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Letter to the eff (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

The legal situation in the EU and especially in Germany is getting worse every week.
After the upload filters, the state now demands that backdoors be built into the new 5G network so that the state can listen in and stingrays can be used effectively again (

The highlight today is the news that Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) wants to give security authorities access to standard end-to-end encrypted chats and telephone calls.
Messenger services such as WhatsApp or Telegram are to be obligated to record the communication of their customers on court order and send it to the authorities - in readable form, i.e. unencrypted. As SPIEGEL reports in its current issue, providers who do not comply with this obligation should be able to be blocked for Germany by order of the Federal Network Agency. (

These are all serious measures and the EU and Germany in particular are increasingly developing into a surveillance state.

We need help, we need attention, we need to make people think.

I would be happy to hear from you and be very grateful for any advice.

Yours sincerely

📡 @NoGoolag
#eff #decrypt #whatsapp #telegram #wire #threema #germany #statetrojan #backdoor #why #eu
Electronic Frontier Foundation reply regarding "The legal situation in the EU and especially in Germany is getting worse every week."


📡 @NoGoolag
#eff #decrypt #whatsapp #telegram #wire #threema #germany #statetrojan #backdoor #why #eu
Staying Private While Using Google Docs for Legal & Mutual Aid Work

Regardless of your opinion about Google, their suite of collaborative document editing tools provides a powerful resource in this tumultuous time. Across the country, grassroots groups organizing mutual aid relief work in response to COVID-19 and legal aid as part of the recent wave of protests have relied on Google Docs to coordinate efforts and get help to those that need it. Alternatives to the collaborative tools either do not scale well, are not as usable or intuitive, or just plain aren’t available. Using Google Sheets to coordinate who needs help and how can provide much-needed relief to those hit hardest. But it’s easy to use these tools in a way Google didn’t envision, and trigger account security lockouts in the process.

#eff #google #docs
The Senate’s New Anti-Encryption Bill Is Even Worse Than EARN IT, and That’s Saying Something

Right now, we rely on secure technologies like never before—to cope with the pandemic, to organize and march in the streets, and much more. Yet, now is the moment some members of the Senate Judiciary and Intelligence Committees have chosen to try to effectively outlaw encryption in those very technologies.

The new Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act—introduced this week by Senators Graham, Blackburn, and Cotton—ignores expert consensus and public opinion, which is unfortunately par for the course.

#eff #law #encryption
Brazil's Fake News Bill Would Dismantle Crucial Rights Online and is on a Fast Track to Become Law

Despite widespread complaints about its effects on free expression and privacy, Brazilian Congress is moving forward in its attempts to hastily approve a "Fake News" bill. We've already reported about some of the most concerning issues in previous proposals, but the draft text released this week is even worse. It will hinder users' access to social networks and applications, require the construction of massive databases of users' real identities, and oblige companies to keep track of our private communications online.

#eff #brazil #privacy #law
California Agency Blocks Release of Police Use of Force and Surveillance Training, Claiming Copyright

Under a California law that went into effect on January 1, 2020, all law enforcement training materials must be “conspicuously” published on the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) website.

However, if you visit POST’s Open Data hub and try to download the officer training materials relating to face recognition technology or automated license plate readers (ALPRs), or the California Peace Officers Association’s course on use of force, you will receive only a Word document with a single sentence

#eff #surveillance
EFF to Court: Social Media Users Have Privacy and Free Speech Interests in Their Public Information

Visa applicants to the United States are required to disclose personal information including their work, travel, and family histories. And as of May 2019, they are required to register their social media accounts with the U.S. government. According to the State Department, approximately 14.7 million people will be affected by this new policy each year.

#eff #us #privacy
Inside the Invasive, Secretive “Bossware” Tracking Workers

COVID-19 has pushed millions of people to work from home, and a flock of companies offering software for tracking workers has swooped in to pitch their products to employers across the country.

The services often sound relatively innocuous. Some vendors bill their tools as “automatic time tracking” or “workplace analytics” software. Others market to companies concerned about data breaches or intellectual property theft. We’ll call these tools, collectively, “bossware.” While aimed at helping employers, bossware puts workers’ privacy and security at risk by logging every click and keystroke, covertly gathering information for lawsuits, and using other spying features that go far beyond what is necessary and proportionate to manage a workforce.

#eff #privacy #security
Google's AMP, the Canonical Web, and the Importance of Web Standards

Have you ever clicked on a link after googling something, only to find that Google didn’t take you to the actual webpage but to some weird Google-fied version of it? Instead of the web address being the source of the article, it still says “google” in the address bar on your phone? That’s what’s known as Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), and now Google has announced that AMP has graduated from the OpenJS Foundation Incubation Program. The OpenJS Foundation is a merged effort between major projects in the JavaScript ecosystem, such as NodeJS and jQuery, whose stated mission is “to support the healthy growth of the JavaScript and web ecosystem”. But instead of a standard starting with the web community, a giant company is coming to the community after they’ve already built a large part of the mobile web and are asking for a rubber stamp. Web community discussion should be the first step of making web standards, and not just a last-minute hurdle for Google to clear.

#amp #eff #google
Hundreds of Police Departments with Deadly Histories Partner with Amazon’s Ring Surveillance Cameras

Partnerships Include Agencies Responsible for Over 30% of Fatal Encounters Over the Last Five Years

San Francisco – Research by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) shows that hundreds of U.S. police departments with deadly histories have official partnerships with Amazon’s Ring—a home-surveillance company that makes it easy to send video footage to law enforcement.

Ring sells networked cameras, often bundled with doorbells or lighting, that record video when they register movement and then send notifications to owners’ cell phones. Ring’s partnerships allow police to seek access to private video footage directly from residents through a special web portal.

#eff #amazon #surveillance