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iOS, The Future Of macOS, Freedom, Security And Privacy In An Increasingly Hostile Global Environment

This post by a security researcher who prefers to remain anonymous will elucidate concerns about certain problematic decisions Apple has made and caution about future decisions made in the name of “security” while potentially hiding questionable motives. The content of this article represents only the opinion of the researcher. The researcher apologises if any content is seen to be inaccurate, and is open to comments or questions through PGP-encrypted mail.

⛔️iOS subliminally and constantly collects sensitive data, links it to hardware identifiers almost guaranteed to link to a real identity

⛔️iOS forces users to “activate” devices (including non-cellular) which sets up a remote UUID-linked (also collecting registration IP) database for a given device with Apple for APNS/iMessage/FaceTime/Siri, and then Apple ID, iCloud etc. Apple ought be open to users about “activation” and allow users to avoid it.

⛔️Apple Activation servers are accessed via Akamai, which means sensitive data may be cached by Akamai and its’ peering partners' which includes many global ISPs and IXPs

⛔️Risk that macOS could be iOS-ified in the near future in the name of “security” while ignoring significant flaws in iOS’ design wrt privacy, forcing users to unnecessarily trust Apple with potentially sensitive data in order to even simply use devices.

⛔️Controversial, draconian surveillance laws being implemented worldwide which could take advantage of Apple’s data collection and OS design choices, notably in, but not limited to, China, one of Apple's largest markets.

❗️If iOS is to really be considered a secure OS, and if vanilla macOS is to become more secure, independent end-user control must be considered. Increased low-level design security at the cost of control, and the ability to prevent leaking data, cannot be considered a real improvement in security.

Much more info and source:

#iOS #macOS #freedom #security #privacy
True privacy and security depend on free software

For all of the assurances you might receive from proprietary software companies that they respect your right to privacy, it is impossible to guarantee that your online communications are actually private without free software. Among technical users, it's common knowledge that privacy is dependent on strong encryption. However, the complex connection between software freedom, encryption, and privacy can be a little difficult to explain in the course of our individual activism, and is due for a more in-depth explanation.

Encryption is about keeping secrets secret, whether that means messages between you and a loved one, sensitive documents, or an entire hard drive. It also isn't only for those with something to hide: making strong encryption part of standard practice increases the safety of all those who really do need it by making it a normal thing to do. When your personal information is at stake, it's all the more important that encryption technology be based on free software. Even the most "benign" proprietary programs have a long history of mistreating their users, and a single "snitch" or backdoor in a proprietary encryption program in some cases could cost lives. At the FSF, we advocate for software freedom in any and all situations -- and in some cases, your safety may depend upon it.

👀 👉🏼

#privacy #encryption #backdoor #activism #software #freedom #thinkabout
Google to Start Censoring Telegram

Fake news or justifiable warning? You be the judge.

I saw a message today stating the “Google Play Store is now censoring certain pages on Telegram if you downloaded the app through them.” The message suggested a simple workaround to download the app directly from

👉🏼 Here’s the message in its entirety:

"Google Play Store is now censoring certain pages on Telegram if you downloaded the app through them.

To get around this simply download the Android app directly from Telegram themselves. Less censorship and more updates.

Before you delete the Google play store Telegram app, install the new one directly from Telegram which will send you a security code to your Telegram messages. Once you have the code from the old app and you enter it into the new one, you can then delete the Google play store version.

Having seen videos I consider important disappearing from YouTube recently I wouldn’t put it past Google to dupe the chattle into downloading a doctored version of Telegram in order to protect people stamp out free speech in order to suppress the fast-rising global freedom movement organizing on Telegram.

Whether or not the message I shared above was true or false is less important to me than maintaining free speech. And so I’d like to share a few resources I’ve learned about from being on Telegram which can help you do just that:

#BigTech #censorship #dystopia #freedom #google #DeleteGoogle #youtube #telegram #thinkabout
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
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#Australian #eSafety commissioner Julie Inman #Grant tells the World Economic Forum we need a "recalibration" of #freedom of #speech.

"We are finding ourselves in a place where we have increasing polarization everywhere, and everything feels binary when it doesn't need to be - so I think we're going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online - from freedom of speech, to be free from online violence.

Or the right of data protection, to the right of child dignity,"

whatever that last part means...... 🤷‍♂
Forwarded from Anwar Nillufary
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@Hostage_Of_Europe 👈