Hedges Report

Whether it's drone technology or the infamous Pegasus spy software, Israel has long developed and refined repressive technologies used by governments around the world by testing them on Palestinians. Antony Loewenstein, journalist and author of The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a deep dive into the disturbing links between Israeli Apartheid, the arms industry, and global repression of civilian populations.

Previous post with Anthony Loewenstein 1 | 2

#Palestine #Irsael #Arms #AIA #AI #Technology #ArmsTrade #Drones #Book #Author #ArmsIndustry #AnthonyLoewenstein #Surveillance
Tom Dawson, Deputy Secretary-General of the International Federation of Journalists, to Ultra Palestine speaking about Israel's targeting of journalists in Gaza: "It seems that Israel has a targeting system supported by artificial intelligence, called Gospel (in Hebrew, HabSoura), which allows for such precise killing and tracks individuals as they return to their homes and workplaces."( text source @QudsNen)

Initial Post/Source on Gospel AI in Gaza and OPT : "A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza | 972mag

The Gospel’: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza | The Guardian

#Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #AI #TheGospel #AutomatedKillings #AIA
#Technology #Journalist
About Face (Recognition) | EFF

Is your face truly your own, or is it a commodity to be sold, a weapon to be used against you? A company called #Clearview AI has scraped the internet to gather (without consent) 30 billion images to support a tool that lets users identify people by picture alone. Though it’s primarily used by law enforcement, should we have to worry that the eavesdropper at the next restaurant table, or the creep who’s bothering you in the bar, or the protestor outside the abortion clinic can surreptitiously snap a pic of you, upload it, and use it to identify you, where you live and work, your social media accounts, and more? 

Kashmir Hill has been writing about the intersection of #privacy and #technology for well over a decade; her book about Clearview AI’s rise and practices was published last fall. She speaks with the #EFF about how face recognition technology’s rapid evolution may have outpaced ethics and regulations, and where we might go from here. 

🇵🇸 How western Big Tech giants enable Israel's occupation | By Kit Klarenberg

#HewlettPackard, #Motorola, and other western tech conglomerates have been deeply involved in providing the technological infrastructure that supports Israeli apartheid and settler colonialism. This is how they profit from the oppression of Palestinians.

This investigation is the second in a series that examines illegal investments by western #corporations in the occupied Palestinian territories. The first investigation can be found here.

#Technology #Gaza #Genocide #Apartheid